You Ain't Right Club

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That pic is cool !
Are you nominating him for membership ?

In keeping with your Official Title another beastly story , with a happy ending !
(well , for the panther anyway)

No Doubt !
(not the band , which I love BTW)
In my life I have been given more titles than anyone can imagine !
Especially in the music biz when I would frequently get introduced to the audience :rolleyes: but even when I was a kid...there were several.
I see no reason to limit the titles anyone can get ,,,,,but only if they are earned (well , or if it just FITS )

Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh twood be a mighty task to read it all ! 'tis agreed....

Making it through all the posts is a feat in and of itself as we both found out the hard way. :(
But a hell of a lot of fun too (some major funny reading here , my sides ached too) !

When someone IS able to make it through from the beginning , we need to recognize such an amazing feat , in some way I , this will be........

Membership in a special segment of our club .
"The Royal Order of I Read It All"
Any other suggestions?

Now , just maybe reading all this would be considered punishment by some ??? and if so , that person should be banished as one not sufficiently "Ain't Right" to appreciate the beauty of "Ain't Rightness" !

And last but not least Gary69's Official Title shall now be Stinkin' Weirdo Gary69
(And that's how it works folks! ;) )

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
I, Monkeyfoot, She Who Must Be Obeyed and The Nominator do hereby nominate Bullfrog for excessive wordplay all the while instigating a drug deal. Proof follows


Weirdo Overlord do your stuff.
I don't think he was serious......
"Flying Manure Spreader" award :rolleyes:

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
Cammalu said:
I was in a museum in French Lick, IN a couple of days ago and spotted this statue depicting Pluto.  Since he's one of the first ain't right guys I know of I thought I'd post his photo here:


Whooee!  A man with a tail!  Bet he ain't from Alabamdama or even Texas.  Prolly NEW YORK CITY !!! :dodgy: :rolleyes: ;)

QUEENIE.......Hey all I do is sleep/eat/pee/poop.......I need to get in on the fun.....mebby be a K9 YARC? 

 TJB can be a PITA ya know!
(Yesterday, 03:26 PM)bullfrog Wrote:
Tell him you are going to run drugs so plain white cargo van, no windows, heavy duty tow package so it won't look like it has a ton of drugs in it, a big storage box at the back that looks like a bed and lots of enclosed cabinets so the drugs won't be in plain site, an inch of aluminum backed foam to reflect the xray machine some what and a roof rack for solar so you can electrify the van if you have to leave it parked some where loaded. He will probably say "No problimo".

Bullfrog please report to the YARC. You've been busted.

I agree, he needs a badge
I've been lied to...

This morning I took a trip to the St. Louis zoo and was really enjoying it when I ran across something that I thought was just not right.

On further inspection and by reading the plaque I find that this statue, displayed in the middle of the zoo, has been there since forever and I suppose is considered perfectly normal or it wouldn't be there, right?

This means that, since I assumed and have been led to believe this was a part of a woman's privileges, I now find out it was the monkey's job the whole time! What the hell! Look, I'm not complaining or anything I just don't want to be lied to!

Have I been made a monkey of my whole life?


Are you kidding me?



I've been told this was a monkey hug... WHA? WHA? WHAT?

This sure ain't how I give monkeys hugs.. can nobody see a difference??? Am I missing something? This ain't right! THIS is how you hug a monkey:


Is this a relative of yours Beastmaster?
Skuh kuh kuh kuh
You make a good point.
We may never know the truth in this..
Did you leave a "Stinkin' Badge" on that statue?
I would have confirmed it posthumously.

Bullfrog needs to tell us a story of his "Ain't Rightness" , then we'll see if he gets a badge to go with his "Flying Manure Spreader" award

But , he def belongs in the club , that's


I think we have already recognized dogs.
I've already heard enough from Queenie to confirm.
She really DID say all those things you wrote ?
Having special K9 badges might just make a really complicated process worse.

Maybe we should just get ONE badge to cover it all ?????????
Hmmmmmmm ..............

