Remote Work in 2025 and Beyond

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I know that perhaps 20 years ago and earlier there was a fair amount of “piece work” opportunities going on. Actual physical product work that persons were doing in their homes. They would be sent boxes of parts that needed assembling or even packaging. I think there is still some of that going on. But it would not be all that easy to get such jobs if you frequently travel to new shipping addresses.

But the label “remote work” no longer seems to include such jobs. Although I do know that remote sewing assembly work still does exist in the USA for some small sized sporting goods products. If a nomad had the right equipment and the shipping of materials and completed products could be worked out that could actually work as a remote job. I have friends who owned such a mom and pop company and used remote sewers for the cutting and assembly, but they recently retired to Florida.
The "Putting Out Industry" is the term that was coined for it in the 1750's English Industrial Revolution. There were no factories like we have today so people's homes had raw materials delivered to them to be convert into finished goods which the merchant would later pick up and pay for. Then supply a next allocation of materials. As this practice grew it influenced the modification of a work-family's home. A shed-like lean to was added to the house later to serve as a shop and even at times a barn in bad weather if necessary. Soon after, "Cottage Industry" became the more common term. In this phase the work-family's home became the first factory facility.

When I was living in North Carolina the next door neighbor to my parents worked this putting out industry system. She was a seamstress who sewed women's stockings. Once a week a Van would pull up and they would exchange boxes. Mom had come to know her and she told her she sewed "custom" lingerie. The area was big into textile and carpet tufting.

Salt Box House.jpg

Today, some Nomads tow a trailer behind their rig that serves as a work shop while others may work out of a school bus doing similar.
Very soon, workplaces will become so unsafe because of rage people feel (and workspace violence lawsuits that will follow) that CEOs and "managers" will be begging people to work from home. :)

This current push go return to office are the last throes of antiquated dying system, and they want to buy some time to offload all the office real estate and change various businesses that feed off workplace slavery like downtown coffee shops into something else. The also want people staying shackled to their mortgages in expensive cities and are afraid of city collapses. But whats inevitable will happen.

Some types of government workers, though - they need to be public facing and accessible to the public in person as they are public servants. Its the fear of public anger, not the common cold fears, that made them work from home and hide from the public. One calls a government office then and no one answers the phone, just a message that people are working from home and will call you back, which they never do.

Professionals whose work in private industry can be easily done from home should just boycott return to office companies even if it means taking a pay cut, resulting brain drain will sort it all out eventually. Ever since they stated with Open office thing and got rid of cubicles work in the office became especially bad. Smelling horrendous personal care products people use, nauseating stinky foods, musty carpets, air fresheners, listening to chatter, seeing distractions all of this is incompatible with productive work.
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Another thing is people (those who won't snap and go full bat guano crazy and violent from long commutes, high expenses and in person workspace stress) will be quietly sabotaging companies that made them unnecessarily work from the office and will be just biding their time. This is happening a lot now. I think its called coffee revolt or badging. Just show up, have a coffee with chit chat, do bare minimum, take shortcuts, skip stuff, another coffee, then lunch, oops time to go home my dog just called.
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You are confusing real life with fictional TV shows.

You are just relying on your imagination of what a fictional character might do in such a situation. The reality is that break times are scheduled with defined time limits and supervisors report you if you are away from your work station too long. You would get formal warnings with letters put in your personnel file and after just a couple of incidences you would be fired. Companies can’t afford to have one employee setting a bad example for other employees. It ruins productivity.
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In 2025 many remote workers have built businesses on the back of Social Media platforms. They are handy, free, don't require any more skill than building a scrapbook. But everything you build there may not truly belong to you and if things/the times change, then you may not have any recourse to protect the business you've built. The article linked below may help remote workers who have created a business of their own.

Since TikTok has endured threats and demonstrated it has a will of it' own now in spite of outside influeces, it will be up to the users to find a way to another home if they want to protect their business from events like we just witnessed in the last 24 hours. (1/19/2025)

FastCompany com just published this article regarding moving off social media platforms owned by others. If you build your business there, then it may be subject to the whims or squabbles that that platform may incur that may have devastating consequences for your online business.

Here is what they suggest doing for your own safety and.prosperity.

Looking to dump Facebook, X, and TikTok? This is how to build a brand without using social media.
Interesting. Fortunately I built my “brand” a couple of decades ago before the era of TikTock. Way back in the dinosaur age when there were still magazines in print and printed newspapers where my work got featured. But a lot of it was built by participating and giving how to how-to advice in online newsgroups related to the market for what I make. Surprisingly a lot of my sales still come from images that have gotten spread around on Pinterest.
Has Eelon Musk cost you your Civil Service job ?

Don't worry, Russia and China are looking to hire you.

