You Ain't Right Club

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pnolans said:
GS, don't you kind of have to do some of BOTH????? 

just askin, is all.

Before he could swim my youngest son used to jump in the deep end of the pool, sit on the bottom and watch the bubbles go up, never worried if we saw him go in or that we would be able to revive him.  That ain't right but his father ain't right either.
bullfrog said:
Before he could swim my youngest son used to jump in the deep end of the pool, sit on the bottom and watch the bubbles go up, never worried if we saw him go in or that we would be able to revive him.  That ain't right but his father ain't right either.

Poor kid.  I used to do the same thing!  Hope he grows up better than me... I'm a mess.
My older brother, 7 years older than me was borderline cruel, there was very little 'fun' in tossing me in the river or pounding the snot out of me. One year at church camp we made those necklaces out of vinyl strips, he used his as a whip.

When I turned 15 he was 22, in the Army and married. He decided to play bully again and I broke his jaw. End of games and he was dead to me. Spoke to him twice until he died. But I did learn to swim and also learned to hate bullies.

I nominate him for the Posthumous You Ain't Right Club.
^^^ Seems like there should be a separate club for bullies and *********.
Yes, separate award for shitheads. They ain't right in a whole nutter way.

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Cammalu said:
Yes, separate award for shitheads.  They ain't right in a whole nutter way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sorry, I don't have enough STINKIN BADGES.   :p
Queen said:
^^^  Seems like there should be a separate club for bullies and *********.
I constantly bully Lacy.  I call her all KINDS of names!  

Good thing she's deaf, huh?  And being a dog, she only knows a few words of English.
GotSmart said:
I just got off the phone with Dean.  

He needs a STINKIN BADGE for his luck.  He just got everything set up, and went in to get the hoses changed.   :dodgy:  Suddenly, van no move.   :mad:

The AT is no more for this world.  I told him to start from square one in evaluating his travel vehicle situation. 
Sounds like he deserves a pass on the flying manure badge. Stinkin transmissions have a way of throwing a wrench in the cogs when they decide to give up the ghost. :(
pnolans said:
I constantly bully Lacy.  I call her all KINDS of names!  

Good thing she's deaf, huh?  And being a dog, she only knows a few words of English.

My dad used to pet our family dog and say in a happy sing-songy voice "you are the dumbest dog ever, and uuuuuugly too"   :p
I gotta check in more often !
It's hard to keep track of everything.......

I considered that when I started the club here......for some reason the thought that Bullies and ********* being "Ain't Right" too bothered me but figured Karma would sort them out.....(as Gunny's brother found out , that "Ol Karma is a BITCH)!!

Your big bro is confirmed but the "Stinkin' Badge" goes to you......Big brother got the "Order of the Broken Jaw" award already ! ;) Guess he never figured that kid he was pickin' on would become a kick (his) ass MARINE !!! Go Gunny !

A set of "Pine Cone clusters"confirmed
for letting your kid take after you while knowing "You Ain't Right" !

One set of "Special Whatever clusters"
(A new award is born !
And the pic that is used to award it shall be the one of that zookeeper with the monkey!)
Perfect !
Thx Nominator for posting it !!!

I guess holding your breath wouldn't work ?????
Hope you can finish that cool Chinook you're fixin' up soon so you can use those wheels to run away from the smoke like the rest of us that live on wheels can....
you'll get there and it's lookin' better every pic!

Ohhhhh it was the tranny !
Now with the load he was adding to that old rig it does make sense!
I thought it was the engine?????

Do you think a "Stinkin' Badge" is still in order for not showing up?
I'm willing to let it slide till he really earns one...
(I hope he can get another tranny from salvage soon so he can re launch that Ol' Rig .) He's been working on it for quite a while now.....)

OOOOOOOO high voltage ! My favorite kind !
I just love that tingling hair feeling when I grab onto a high line ! (In a Bucket of course)
Or the look people get watching me drop a panel cover and quickly tie in above the breakers with my xxlarge gators from my stage service box!!!!

Don't get me started on careless butt tossers and the resulting destruction!!!
I already created a new award today....
Karma will get 'em eventually :p :p

T W O h s,,,,P.O.
Ok, so in another thread Got Smart challenged me to read this thread all the way through. Only got to page 12 before I skipped to the end, because I can. I don't know if I need a badge, but a sticker would be nice.

