You Ain't Right Club

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GotSmart said:
And now to Masterplumber.   :idea:

The man that has so many jobs that have made many peope say the magic words.  "Now that aint right." You have been a building inspector.   :dodgy:   Camped with many teenage sugered up kids  :dodgy: enouraged your own children to find the most non traditional means of living possible,  :dodgy:  and traveles with a huge wolfie dog that talks and complains.  Most of all, for skipping the best thing on this forum.  THIS STINKIN THREAD!  Then there is the constantly going out of your way to help everyone.  

I have your number ~~~   :cool: 

You are such the shining example of humanity that YOU AIN"T RIGHT!  And niether is your dog or your son Ben.   :D  If only there was a cash award to go with this "honor" you would get the largest award possible.  
I now award you with not only a STINKIN BADGE, but the rare FULL MONTE badge for knowing the secret words.  A speach is required, or I will post your address with the caption "Puppies Wanted."   ;)

If you want the speech you'll have to get back on the road and share a camp with me sometime. It can only be delivered in person. Otherwise it's a novel and I don't write. As for the puppies, we once had 13 dogs, 40 cats, 50 goats, 12 horses, 8 pigs, 150 rabbits, and a couple ducks and chickens when i was growing up. So a few puppies wouldn't be a big deal for me, but you can explain it to the missus. ?
masterplumber said:
If you want the speech you'll have to get back on the road and share a camp with me sometime. It can only be delivered in person. Otherwise it's a novel and I don't write. As for the puppies, we once had 13 dogs, 40 cats, 50 goats, 12 horses, 8 pigs, 150 rabbits, and a couple ducks and chickens when i was growing up. So a few puppies wouldn't be a big deal for me, but you can explain it to the missus. ?

Perhaps sooner than later on sharing that camp. :D  I would love to have Ben there also, as he is living the dream.    

I refuse to cross that wonderful missus of yours.  She will give me a sad look~~~ and I will be toast.    

We do need a little something to placate The wierd leadership of the club.  HMMMM.  It aint right to not give a speech, so you might be covered by a loophole.  But I am unable to protect you if the powers award you a Flying Manure Spreader.    

Is there an award for having excessive bunnies?  I will have to look into that one.

The "Flying Manure Spreader" is not awarded for stories given around the campfire.
Failure to respond here will be considered by "She Who Must Be Obeyed" as
"Ain't Right" and I have no control over what you might be nominated for ???
(That's all I have to say about that!)

Exceeding the posted bunny limit would of course be a class B "Ain't Right" infraction.
However this having been in the past the statute of limitations excuses the infraction.

Ditto for the 40 cats..............

13 dogs is a sled team for the Iditarod.

However you are hereby awarded a "Flying Manure Spreader "
due to the immense volume of manure created with such a menagerie. The corn patch must have been impressive!

I an also considering an award for the most solar panel total watts though.
You're still in the running for what I promise will be a very prestigious award indeed !
Stay tuned for further developments on this...............

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
Cammalu said:
Our Ain't Right neighbors

Well that's jist a redneck toy hauler!   :D  I don't know what ain't write about that  :rolleyes: 

rvpopeye said:
TJB has somehow not been recognized for her "Ain't Rightness"!
and maybe another for ankle biter Queenie too!

GotSmart said:
By your actions you have proven that you are indeed one of us.  (Us being the tribe collectvely)  In your postings you have proven to have the gumption to always go against the tide.  The alphabet soup guy has made it official, and you are awarded a "STINKIN BADGE.

rvpopeye said:
And for your little dog too ! *

GotSmart said:
Over the years you have proven to be as independant and a general means of amusement to the tribe.  Somptin aint right that you controle TJB so well.  She is completrly fooled by your helpless doggy act.  BUT I KNOW you are the leader of the Jewelled one.  For that action you are awarded a stinkin badge.

rvpopeye said:
Thanks Badgemaster
I awarded Queenie a tiny one  * cuz I figured a big one would be too much to lug around (not that the e badges weigh anything :rolleyes: ).....but TJB probably should get two anyway for reading the little poochie's mind and putting words to Queenie's actions 

:) On behalf of Queenie and myself, I Thank everyone in our lives that made these awards possible.

Prior to receiving these Stinkin' Badges:

She wanted me to tell the story about waking up in my fur coat at a friends house with a "Warning, Road Closed" sawhorse with  the blinking light still flashing next to me...errrrrr......her.
 :cool:  Sounds like some Texas BS that starts  "Ya ain't gonna believe this $hit"   'Sides her legs are so short she couldn't reach the clutch pedal in a 1978 Chevy van with 3 on the tree to drive it.

That ol' Queenie's been around to be only 7yrs old :angel:  
I better keep a closed eye on her ;)

                  Jewellann & Sleepy 
 She's wore out, 2 of "her" men stopped by today.  Her tail wags so fast she's gonna need a hip replacement :D
Txjaybird said:
You hit the nail on the head!
Run for got our vote! 


Nope!  Tigger says HIDE!

Find him if you can.


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GotSmart said:
And now~~~ (Drum roll please)  To Accidental Discharges for her tendancy to have a invigerating effect on nekid men.  May your shadow never fade, and your presence continue to make the heart race.  (The male members of this comittee request a phone warning of your being within 100 miles.) 

