You Ain't Right Club

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rvpopeye said:
Giver of the "Stinkin' Badges"
:dodgy: Give yourself at least one more "Stinkin' Badge" for posting that Stormtrooper Video!
And I'm adding to your official title once again.....
"The Weirdo Badgernator" , somehow I missed that when I came up with your original.
(I couldn't see a cat anywhere in that pic.
Is he related to that Cheshire kitty in Alice in Wonderland??)
HMMMMM.  You can't see what is right in front of your face?   :D 
One more try.  
Look behind the bush in the center of the picture,  
I may not be right, but i am NOT weird.  Excentric, unique, different, a little strange, but not weird.   :p


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Enjoy the thread folks.  I have had enough abuse from the one who runs things.  Bad advice is encouraged, but telling the newbies that it is bad advice is wrong.  Bob, stay away from your heavy handed abusive moderation.  You never appologise or ever admit you are wrong.  You believe your own hype, and that is completely wrong.  You remind me of that dog of yours that pisses on everyone, but you do nothing to stop it.   Congradulations.  Another one run off.  

Those of you that know how to contact me, please do.
No problemo !
If you don't like the title .....
I'll glaaaaadly make up a new one. :p
"Stinkin' Badgernator" :D
It's my fervant hope that this thread does not get into politics, back-fighting or anything that would risk it being closed. It's one of the few threads I can read, smile and not have to try and be witty or some such. It's just for fun.

Popeye has put a lot of time into it and has maintained a certain amount of order, well kinda.

Thanks Popeye...
GotSmart said:
Another one run off.  

Those of you that know how to contact me, please do.

So many jumping ship. Terrible that u are leaving.
"Bathes In Rootbeer
So , that's where the phrase "Stop That Or You Will Go Blind" came from !
Who Knew ?"
Quoting rvpopeye

Well, I never heard that one - maybe different religious experiences... but it may cause a person to see nothing else or cloud what they do see. IDK that stuff is not some place I normally go.
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant! Miss ones that go but like the new ones I meet. Thanks for your and the others time that have posted here. Coming and going seems to happen a lot with us vagabonds! Happy trails and stay hungry, stay free. Ain't gonna let nobody tell me what to do, yes dear I'll get off the computer.
Oh My Goshk !
Didn't see that comin'....his last post was while I was writing my last of the day and I would have missed it completely without the comments here today.

I'm sure gonna miss our Badgernator and all that he has added to the ceremonial award giving aspect of the thread .

As with any that leave the forums , I hope they all come back , sooner rather than later !

Thanks Rob , I decided to start this thread as a place for relaxation and entertainment.
And just have fun with .....well whatever.
A sort of vacation away from the business end of managing a life on wheels.

It real hard to stray off topic when if you think you might have , all you have to do is add a "That Ain't Right" at the end and you're back on track!

It has generated some very interesting stories and part of the fun is deciding if it is truly "Ain't Right" or as TJB says
"Texas BS".

The kind of things that usually cause problems elsewhere on the forums just "Ain't Right" here cuz NOTHING is taken seriously !
sorry for disrupting the thread with my last post,i asked hdr to remove it and he obliged

but whats been happening lately is about as aint right as you can get in a not that important forum kinda way
Anybody have problems with inner tubes trying to kill them? Seem to happen to me all the time when I was younger. First time was upper Salt river. Seems they won't let you tube there any more. Nothing like watching people disappear as they go over or having a 4 or 5 foot log wedged across the river half way submerged. Second time was Mt. Lemon in snow on an unknown run with a 90 degree turn at the top of a 60' ledge, I really thought I could make that turn, fortunately I got knocked out when I hit the tree that was leaning over the ledge before I went over. Then forth and fifth times on water. Built a sail boat out of two large truck tubes and a car tube tied up like hot dogs and stretched over three legs with a twelve foot bamboo mast in a small lake with 30 MPH wind. First attempt to turn broke off the keel and when I threw out my 5 gallon bucket full of concrete anchor it sort of bounced across the water. Sure glad it didn't get me when I abandoned ship! The when I built a floating swim platform to use in a lake too big to swim across that I left outside after testing to make sure it would float, seems ants crawled up on it and little birds ate them making lots of little pin holes in the tubes that became apparent after I got to the middle of the lake. I never tried strapping them together, crawling inside and rolling down a hill just looked too dangerous!
What was that old phrase ?
"Totally Tubular"

Think I mighta missed it.........
Got my badge today, Thank You Cammalu! Spent yesterday watching people go over the speed bump at the top of what has got to be the longest biggest launch ramp I have ever seen. People get tired of creeping carefully up the ramp and just keep picking up speed as they get to the top. As the speed bump is right at the very top they don't see it until the truck is in the air at which time they hit the brakes. With the new anti-lock brakes the petal goes to the floor. The expressions on their faces are sort a like those photographs you get on roller coaster rides. If there is any wear in the hitch it pops off, and as most of these people don't take the time to hook the safety chains anyway so the boat trailer, boat and anyone in there go rolling back down the ramp. Record so far is about 50 feet till it turns sideways or the jack or tongue catches the expansion joint in the concrete ramp and stops. Occasionally a wheel comes off or a spring / axle comes off or breaks. I now know why there is a bathroom at the top of the ramp! Locals here bring a 6 pack and lawn chairs to watch Sunday evenings when a storm with wind scares the boaters off the lake. Not a lot of entertainment here and lots of people that just ain't right!
You're welcome Bullfrog!

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I also received my stikin badge today. thanks Cammie. that was really nice of you to take the time and spend money on the materials on all of us that ain't right. highdesertranger
I made them so it wasn't much believe me. You're welcome HDR. I hope that some of you wear them at the rtr.

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I haven't gotten addresses for most of you that need a badge. I can send general delivery !

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I'm going to confirm the Nominator/She Who Must Be Obeyed/MonkeyFoot for another "Stinkin' Badge" for making and mailing these "Real Life Stinkin' Badges" out
to all of us perps of "Ain't Right" deeds so we can impress our friends and influence no one in particular !
:p  :p  :p  :p  :p  

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And I wish the Badgernator was still here to make the presentation and comment in his own special way.

T W O h s,,,,P.O.
rvpopeye said:
I'm going to confirm the Nominator/She Who Must Be Obeyed/MonkeyFoot for another "Stinkin' Badge" for making and mailing these "Real Life Stinkin' Badges" out
to all of us perps of "Ain't Right" deeds so we can impress our friends and influence no one in particular !
:p  :p  :p  :p  :p  

And I wish the Badgernator was still here to make the presentation and comment in his own special way.

T W O h s,,,,P.O.

:dodgy:  I'm not here.  This is my cat posting.   :p

For exceptional creatiity and skill in creating works of art that are only rivaled by Rat Rods.  For slaveing away for time without end.  For the creative use of ordinary materials.  For the etreme thought put into fashoning authentic STINKIN BADGES, and for not using beer cans as material as threatened ~~~    I, THE STINKIN BADGINATER's cat  ;)  award you the following ultimate prize.  THE FULL MONTE.  Without your service and dedication, this thread would have been nuked.  Instead you have helped to corrupt one of the dreaded MOD SQUAD into becoming a fully badged and contributing member.  All this without earning a Flying Manure Spreader.  

We salute you, and your monkey.


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For you know who, because of you know what.   :D  To be placed with the pine cone cluster. (If you have to ask, dont)  :p


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