I gotta check in more often !
It's hard to keep track of everything.......
I considered that when I started the club here......for some reason the thought that Bullies and ********* being "Ain't Right" too bothered me but figured Karma would sort them out.....(as Gunny's brother found out , that "Ol Karma is a BITCH)!!
Your big bro is confirmed but the "Stinkin' Badge" goes to you......Big brother got the "Order of the Broken Jaw" award already !

Guess he never figured that kid he was pickin' on would become a kick (his) ass MARINE !!! Go Gunny !
A set of "Pine Cone clusters"confirmed
for letting your kid take after you while knowing "You Ain't Right" !
One set of "Special Whatever clusters"
(A new award is born !
And the pic that is used to award it shall be the one of that zookeeper with the monkey!)
Perfect !
Thx Nominator for posting it !!!
I guess holding your breath wouldn't work ?????
Hope you can finish that cool Chinook you're fixin' up soon so you can use those wheels to run away from the smoke like the rest of us that live on wheels can....
you'll get there and it's lookin' better every pic!
Ohhhhh it was the tranny !
Now with the load he was adding to that old rig it does make sense!
I thought it was the engine?????
Do you think a "Stinkin' Badge" is still in order for not showing up?
I'm willing to let it slide till he really earns one...
(I hope he can get another tranny from salvage soon so he can re launch that Ol' Rig .) He's been working on it for quite a while now.....)
OOOOOOOO high voltage ! My favorite kind !
I just love that tingling hair feeling when I grab onto a high line ! (In a Bucket of course)
Or the look people get watching me drop a panel cover and quickly tie in above the breakers with my xxlarge gators from my stage service box!!!!
Don't get me started on careless butt tossers and the resulting destruction!!!
I already created a new award today....
Karma will get 'em eventually
T W O h s,,,,P.O.