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
Cammalu said:
This morning I took a trip to the St. Louis zoo and was really enjoying it when I ran across something that I thought was just not right.

there are so MANY possible responses to the pictures of that statue, that I'm stuck in an infinite loop.  Or until the CPU overheats and melts the motherboard.  

in the final analysis, words fail me.
Cammalu said:
If words fail YOU then the world must be coming to an end!

Well, I think MINE could be coming to an end... smoke is coming out of my ears!  I'm surprised I could compose this missive. 
I guess the human brain IS a multi-processor!
Okay these minor bumps in my life happen are sorta like brain farts but are novel in length to fully describe so maybe at the RTR campfire. Once while on my way to a Titan II missile silo on New Years Eve 1970 driving a Ford LTD station wagon (What we had for combat crew vehicles at the time and because of all the helicopters down, another longer story) at above 100 MPH (I knew the crew wanted to get home to party) outside of Tucson I passed another crew vehicle after about a mile in the left lane just to hit a wash plum full of water. Immediately the car did a 180 degree turn and since the crew vehicle I had just passed didn't spin we had a small head on crash taking out the front end of both vehicles but both still drove. Other driver claimed animal hits as pigs were often on the road for the damage and as he got back to base first I witnessed his accident for him. Still unsure of what I was going to say I decided what's a few stripes and went to the motor pool gas pumps to fill up and face the music. There was a large aircraft tug at the pumps so I had to pull right on his rear to get gas. The driver of the tug was just learning to drive it before actually going on the flight line so he jumped in, floored it and instead of drive had it in reverse and ran right into the front of my vehicle. You wouldn't believe the amount of damage a little bump from one of those tugs can do! I bought him a drink that night I felt so bad for him.
Now that I know that all men are liar liars I'm not surprised at all by this underhanded trick to keep a few stripes! I vote give him a badge!

Wait! I don't have a vote!
I usually like to make my open thread posts, but this was just too good to pass up: 

friendly dog.jpg

And that's MY excuse, too.  

What a good friend!   :D


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A good warm up !
What else you got?

Just kiddin' "Stinkin' Badge" confirmed.
(But you can tell us another one ,or as many as you like ,we love tales of "Ain't Rightness".)
PM cammalu your mailing address.
bullfrog said:
Okay these minor bumps in my life happen are sorta like brain farts but are novel in length to fully describe so maybe at the RTR campfire.  Once while on my way to a Titan II  missile silo on New Years Eve 1970 driving a Ford LTD station wagon (What we had for combat crew vehicles at the time and because of all the helicopters down, another longer story)  at above 100 MPH (I knew the crew wanted to get home to party) outside of Tucson I passed another crew vehicle after about a mile in the left lane just to hit a wash plum full of water.  Immediately the car did a 180 degree turn and since the crew vehicle I had just passed didn't spin we had a small head on crash taking out the front end of both vehicles but both still drove.  Other driver claimed animal hits as pigs were often on the road for the damage and as he got back to base first I witnessed his accident for him.  Still unsure of what I was going to say I decided what's a few stripes and went to the motor pool gas pumps to fill up and face the music.  There was a large aircraft tug at the pumps so I had to pull right on his rear to get gas.  The driver of the tug was just learning to drive it before actually going on the flight line so he jumped in, floored it and instead of drive had it in reverse and ran right into the front of my vehicle.  You wouldn't believe the amount of damage a little bump from one of those tugs can do!  I bought him a drink that night I felt so bad for him.

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]rvpopeye[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I Yam Where I Yam[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]bullfrog [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]A good warm up ![/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]What else you got?[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Just kiddin' "Stinkin' Badge" confirmed.[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif](But you can tell us another one ,or as many as you like ,we love tales of "Ain't Rightness".)[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]PM cammalu your mailing address.[/font]

HMMMM:   I am feeling insparation...