I've been self employed over half my adult life, but never made any real money because I'd rather work at what I want than what pays.
I own a 3200 square foot house that's almost paid for, but would really rather live in my 6x12 cargo trailer and do spend 30 or 40 nights a year in it.
My 25 year old son has figured out how to make a living working part time and travelling the world, is finishing up New Zealand soon after traveling the length on a motorcycle. Next up Australia. I'm not worried that he's not settling down, actually a little jealous.
My 23 year old son just graduated college and when asked what he wants to do he says " play outside" . Is finishing a seasonal job with Wyoming Game and Fish where he spent the entire summer outdoors and got paid for it. Now he plans to take some time off and hunt to his hearts delight from September through January and he's totally self supporting. Good kid.
I hope to retire in a couple years with very little, but find that more appealing than to work another 15 or so just to have a wad of cash in the bank.

So do I qualify?
You only read like 10% through the thread,
BUT, the first sentence in the second paragraph got you in !
Many people would brand you as "Ain't Right" for that .
We just say Yup Yup !

I confirm your "Stinkin' Badge"...

Now , you really should read the last 90% to get your proper "Ain't Right" edumerication !

T W O h s,,,,P.O.
my first thought was,bolt in a seat,doghouse,toss in a bed and go to the 70 degree coast which was quickly followed by my second thought,driving into a coastal wind and having the house fold over because there are no walls

MasterPlumber probably has more ****** stories than anyone else here,he's in
rvpopeye said:
Don't get me started on careless butt tossers and the resulting destruction!!!

I try to always be careful when I toss my butt around... talk about a bull in a china shop!  

I will admit... twerking is for young attractive women, not old obese geezers.
Boy oh boy oh boy oh brother~~~

Popeye.  You fall asleap on the job again, and I have to pay for it.  That ain't right.   :(  Get that half track in gear.   :rolleyes:

Rob.  It confuses me greatly to give the STINKIN BADGE award for an act that is just so right.  BUT;  waiting until that late date was not right, and making it an annual event would have been the right thing to do.  SO;  

In honor of delivering  broken jaw award to a bully in desperate need, it is confirmed that you recieve another. STINKIN BADGE.   You know the routine...  Of all the members, you are allowed to ignore the rules.   ;)


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rvpopeye said:
A set of "Pine Cone clusters"confirmed
for letting your kid take after you while knowing "You Ain't Right" !
Bullspreader.  In acknowledgment of your failure to recieve a Darwin Award, and passing along your not rightness to another generation... You are awarded a pine cone cluster.  If used properly it will prevent future occourances of reproduction.  (Use the immagination)


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rvpopeye said:
One set of "Special Whatever clusters"
(A new award is born !
And the pic that is used to award it shall be the one of that zookeeper with the monkey!)
Perfect !
Thx Nominator for posting it !!!

As Badgemaster, I have to object to this award.  Not the presentation of it, but the representation used.  The Junkey Monkey award is to be used only in extreme cases.  Wierdo Gary 69.  It is my honor to present you this wierd cluster.  Enjoy.


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And now to Masterplumber.   :idea:

The man that has so many jobs that have made many peope say the magic words.  "Now that aint right." You have been a building inspector.   :dodgy:   Camped with many teenage sugered up kids  :dodgy: enouraged your own children to find the most non traditional means of living possible,  :dodgy:  and traveles with a huge wolfie dog that talks and complains.  Most of all, for skipping the best thing on this forum.  THIS STINKIN THREAD!  Then there is the constantly going out of your way to help everyone.  

I have your number ~~~   :cool: 

You are such the shining example of humanity that YOU AIN"T RIGHT!  And niether is your dog or your son Ben.   :D  If only there was a cash award to go with this "honor" you would get the largest award possible.  
I now award you with not only a STINKIN BADGE, but the rare FULL MONTE badge for knowing the secret words.  A speach is required, or I will post your address with the caption "Puppies Wanted."   ;)


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Twerking with root beer! I got my stinkin' badge. Wow it must have been a ton of work. Thank you!

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