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On TUBI, movie "Life Off Grid" https://tubitv.com/movies/578641/life-off-grid


Canadian people explaining what they have learned since going off grid with what does and what doesn't work. Similar to what we discuss here about becoming nomads.

I think it is worth watching as those who have spent years in a rig as a nomad may come to a point where they just can't continue that life and may need to go into the sticks & bricks for the duration of their lives. This could be helpful in the sense of setting up an off grid "camp" to have ready for that and in the meanwhile serving as a base to travel from.

Numerous Canadians from all over Canada are interviewed and they share their wisdom. insights regarding power, water, sanitation, food sourcing, etc and even philosophy. Worth watching.

They may actually be on the grid, as solar panels proliferate, and depending on Cell network and Internet accessibility.

Looks like the neighbors won't be dropping by anytime soon.
Brojects Roadhouse

Brojects Roadhouse

A Canadian production with a couple of brothers who invent and build stuff. In this they have an old RV build things while on the road as nomads. Kind of a Rube Goldberg venture they have going. Like a "Carry on Camping" coupled with "Make" or "Instructables". The episode they are in today they have build an onboard smoker to cook meat while on the roll and a deep fryer in a cabinet that can used for fries/chips or a fish fry on the beach.

Rather entertaining.

wayne49 ^^^

They could be on the grid depending on their area. Some are fortunate enough to be totally off grid or find a way to build an off grid home on large enough property where it won't be discovered. To do that they may have an old house trailer sitting on the edge of the property listed as their home.....with it connected to electrical service. (kind of a decoy)

Some areas require everyone to be connected to the grid in one sense or the other. Some living in these super insulated homes choose electric as they won't have much expense as they don't use the grid electric much and their solar/generator/battery bank system is what they rely on most.

One guy I met in central Ohio has quite some acreage of land and an Earthship home. He told me the county requires everyone to have some grid connection in order to account for the people living in it. He chose electricity from the grid as it was easiest for him. But he boards livestock for $$$ from people, has areas he is paid by the government not to grow certain crops which pays his property taxes each year, and grows these reeds that are a annual harvest for a few thousand dollars. (these are purchased for preventing erosion along the river banks of a near by river). The livestock (cattle) are raised to be processed for meat...usually by a larger family. The horses are boarded for brokers who deal in horses. He has suitable barns for that during the months that don't require heating.
wayne49 ^^^

They could be on the grid depending on their area. Some are fortunate enough to be totally off grid or find a way to build an off grid home on large enough property where it won't be discovered. To do that they may have an old house trailer sitting on the edge of the property listed as their home.....with it connected to electrical service. (kind of a decoy)

Some areas require everyone to be connected to the grid in one sense or the other. Some living in these super insulated homes choose electric as they won't have much expense as they don't use the grid electric much and their solar/generator/battery bank system is what they rely on most.

One guy I met in central Ohio has quite some acreage of land and an Earthship home. He told me the county requires everyone to have some grid connection in order to account for the people living in it. He chose electricity from the grid as it was easiest for him. But he boards livestock for $$$ from people, has areas he is paid by the government not to grow certain crops which pays his property taxes each year, and grows these reeds that are a annual harvest for a few thousand dollars. (these are purchased for preventing erosion along the river banks of a near by river). The livestock (cattle) are raised to be processed for meat...usually by a larger family. The horses are boarded for brokers who deal in horses. He has suitable barns for that during the months that don't require heating.
He needs to expand a little and use methane to heat and run his generator!
The American West is a mini series on Tubi. Our government was crooked then too.

The Trump Prophecy on Amazon Prime Good Show​

Nothing to do with our new pres
YouTuber 'Brad Yates'.
He uses Emotional Freedom Technique ('EFT') to clear discomforts.
2009, I lost my *second* spouse to cancers.
The same cancers as my first spouse in 1984... and my da in '98.
I am tapping on:
..partly frustrated,
..partly grief,
..a sprinkling of abandoned.

Men With Wings (1938) Film in English, Ray Milland & James Stewart My favorite plane was a 1938 Taylorcraft 🥳🤩

Hey OP!

“As the 60th Anniversary approaches…….”?
Umm, 1963 + 60 = 2023

It’s done been long past!😂 Well, 14 months ago anyway. 😂


jonny boi (smfh)
Post game after the Rams beat up the Vikings. ;)
I’m all but convinced that at least some NFL games are rigged. Especially playoffs.

Darnold played all season like an MVP then last night it’s like it’s his first start ever.
Chargers too; Hebert had 3 interceptions All Season - 17 games! Then he suddenly throws 4 in the playoff game?

I’m callin rigged.
jonny football 🏈
It’s done been long past!😂 Well, 14 months ago anyway. 😂
I like history and learn everyday and if you don't that's OK. This is the 3rd time watching it as I catch something new every time.🤩
I’m all but convinced that at least some NFL games are rigged. Especially playoffs.

Darnold played all season like an MVP then last night it’s like it’s his first start ever.
Chargers too; Hebert had 3 interceptions All Season - 17 games! Then he suddenly throws 4 in the playoff game?

I’m callin rigged.
jonny football 🏈
He looked like that against the eagles last week as well. Set the blueprint for the Rams.
Congress interviewing Trump’s picks for heads of government agencies. Amazed at their lack of knowledge of current affairs and basic facts. Worse than Supreme Court picks that just flat out lied about accepting Roe vs Wade as a precedent these people that are supposed to be the brightest and best plead ignorance and expect to learn on the job? Most likely not being truthful just like the President they will follow. Sad day for America if they do. “Drain the swamp” so many conflicts of interest, what a bad joke these appointments are looking like.
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The pursuit of DB Cooper with Robert Duvall free on Tubi

Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs | SRS #159. This is a good watch 😁

If you're interested in terrorism this is a much watch IMO 🙃
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