Women Only: Packing Heat - Yay or Nay?

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Oct 11, 2017
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I'm interested to know what percentage of female nomads carry firearms for protection/self-defense - I grew up in an urban environment and have always been averse to guns and have never owned one, much less fired one, but I confess that I began tilting toward the idea recently.

Of course, when I was younger, I had more of a physical capacity to defend myself (or run away from danger, at least) but I'm middle-aged now and physically disabled, so fending off an attacker would be difficult, and running away is no longer an option.

I do count on other self-defense items (pepper spray/bear spray, knives, blunt objects, whistles, and of course, good ole' common sense and situational awareness) but still, I wonder if a handgun wouldn't be prudent at this stage in the game.

No need to disclose whether you have a gun or not, this is really just a dialogue about what lengths we go to in order to feel safe out there.
Yes I do, but have never even had to think about pulling it out. I have a concealed weapon license here in Florida and follow the rules for reciprocity in other states.  I also took a 20 gauge shotgun to Alaska last year, mainly for protection in the wilderness but never took it out either.  Common sense is the biggest thing... I am not afraid to start the van and leave when it just doesn't feel right where I am.  Always be aware of your surroundings, having a dog helps out alot too.
I have two small dogs and one of them is very protective of me and will bite. I have bear spray. I have a knife. I have a loaded shotgun. I’m also older and disabled. I’d have to stand my ground at this stage in life, running away isn’t an option.

I must say that I am not afraid. I’m just prepared.

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No guns in my life!

But then I'm Canadian.... :D :D

Bear spray and air horn, both mainly used for hiking purposes, and my own sense of awareness as well as some standard practices for keeping me safe.

And no, I don't ever remember being THAT afraid that I thought a gun would have come in handy!
Problem it’s a gun is that if you had to shoot an intruder, you damage your van.
My ice axe, really can’t swing it in a confined space.
My six inch Buck knife is my belly knife. Grab it and just stick it right in the perp’s belly.
I love to shoot, and enjoy the sport of range shooting and would actually like to have a gun in my rig.

Currently my biggest drawback is the storage & safety.

RVs are not that secure, if someone was so inclined it’s very very easy to break in and it’s not uncommon for me to leave my door open and not being vigilant on watching my door.

With this in mind that means a kid or teen could easily have access to my firearm. I don’t think I could live with myself if a 6 yrs accidentally shot themselves with a gun in my possession.

But, If I keep it in a locked box then it’s no use to me in an emergency.

For now, I rely on other methods (I’m not going to post them here) but the most helpful is a good self awareness of my self defense skills, and the fact I know my pain tolerance is high enough that you better sure I’ve blacked out if you want me to stop fighting.
Yes, but not so much for an intruder, more for snakes, or other such that I might encounter walking/hiking with my dogs. My dogs are my primary protection. In particular, my English Shepherd- mostly he is a nice semi-friendly fellow, but don’t come uninvited to his van; he can get a bit nutty. In Long Beach, while we were waiting for the high top, I think a guy was going to take my backpack, and I wasn’t paying attention. My dog raised up, planted both paws on the guy’s chest, pushed him away from me, growling to beat the band. He didn’t bite, but he certainly put the guy in his place. All the guy said was, “control your dog”, which I had- as soon as I said stop, Brixx stopped.
So, an intruder would have to take down my Brixx, and if that happened, would deserve the secondary protection plan!
Yes, have a concealed carry license out of Oregon and it is valid in Arizona which is mostly where I am. Also have pepper spray and a pit bull. The few times I felt uncomfortable in a campsite after nightfall I chose to leave which is what I recommend.