Ladies who want to meet up, maybe we could pick a neutral spot in Quarztite durng RTR to have a get acquainted get together. Bring your chair, your address book for exchanging emails, phone numbers, snail mail addresses etc. and your enthusiasm! We could use that time to learn a little about each other and, if there is time and interest, plan additional activities during RTR such as a potlucik, morning coffees, etc. If we find compatible nomads we'd like to see on the road we could exchange information on a one to one basis. It would be fun to pick a spot we love to have a ladies only camp-in at a later date--someplace with interesting geography, history, museums, hiking trails, (and oh yes, shopping!) It will take one person to volunteer to coordinate this at RTR. I've never been there so don't know the setup but would think it would be fairly easy to pick a spot and post it on the forum. Date and time to be deciced depending on arrival dates. What do you think?