Exclusive: US intel shows Russia and China are attempting to recruit disgruntled federal employees, sources say
Your included link refers specifically to federal employees working in national security and intelligence fields……..

So I guess your question is directed to all of the work camp & Federal National Park peeps living in RVs on this site that have lost or may lose their salary included free camp parking site?

You know; those peeps using the leaf & sand blowers as well as installing new toilet paper in the pit toilets?

Yep; they have those massively important security clearances that every foreign govt wishes they could find people for in their own countries. 😂

This CNN article is a bunch of horseshit propaganda that was probably dreamed up by some brainwashed journalist(s) who are also on the FBI payroll and they need peeps like you to spread the gospel & good worx.

bch bum jonny
The article linked says those targeted have “national security clearances”.

“Russia and China are focusing their efforts on recently fired employees with security clearances and probationary employees at risk of being terminated”.

Did you even read it, or just scan it to fuel your morning rant of vitriol, contempt and disdain for others here?
Whatever your situation --- and it's a safe bet that forum members are living and working in a wide variety of situations, so we shouldn't ass-u-me --- this would be a good time to take a look at your operating plan and make sure that (1) it's as future-proof as possible* and (2) you have a couple of backup plans up your sleeve. Also maybe (3) live a little more frugal than usual to give yourself a bit more flexibility, just in case the massive changes being explicitly promised by people in charge come about (in my personal opinion, change is likely but we can't predict what form it will take).

In my life, the times when I've had the fewest options were also the times when I wanted to hold on the tightest to whatever was working for me at that moment --- so to anyone out there who currently feels like they don't have many options, I feel ya! it can be very unpleasant to face up to this stuff but if you work it through you'll be more in control. Brainstorming can be fun --- don't censor yourself, sometimes the most wild-@$$ ideas can lead to something practical. Put a time limit on it ("I will work on this plan for one hour and then go do something fun"). Researching your options can be fun even if the final decision-making is tough. (In turn, the decision-making will be easier if you have that researched info at your fingertips.)

For some people, remote work involves computers, and for anyone who plans to stay in the loop on computerized jobs I would definitely recommend a class or two on AI. Codeacademy has some good free ones and IIRC even their paid ones are pretty affordable. Khan Academy has great free classes too but not much on AI as far as I can tell.

I don't think anybody needs to totally rework their life because of what's going on right this moment, but I do think staying informed/aware and having a couple of backup plans is important. (I think mine go all the way out to Plan G at this point🤪. 99% of my energy is going into Plan A, but I feel better knowing I have alternatives.) A "SWOT analysis" (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) can be a fun way to brainstorm. If you can't have everything you want, what do you want the most? Whatever is most at risk in your life right now, how can you shore it up?

It's always a good idea to think about this stuff, but right now seems like an even better time than usual to make sure you've got some kind of backup plan lined up. Regardless of how this current tumult turns out, having a thorough and flexible life plan is a good thing.

* yeah, you can't stop the weather either, but you don't hike in your underwear during a blizzard
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I just had the worst ever February sales for my self employed part time business. Looks like it is going to be a lean year for me. Good time to get very serious about some slow and steady month by month weight loss!
Sorry to hear that, maki2.

Every time I go to the grocery store, prices for everyday items has risen.

And then there’s this visceral fear that we are hurtling toward a cliff we can’t see, and we don’t know how steep the drop is nor what’s at the bottom.

People may be hunkering down to some extent, snd I understand that completely as that’s how I feel.
In my mid 70s I have been through a lot of economic downturns. I have had this small business long enough to have noticed a number of waves of slowing of sales in reaction to various events in this country and world news too. It is a roller coaster ride.
Zoning has made engaging in cottage industry very difficult. For over a century suburban demand for separation from anything that looks or feels like smoke, noise, commercial vehicles and trades (except lawn maintenance, and occasional plumbers, electricians and maids) have been prohibited via zoning laws.

There has been a slight shift over the last several decades for cities to allow reintegration of home and limited types of work. The biggest revolution has been wireless bandwidth that enables nearly seamless communications enabling remote office-type work to proliferate. Of course, this technology does not significantly apply to manufacture of goods, although 3D printing is a start.

I applaud the ingenuity and appreciation for change among full time RVers who have transformed their "normal/prevailing" work patterns. Unfortunately for RVers, the same attitude that created strict zoning that has kept businesses out of residential zones also severely limits RV parking in communities.

Given these current social/legal limitations, there may be an opportunity for a type of RV parking/camping scenario that focuses on providing overnight parking for business-oeiented RVers who need strong wifi and cell service and maybe a few other related business services.

Full disclosure: My daughter is a full time Class B RVer who provides collaborative consulting services. She prefers scenic, state parklike environments and relies heavily on Starlink.

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