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Sky King

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2018
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A place to share good movies, videos, etc.

The Winning Team | Baseball Movie, True Story of Grover Cleveland Alexander starring Ronald Reagan & has the House of David baseball team from a cult from Benton Harbor Mi near here. Free on You Tube. Good Show​

Guaranteed you'll like it or triple you money back!

Watching MLB playoffs. Good stuff.

Outside of that, if you have Netflix and are into action with some world building, consider Into the Badlands.
Watching MLB playoffs. Good stuff.
Was hoping for an all Great Lakes region World Series; Detroit or Cleveland vs Milwaukee but Brewers got knocked out qwik.

The MLB big markets always dominate and I’m generally in the “any1 but the Yankees “ crowd.
I’m down now to KC, Detroit, Cleveland vs San Diego in the NL, I guess.

Fillies, Mets, Yankees, LA - I would rather watch golf, curling or gawd forbid women’s basketball 🤮

I do find it ironic tho that the 3 biggest stars in todays game over the last 10 years; trout, judge, harper have never won a world title; not sure but I don’t think any of them have ever played in one.

jonny baseball
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POWER DIVE free on Tubi about experimental planes in 1941.
Bonnie & Clyde: Justified
Kind of told from their side. Free on Tubi
The Long Long Trailer with Lucy & Desi. Haven't seen it many years. Free on tubi
Insomnia with Robin Williams & Al Pachino on Prime. Good movie!
"The Oyster Farmers" one hour eleven minute documentary. (on TUBI)

An interesting story of Aquaculture, environmentalism, and farmers cooperating with scientist to restore what was once a nearly fished out industry. Oyster farming/harvesting is one of the most regulated industries we have today. With hard work and diligence the people in it have realized the mistakes of the past and began implementing new methods to restore and improve the coastal regions for producing once again. Everyone will benefit from a cleaner environment to a more abundant oyster supply.

The Oyster Farmers

Oyster Fishermen 1900.jpg

Oyster Fishermen 1900

TAXI!: The History of Checker Cabs & Cars, made in Kalamazoo​

1st car I know of that went 1 million miles as a taxi in New York
No video, up on the Canadian shore of Lake Huron lies a boiler from a long ago wreck. Boiler Beach they call it, but with a Canadian accent.

They store hay in large rolls, called "stooks".

And if you come from New Jersey, they would always ask about Bruce Springsteen. Referred to as "The Bruce". Which is somewhat sacrilegious as "The Bruce" refers to a famed historical Scotsman.
On TUBI, movie "Life Off Grid" https://tubitv.com/movies/578641/life-off-grid


Canadian people explaining what they have learned since going off grid with what does and what doesn't work. Similar to what we discuss here about becoming nomads.

I think it is worth watching as those who have spent years in a rig as a nomad may come to a point where they just can't continue that life and may need to go into the sticks & bricks for the duration of their lives. This could be helpful in the sense of setting up an off grid "camp" to have ready for that and in the meanwhile serving as a base to travel from.

Numerous Canadians from all over Canada are interviewed and they share their wisdom. insights regarding power, water, sanitation, food sourcing, etc and even philosophy. Worth watching.
PBS TV Saturday Morning: Road Trip (not to be confused with Road Trip Nation) Hosted today by James Nelson.

Today they are discussing the Airstream Trailers from inception to the restoration of older ones. Then they are doing a piece on old Drive In Movie Theaters.

Beautiful photography and narration.

There was also Avion which looked like an Airstream made in Benton Harbor, Mi. After high school I worked as a forklift mechanic for a couple of months in late '77. I serviced Avions forklifts & at that time they cost $1000 per foot which was a bunch of $$ back then.