What song do you listen to most often?

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Neil Young is the best live concert I have ever been to. I would give Neil a thumbs up. also add Cowgirl in the sand, Old Man, and Heart of Gold. I don't care if his voice sucks, he sings with soul. highdesertranger
Have been doing a lot of reminiscing of music, since Glenn Campbell died....
Not that he was my choice of music back then, but maybe just comfortable songs in the back of my mind. Wichita lineman has brought down the tears several times lately...
Extreme Ways by Moby. It's the ending song to the Bourne films.
I usually have long stretches of time without music and when the music starts I'll kick it off with one of these two depending on whether I'm driving or parked. For driving I'll start with Tranquility "Ride Upon The Sun"  and if I'm parked it'll be Stan Getz "Street Tattoo" 
Resurrecting this thread due to recent activities. A few times this past week I sat in the shade and listened to Echoes by Pink Floyd, from the Meddle album. Sitting there I closed my eyes to listen without distraction. When the track was over more than 23 minutes later and I opened my eyes, it seemed strange to be where I was, as if I went somewhere then suddenly arrived here but didn't know where here was, nor how I got here, and it was a strange and beautiful land.
Oh my gawd.  There must be thousands of songs that go through my head each day depending on the time and place because there is a song in everything and everything has a song.
But when I came across this thread, the first thing that popped into my head was,
Hummingbird by Seals and Crofts.
Then again there is the Kingston Trio singing, It Was a Very Good year.
I rarely listen to music. But if I could get a joint and have Dark Side of the Moon queued up I might be interested. Actually I've been tempted ever since I got to Colorado but I doubt I would partake for a few reasons.

oops, sorry, I forgot some have limited internet, sorry
it was the first thing I thought of as I read this post
highdesertranger said:
Neil Young is the best live concert I have ever been to.

I saw him solo back in the early '90s. Just himself, a selection of guitars and an organ. No band. A fine night.
I don't listen to music much anymore, despite all the music i've bought in my life.

When I do, it tends to be something random, even whatever is in alphabetical order, from the music I got from Amazon, off my laptop or an MP3 player or my Echo Dot. When I do choose, it tends to be one of those inexpensive big compilations of classical music.

Though I don't fixate on music much, I did fixate a while back on an old Leonard Cohen song, In My Secret Life, but the version that Till Bronner, a German trumpet player did, with Carla Bruni. I like it much better than Cohen's version, and it has that sort of beautiful melancholy I've always found strangely compelling. For the same reason, I've always enjoyed the Nancy Sinatra-sung version of You Only Live Twice, which has that sort of strangely compelling mix of beauty and melancholy, of adult acceptance and acknowledgment, that isn't the usual everyday fare. It's also called Mountains and Sunsets, and is out in a number of versions without the vocals.
Dingfelder said:
Though I don't fixate on music much, I did fixate a while back on an old Leonard Cohen song, In My Secret Life, but the version that Till Bronner, a German trumpet player did, with Carla Bruni.  I like it much better than Cohen's version, and it has that sort of beautiful melancholy I've always found strangely compelling.

Ironically there are a couple of Leonard Cohen songs I like, but really prefer the remakes by other artists. He's a great songwriter, but he seemed to lack the emotion some of the songs benefit from when sung.
My musical tastes are quite, um, shall we say, eclectic  :rolleyes:

They range from early rock;  e.g., The Chords:

to 70's and 80's rock; e.g., Golden Earring:

to Russian chant;  e.g., the Sretensky Monastery Choir:

to Big Band and acoustic Jazz;  e.g., Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, Harry James, and Dave Brubeck:


to Classic Country,  and Western Swing;  e.g., Hank Williams Sr, and Bob Wills:

to Rembetika and old Laika:  e.g., Bithikotsis(2), and Skordilis

I'll get in a mood and then binge listen to one of the above genres.  I like bits and pieces of other types of music too, but the above ones constitute at least 95% of my listening.

I guess the only unifying theme is that I like OLD music in various genres :)
Lately it has been Garcia/Grisman I like to find the complete shows on you tube and play them. Even some Garcia/Kahn it is all good stuff. I like the acoustic Jerry much better.