Waste management ideas that might help...

Van Living Forum

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...bots are very precise and the cursor moves in straight lines, angles, or just 'jumps' to the desired spot on the page.
Well, that won't be hard for bots to fake... :unsure:

BotWars. I like watching the war between ABP and youtube. Looks like youtube has been winning lately... as it's actually turning ABP off somehow!

I wouldn't mind bots on forums if a) they identified themselves, and b) they have a sense of humor. :p
We're everywhere....we're everywhere.

You mentioned earlier about this so called 'moderator profession'....well there might be PRO-fessional moderators out there, but I ain't one of em.

In fact I pay a yearly fee to the forum just like other paying members.

More of a hobby I guess...and BTW I generally side with the members (when it makes sense) when 'push comes to shove' between the members here and the forum owners and management.

The moderators here also delete a bunch of spam postings nearly every day from India, Pakistan, China and other countries, we move posts or delete them, or fix spelling errors when requested by a member who has made a minor error and would like it fixed, we respond to reports of inappropriate posts, usually by reviewing the complaint and only rarely do we take action by deleting posts.

And yes, if needed we can warn members or reduce membership posting privileges, but we rarely do either of those, mostly because we have a higher level of participation and generally well behaved members here.

Every now and then, a member will go 'off the rails' and we have to ban that person, to protect everyone else on the forum. That's not something we take lightly.

There's a very small team of us doing this work as volunteers, because we care about this forum and like to see it survive and hopefully benefit those who find enjoyment reading and posting here.

If you find our work 'deplorable', that is your opinion, and you are free to express it.

But in that case, why not set up an internet forum with no moderators at all, and see how that works out for you?

Let us know the URL when you get it up and running.
Thanks for the info... really. It's nice to read a respectful post from a moderator for a change. I've had many replies from moderators on other forums, and I have yet to come across a direct reply from any of them that has not bashed my posts so blindly as to disregard every little bit of sensibility in anything I had to say about anything.

If you'll notice from my posts, you'll see how respectful my my posts have been in contrast to that of the posts that come from moderators. You will also notice that moderators incite alot of disrespectful behavior from other readers on the forum; hence, the change in repertoire.

I'm not sure if there actually is a moderator profession out there either, but I never could stand them. I've been on some forums with minimal moderator interference, and learned that people get along 100% better without them.

Alot of what you mentioned about what moderators do makes alot of sense, but why not keep moderators out of the discussion if all they are going to do is behave so remedially underminingly of others?

You may not realize it, but you should never use the words 'read' or 'learn' when responding to anyone's post where it may concern your presumptuous point of view about his/her interest in business or product development. It's common knowledge.
Well, that won't be hard for bots to fake... :unsure:

BotWars. I like watching the war between ABP and youtube. Looks like youtube has been winning lately... as it's actually turning ABP off somehow!

I wouldn't mind bots on forums if a) they identified themselves, and b) they have a sense of humor. :p
That would be cool! 😆

You may not realize it, but you should never use the words 'read' or 'learn' when responding to anyone's post where it may concern your presumptuous point of view about his/her interest in business or product development. It's common knowledge.

I'm not even sure what this is referring to. Maybe another thread that I haven't read through? Or maybe something was deleted by another mod? Or maybe I posted in another thread about a topic of interest?

One thing to keep in mind...Mods are also free to post their opinions and offer advise or make other comments (within the bounds of good taste like everyone else)...being a moderator does not mean we can't participate in the ongoing conversations.

And as mods, we don't ever delete posts that happen to disagree with us, as long as those items are adhering to our general rules of behavior.

We are NOT the 'opinion police', nor are we the 'fact police'...we don't have the time or ability to scour 1000 posts a week looking for way out-of-line opinions and errors of fact..and all of our members are free to publicly agree, or disagree, as long as minimal standards of respect are observed. In fact we encourage our members to challenge statements that are misleading or false.

And your opinions about what moderators should do, or not do, is noted.

But...don't be surprised when we carry on with our duties as we always have.

At any rate, my plan is to allow this thread to return to the topic of 'waste management' which really is an important topic here. Yeah there might be some levity offered by our members...but it's all part of the RV and Vanliving equation.
Oh I 'get' this is a flame bait situation, but on the off chance that the OP can learn something, I was holding out some hope.

But! It is time to return to the regularly scheduled programming: poop control..uh...I mean waste management.
Oh I 'get' this is a flame bait situation, but on the off chance that the OP can learn something, I was holding out some hope.
I'm sure they are looking for training data, but do you really want to spend your precious human time training bots for free?
If there is evidence or proof that a bot was involved here, or flame bait, post it for all to read. Bots can be stopped, false accusations can be very detrimental.
If there is evidence or proof that a bot was involved here, or flame bait, post it for all to read. Bots can be stopped, false accusations can be very detrimental.
Behavior is the only evidence I have.

1) Very odd business prospect to start with. Most people are out of touch with the real world, ie designing things... but an adult human in this category should have enough life experience to know it. Bots are very good now at basic information and fooling people conversationally. Terrible at design, though.

2) Reacting with sudden hostility to a posts that were nothing but helpful. Showing no desire to engage in conversation regarding the design, and providing zero details. Sure, it could be a human with psych issues, but if so they aren't engaging with anyone in a useful manner.
I'd say your take is completely wrong. The concept was good as a suggestion - as good as any in the particular area and the thinking was in the direction of a growing problem caused by the disposal methods people are using. I have dealt with the mess other people make, not knowing, or caring what's involved in cleanup after the issue, for them, is out of sight and out of mind. Maybe you don't understand bots very well. I think the OP showed restraint when he was attacked several times. Go back and see if you can view the thread from this perspective. To me, it's obvious that lots of the comments were rough and not at all helpful to the OP's intent. I'd say that some members here are not team players, and exclude some other members.
I think the OP showed restraint when he was attacked several times.
All posts were very helpful until the OP attacked maki out of the blue. If all the OP has is a very flimsy concept (which is apparently the case), you'd think they'd welcome comments from people who know more about product design and use, and at least engage with them.
...evidence or proof...a bot was involved...
Yeah, but...
.. What if I am human but honestly truly believe I am a bot [see also : "My pronouns are..."]?
.. What if I honestly truly believe I am human, but only exist inside a machine?
Or my favorite:
What if piss and squishies are symbolic of the opinions of an audience we are programmed to ignore because everything we believe -- our entire reality -- is a Waste Management game-show created for their sick twisted entertainment.
Q Of The Day:
* Which is real -- The Kardashians or Dukes Of Hazzard with wotzername prancing around all over the place in her Daisy Dukes.
"...evidence or proof..."
Either, but never both.
[edited to add]
If I *can* get the financing lined-up to complete Clown School [fingers! crossed!], my call-sign is 'Squishies The Great'.
You heard it here first.
How many noticed my 'innocent' *dropping* of the multiple-definition word *can*!
I would like to see a bot pull that one out of its *head*, tell you what.
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Q Of The Day:
* Which is real -- The Kardashians or Dukes Of Hazzard with wotzername prancing around all over the place in her Daisy Dukes.
Don't we get to choose our reality? I pick this one...


However, just to ram home how much our society has deteriorated, this is a recent photo...

If you hate moderators to the point of insulting them personally, maybe you should start your own forum that has no moderators and stay away from ours. Back a bit you said you were out-of-here. So go already.