You Ain't Right Club

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Popeye wrote"Gunny is confirmed for an endless supply of "Stinkin' Badges" for that (stunt?) and the rest of the his crew as well.
I'm thinking it must be explained as battle fatigue or "what the hell were you thinking?" would have been uttered by some officer somewhere (unless they were doing it too?)"

The officers knew what was going on and would bet on certain individuals thru an intermediary. Officers did not venture into the gun crews area often. I heard unverified rumors that a contact high could be gotten by getting too close to their hootch. These were the guys who on numerous occasions saved my ass and the ***** of the guys in my company.
Besides firing actual fire missions in support of the ground troops they would fire H and I's all night, Harassment and Interdiction for the great unwashed. These were fired at targets that Forward Observer teams such as myself and several others would choose as likely places for the other side (Bob Wells does not like the term 'bad guys') to be passing through or setting up.

Good guys, one and all.
Snikwahjm. I can't keep track. Do you have a badge? I intend to send them out. I think instead of sending multiples to those who have more than one I'll either cut notches for additional badges or hammer some kind of mark in there. Guess you all can recognize each other at RTR if you wear the badges. Would be neat for the YARC folks to camp together too.
Thought everyone would like to see tx2sturgis' badge. You all recall he was punished with having to take the "S" off:

"...........Would be neat for the YARC folks to camp together too"

Hmmmm.........This sounds like a VERY bad idea.............
give cammy another badge for sitting there making badges,you know everyone that passed,looked at her and thought,she aint right
Gary68 said:
give cammy another badge for sitting there making badges,you know everyone that passed,looked at her and thought,she aint right

Gary, I'm in a campground in Vincennes, IN tonight and today while outside hammering away I'm sure I disturbed quite a few neighbors.

Anyone wanting their badge please let me know where to send it.
Everybody here camping together would totally be "Ain't Right" so you all know what to do!

It's gonna suck if I have to miss that !
There was one YARC GTG already in Missouri.  The local LEO was extremely concerned in the well being of Abuela Loca.   :D (I SWEAR we were not THAT loud.)      :D   ;)   :angel:
Hey, the badges are FREE! Nobody wants their badge?

abnorm said:
"...........Would be neat for the YARC folks to camp together too"

Hmmmm.........This sounds like a VERY bad idea.............

Compared to many of the bad choices I've made in my life, this would probably be REALLY low on the list.  And I'm pretty sure it would be fun.  Just IMAGINE the witty repartee (is that redundant?)  that would be traded between the various and sundry participants. 

yuk yuk!
Junky Monkey
I guarantee you already have at least one "Stinkin' Badge" !
And confirm a cluster if you don't already have one...
T W O h s,,,,P. O.
I'll just keep making them until everyone that has been awarded gets one. I used flashing. I need to know when PMed with an address how many badges they have been awarded so I can put the appropriate marks or notches on the badge. I have been PMed with one address so far. Tomorrow I'll hit wallyworld for padded envelopes

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I'll take one!
Now I'm gonna have to buy the stinkin' jacket..

And speaking of stinkin' are Flying Manure Spreader awards wearable or just go on the wall?
I nobody knows I decree they are wearable.
Nothing like the sweet smell of manure to let people know "You Ain't Right" !
T W O h s,,,,P. O.

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