Water damage, the good the bad and other upgrades

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Just to add a little more on replacing the A/C roof seal.
I thought that when I removed the A/C from the roof that I would see obvious signs of a water leak, but I did not.
The A/C gasket was completely compressed and the A/C unit was sitting flat on the roof, so I thought for sure it
would be the obvious cause of the leak.

Everything on the roof has been completely sealed, and all of the vents are new.
If I still have a leak now that everything on the roof is new or resealed, I will get some Dicor fiberglass roof sealer
and coat the whole roof.

Other than that, I`m out of ideas.
I was just looking at some of the pictures I just posted of the A/C unit, and it just dawned on me, but what is next to
the A/C unit ?, the tv antenna, and the shaft that operates it passes through the roof into the interior.

All of the screws that hold the antenna to the roof are sealed, but is it possible for the seal that seals the antenna and the shaft that rotates the antenna to go bad and leak ?. Has anyone ever had this happen before ?.

If I have to, I will remove the antenna if it will stop the leak.

Any thoughts or opinions on this would be helpful.

Anything that penetrates the roof membrane is subject to leaking.

Even if you're not planning on using the antenna, you might want to think about just doing a remove/reinstall on it. Some day in the future you either might want it or if you ever decide to sell it, having it function would be a good thing.
My leak related experience........
I once built a plywood box to fit over my TV antenna .
Painted it with several coats inside and out .
Then put it over the antenna.
Sealed/ glued it in place with 5200 caulk .
No more leak worries , removable if I wanted to use the antenna (or sell rig).
This also made shoveling off the roof easier not having to worry about damaging the antenna .
(It turned out MY leak was the AC gasket !)
Time will tell , unless you do the garden hose testing method...
rvpopeye said:
Time will tell , unless you do the garden hose testing method...

I was actually considering the garden hose test. I will try it this weekend and see what happens.
Something a little different today.

I decided to take a break today, after mowing the lawn and doing a few other things around the house that needed to be done, I decided to go for an ATV ride, just get out and relax for a while.

I live in Grangeville Idaho, and its really nice this time of year with the warm weather, and all of the green fields.
The mountain you see here is about eight miles from my house, and there are lots of ATV trails up there to enjoy.

I took this picture while I was standing on the roof of my rv, looking over our barn towards the mountain.
So I decided to ride to the top of the mountain today, its about fourteen miles from my house to the top of the mountain,

From the top of the mountain you can see the whole town and the surrounding area, and my house.

Now here is the best part, I was able to zoom in and see my rv from the top of the mountain.
If you could drive directly from my house to the top of the mountain it would be about five miles
This is maximum zoom on my camera from the top of the mountain.

The camera I use is a Nikon Coolpix L840 with 34X zoom.

I just thought I would post something a little different.

Everyone have a great 4th of July holiday, and stay safe.
Well, this was a good weekend.

When I bought my rv, it broke down on the way home. After a six hundred dollar tow to a shop and five hundred dollars in repairs
I was on my way home again, and guess what happened, it broke down again. But this time I was able to limp it home, just barely.

That all happened last august, and I have been saving all the money I can sense then so I can get it into a shop to get it fixed.
One of the problems is that the starter stays engaged after the motor is running, so today I was trying to get the rv running for the
first time in ten months, and the starter decided to short out internally and fry itself and the main wire up to the starter relay and
melt the positive battery cable.

I`m going to see how much of this I can fix myself, otherwise its another expensive tow bill to get it to a repair shop.
New starter and a couple of wires , a 1 afternoon job.
The morning is for picking up the parts.
Measure the wires before you go... OR bring them.
rvpopeye said:
New starter and a couple of wires , a 1 afternoon job.
The morning is for picking up the parts.
Measure the wires before you go... OR bring them.

Replacing the wires, starter relay, and starter isn`t really a hard job, but I have a few issues that make it harder for me.

Both of my knees are shot, so getting up and down some days can be a bit hard to do, but I try and ignore it and work through it
as much as possible. The other issue I have is an inner ear problem that causes me to get light headed at times, and it sucks.

I`m going to be fifty four years old in about two weeks, and some days I feel like I`m seventy four, and it sucks.
last time I saw my doctor he asked me if I had ever considered a knee replacement, and I said sure, if you can find someone
to pay for it.
That does make it not so easy !
Any likely assistants nearby ?
Shadow...where are you?

I had to force myself to learn to do this wiring a few months back. For me the hardest part was forcing myself to knuckle under and learn it. Odd for me, but my brain just refused to focus on this. Finally, I did force myself to get it done. Be glad to come and help out.
shadow said:
Well, having just replaced the AC gasket I`m hoping that was it and the leak is fixed.
Positive thoughts here that it's fixed. Your RV is looking GREAT! :)
VanKitten said:
Shadow...where are you?

I had to force myself to learn to do this wiring a few months back.   For me the hardest part was forcing myself to knuckle under and learn it.   Odd for me, but my brain just refused to focus on this.    Finally, I did force myself to get it done.     Be glad to come and help out.

I can do this, and have done starters, water pumps and other things many times in the past.
But there comes a time when your body says, are you sure really want to do that ?.

I`m in Grangeville, Idaho.

I do appreciate the offer to help.
Oh, that is too far away for me now.

I am using Anderson power pole connectors for all this things I know I will have to replace (pump, etc). I am trying to get things done so that the future will be easier....fearing the time when bending over or squatting on my knees stops being possible.
rvpopeye said:
Time will tell , unless you do the garden hose testing method...

I did the garden hose test today, in fact I did it several times, and no water at all.

I sure hope it stays that way.
I just finished ordering a bunch more needed items.

I ordered some, beige vinyl, butyl tape, new basement door locks, vinyl screw cover trim, and dura snaps.

Soon I will be able to start on the basement door rebuild, the only other things I need are some pop rivets.
Weekend update.

I got the butyl tape Friday, and I was able to reseal the back window on the rv, It was the last window that needed to be done.
Now all of the windows are resealed, all of the roof vents are new, and the A/C roof seal is new.

I will start working on rebuilding the basement door in the next week or so.

lots more to come.