Please make another insperational acceptance speech.  We thank you.

:angel:  Ya, Well Thanks.......I already got your number :p   
You'll prolly move before I can get within 100 miles of you anyways.

Gary68 said:
just wait around and see if TJB shots him and then try to determine if thats a good or bad sign

:huh: Hey now!  I've never shot a fella while only firing warning shots!

That BB shot to the buttocks' wasn't a was justified.....he'd already been warned.  
I was 17yrs old and had a 38 Iver Johnson under my pillow.  I wasn't lethal...just aggravated :p
Jeez, that was like 100yrs ago anyways   :angel:

P.S.    I'm tellin' Queenie!
I, Monkeyfoot, She Who Must Be Obeyed, and The Nominator hereby nominate One Awesome Inch for his skylight install video where, before he even starts talking about the skylight, manages to beg for sex in full public on YouTube. In addition to this grievous transgression, One Awesome Inch, just by virtue of picking such a name as THAT has ruined any chances of ever having such sex as begged for.

Buddy, I know and heard all my life it's not the size that counts but you gotta draw a line still somewhere and one inch, no matter how awesome, is still ONE INCH. You need a badge for bold and flagrant non rightness for sure.

Video proof follows:

Ok so I didn't really know what twerking was... my daughter had commented that the baby was twerking when she took her diaper off. So my assumption was about anybody would twerk what ever that means if their booty was submersed in root beer. But since it is a bad word, I looked it up on utube. Blush. Now I'm going to have to have a talk with my grand daughter.
The ever changing Englsih language.
Our Japanese exchange class in Karate visited and during a formal dinner said the main difference between Canadian and Japanese was we were more gay! Yeah, he meant happy and this was in 1983....

"I am so happy, oh so happy, and gay...."

Glad to see a moose is still a moose
a mouse is still a mouse

Two mouse are called mice
and two moose are no longer called mooses

they dropped it and now moose is singular and plural.

To twerk is to bounce ones butt, past what you read into it...LOL
White men can't jump
and SHOULD NEVER TWERK!!! :angel: :angel: :dodgy:
LOL! ;) :D
Scott7022 said:
To twerk is to bounce ones butt, past what you read into it...LOL
White men can't jump
and SHOULD NEVER TWERK!!! :angel: :angel: :dodgy:
LOL! ;) :D

You asked for it ~~~  


So, wiggling your butt is twerking? Learn something new every day!
Queen said:
So, wiggling your butt is twerking?  Learn something new every day!

More like a cat in heat.  

This new generation is quite creative in the effort to offend previous generations.  :D
GotSmart said:
More like a cat in heat.  

This new generation is quite creative in the effort to offend previous generations.  :D

Yup, we called that dirty dogging back in the disco days. LOL
BTW all you preachers and religious folk... if you look up twerking on utube remember the Bible says if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out.... just thought I'd save a lot of eye plucking...
Snikwahjm said:
BTW all you preachers and religious folk... if you look up twerking on utube remember the Bible says if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out.... just thought I'd save a lot of eye plucking...

Bwahahahahaha. You ain't right!!!
GotSmart said:
You asked for it ~~~  



Boogie Storm  All Performance  -   Britains' Got Talent   2016  -  3rd one in audition   - Beyonce "Single Woman, my fav :)

I can't do "click on's"

Giver of the "Stinkin' Badges"
:dodgy: Give yourself at least one more "Stinkin' Badge" for posting that Stormtrooper Video!
And I'm adding to your official title once again.....
"The Weirdo Badgernator" , somehow I missed that when I came up with your original.
(I couldn't see a cat anywhere in that pic.
Is he related to that Cheshire kitty in Alice in Wonderland??)

Accidental Discharge
Very nice short acceptance.
I received a PM from Queenie !
(Those short legs might not be able to clutch the van but evidently you left the keyboard unattended while she was there.) :rolleyes:
Anyway , she insists it was you in the fur coat and not her and also disavows anything to do with the Road Closed device.
And then goes on to state it really happened. No Texas BS about it !
So , if you would kindly tell us more about what led up to this happening and she also suggested to ask if you were wearing anything besides the fur??
Oh yeah , I'm calling Texas BS on you actually being 117 years old.

This could get you another "Stinkin' Badge" or even a "Flying Manure Spreader" awarded depending on if everyone believes what you decide to write..or if you are playing those cards "Ain't Right".

It has been mentioned here at "Weirdo Central" that you have now received your "Tinkin' Badge" and we are waiting for photographic confirmation as previously posted........

"Wiggling your butt" is probably an over simplication of twerking ! ?
There must be other phrases to better comment or describe THAT ?

Bathes In Rootbeer
So , that's where the phrase "Stop That Or You Will Go Blind" came from !
Who Knew ?

And now , on to the award for One Awesome Inch............................
A "Stinkin' Badge" AND an official title is in order!
The club shall now call you "Inch Worm"

Being I yam what I yam ,
I'm going to ask for an explanation .....
Mostly cuz She Who Must Be Obeyed demanded one! ...

To All "You Ain't Righters"
One more official request from "She Who Must Be Obeyed aka "The Weirdo Nominator"(Yup another new title change). If you requested one of the OFFICIAL Bona Fide "Stinkin' Badges" she has made ,pleeeeeze PM your mailing addy to her.

T W O h s,,,,P.O.

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