You Ain't Right Club

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rvpopeye said:
If you're gonna buy and eat those,,,,,I'm thinkin' another "Stinkin' Badge" is in your future ! :p :p :p :p

I would only buy and fry if I wanted to freak out my niece. It would be worth it then.
So , you make some breakfast "sausage" patties and chop 'em up into grits ?
Dropped into eggs and scrambled together.

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Sounds like you actually know how to prepare them !
My dad told me

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Must have been interesting growing up!
He sounds like a cousin of mine that owned a big farm , mostly dairy.
This will be a first. For harassing the Nominator, Monkeyfoot, She Who Must Be Obeyed and causing great anguish with deceit I hereby request that the Overlord approve my request for TX2sturgis to have the S in Stinking removed or blocked out from his badge leaving him with a Tinking badge.

I was woken from a dead sleep last night because he decided, on a whim, to tell a bold faced lie and post to the forum that I was still stuck in IL at a truck stop. A concerned forum member, worried that I could be in trouble, called me. In addition, I request he be given ten lashes with a wet noodle.

I'm gone.

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Forgot the post

There is a difference in being not right, and being a disturber of sleep.   :(

That is JUST MEAN!   :rolleyes:  ( I tell ya!  Just mean!)  :blush:

We might need to make a "AINT RIGHT CLUB' to bonk those that abuse their not rightness.   :p 

Monkeyfoot might just need a new title.  

Enforcer    :cool:  

Now where did that soggy foam rubber go? ~~~
GotSmart said:
Monkeyfoot might just need a new title.  

Enforcer    :cool:  

Oh I have a better nickname for her....

But I think if I post it, she will hunt me down, beat me, make me write bad checks, leave butterfly poop on my motorcycle mirrors, drink all of my chocolate tunafish milkshakes, ruffle my turtle feathers, and hide all of my left shoes.

Come to think of it....all of that sounds like much more fun than I've had in quite a while!

What were you thinkin'?

Angering "She Who Must Be Obeyed" ?
Thinking you can change her title?
Making up your own punishments ?
You're not gettin' off THAT easy!

All that stuff just "Ain't Right" but you picked the wrong one to pick on.....
And as she is "She Who Must Be Obeyed"
I have no choice but to ...well obey.
(she didn't get that title for baking cookies ya know ! )

#1 Your Badge will now read
"Thinkin' Badge" to remind you !
(And in addition , you shall make a badge saying that ,place it on your forehead and post a selfie pic of you wearing it with pride !)

#2 Lashes with a wet noodle are kinda hard to apply on the forum so you must write a post with the following....

"I shall not anger She Who Must Be Obeyed"
100 times but cut and paste will be OK !

The Lord High Executioner will be watching with his dull axe (it used to be really sharp but we made him chop rocks to make people think) ready to swing in case you will not comply.

Next time , pick on me... so I can "fart in your general direction".

T W O h s,,,P.O.
i think it's back,no,i know it's back,i think i just needed a complete cleanse
that happened about a two years ago when my youngest nephew walked off with the one i have had all my live,1960's sears and roebuck crap

i want to do this again

Led Zeppelin-In My Time Of Dying

so how much solar for a Marshall half stack?

my old electric and amp now reside in a small town school music room,which is cool,so i need to keep an eye on craigslist for a good core to build
Gary;  You are making me really worried.  

But I am NOT going to ask ~~~

To be safe, (I understand musicians) atleast 1KW of solar and a schitz ton of batteries.
GotSmart said:
Dont tell bLEEp.   :D

I heard from my great bud bLEEp today. He has arrived in Denver and I wish I was following them. Great, fun couple. I've never seen a man express such love for a woman in the way bLEEp watches his wife. Pure adoration all over his face!

The way he talks about her when she's not around is really something. Lordy he loves Toni (Mrs bLEEp).

bLEEp ain't right about a lot of things but he's got love down pat! Lucky Mrs. BLEEp!
good news is that there are a lot of cheap guitars on craigslist and todays $100 cheapy guitars is 1983's mid range guitar,much better than the stuff i had as a youngin
most were ibanez which is a speed soloist guitar and not my style but did see a nice washburn for $300
also saw a little single speaker marshall for $200
bad new,home depot broke me
Musician rule #876
Never look for gear when you don't have any cash !
You'll ALWAYS find something you want bad!

That's so "Ain't Right"........
rvpopeye said:
Magic mirror on the wall...
Who's the strangest of them all ???

If you've ever been told "you ain't right" you probably belong.....

Post your reason and qualify today !
OR if you know someone , feel free to tell us about them .

(If you're a musician , you're in with no further discussion.)

We will NOT sell or release the member list for any reason , or maybe I will cuz I ain't right !!!!
Me !!     ?   ?

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