BULLfrog.  In honor of a couple of completely "AINT RIGHT" posts ~~~   :dodgy:

The first being a suggestion that is both insensitive and could get the person using the advice a visit from the "Official Alphabet Boys" that we apparently pay.  
The second being about laying a large amount of blame on an innocent man...   :huh: In a CYA.   :angel:  

First:  THE FLYING MANURE SPREADER award.  For the use of verbage to evoke strong emotion in the audience, as well as a shread of doubt if it in seriousness.   :idea:

Second;  The official "STINKIN BADGE" to brand you as one that has achieved recognition from your peers.  The few members of this website that openly admit.  "I AINT RIGHT IN THE HEAD", and don't care what others think.  

The one with the monkey is politely requesting a speech in acceptance.  (Dont make her unhappy, PLEASE!)


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Master Plumber
When the subject of "Stinkin' Badges" was originally brought up it was in fact decided that "We don't NEED no "Stinkin' Badges"
but then after further consideration and realization that would be the "Right" thing to do , I realized the "Ain't Right" thing to do would be to have "That's all I have to say about that!"

It would be so much easier to just tell us a tale about your "Ain't Rightness" but reading the thread from post #1 would be a definite qualifier !
IF you just haven't a tale of "Ain't Rightness" about shouldn't take too long to read it all , I'd guess it will be around 1200 posts by the time you finish (1100 if we have a couple of "cricket" days)
However...I must warn anyone contemplating just making up or even telling a story about someone else will NOT be issued a "Stinkin' Badge" but a "Flying Manure Spreader" for lying.

A very high honor only if you have a "Stinkin' Badge" to go with it.
Otherwise you will have to read it all the way through or tell the tale to get "Badged"
(There may be a test if you choose the read it all option.)

The Weirdo Overlord has spoken,,,,Peace Out
In 1969 I went into the Air Force and at 18 years old ended up on a Titan II Combat Crew ( launch crew) as a Ballistic Missile Analyst Tech (BMAT) with a Top Secret clearance which back then meant the Office of Security Information (OSI) followed me, opened my mail, tapped my phone and did regular interviews and evaluations and checked out any contacts or friends I might have. I wasn't quite right even then. I was sort of a flower child from Eastern Kentucky that could shoot and could probably be counted on to end the world as we know it. I had a girl friend that I met while TDY at Vandenburg California, a hippy chick. When I got back to Tucson I got a little green box with green ribbon about 2" square in my base P.O. Box. As I was trying to figure out how it got there two guys in black suits and white socks grabbed my by the arms and escorted me into an office with a table and a chair, bright desk lamp and all. It became evident that they had opened the envelope it had come in but wanted to catch me red handed when I received and opened the box. On the outside in small letters it said "Whats inside will blow your mind!". The agents had lots of questions about who, where and when the box and person who had sent the box and what was in it and insisted I open it as they witnessed and photographed the "event". I opened it and dumped the contents which consisted of hundreds of little folded pieces of paper folded. When unfolded and put under a magnifying glass said "I Love You". They didn't even help me pick up all the little pieces and put them back in the box, just walked out and left me sitting. That just weren't right! Beware what ya get by associating with me and thanks for the "Stinking Badge".
I am sending you an email from my .ru email account. :cool: Saying welcome to the club and enjoy the stinking badge written in Russian. Perhaps the new guys in black with white socks can see what the Other black suited guys wrote in your file all those years ago!!!
"I gots to know" :D :D :D
bullfrog said:
I had a girl friend that I met while TDY at Vandenburg California, a hippy chick.  
On the outside in small letters it said "Whats inside will blow your mind!".  
When unfolded and put under a magnifying glass said "I Love You".  They didn't even help me pick up all the little pieces and put them back in the box, just walked out and left me sitting.  That just weren't right!  Beware what ya get by associating with me and thanks for the "Stinking Badge".

hehehehe...since I used to be kind of a hippy myself, I truly love this story.  I was afraid it was going to be a joint, and then you WOULD be in trouble.  I have nothing to do with conferring awards and such, but thanks for the memories!  

I still have a soft spot for even neo-hippies.  

johnny b said:
"we're all a ounce or two short of a pound..."


Howz about 
"half a bubble off of plumb"
"2 bricks shy of a load"
"100 yards short of runway"
"The elevator don't go to the top floor"

I've heard a lot more , since I fit those descriptions, but my memory ain't what it used to be. 


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