Waste management ideas that might help...

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Apparently it's not about anyone's harmless effort to address a common concern in van life. You're missing the whole point. The industry is condoning disposal of human waste in public garbage cans. It might not be the newest idea out there, but it addresses the matter which might pose a health risk to the public. I don't think it's as much about the health risk as much as it is about how gross it is. In the meantime, it's understandable, and we just gotta do whatever we gotta do to get by, but it might be a good idea in the long run.
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jv1597, you're getting beaten up pretty badly but you have remained pleasant. I don't have any good input but that hasn't been necessary to post in the thread. Your idea does address getting sewage into a sewage system (outrageous idea!), and getting a recyclable product in use. Instead of taxpayers funding hard workers to handle dangerous substances in an uncontrolled manner, it could get people to step up and handle this properly. You're a forward thinker, so don't give up.
I have an idea that might actually be of helping people TODAY who are looking for help. Switch over to talking about the toilet system you are going to use in your van whenever you manage to fulfill your dream of living in a van. You must have done some research about what are the most ecological options that are currently being sold. You can’t poop and pee into a non existent toilet so you must surely have decided on your very best ecological option for your future Van Life by now. You have already stated you are not going to be involved in making your ideas become reality. But you can still be of help in another way starting today! Present reviews of the best alternatives someone can obtain or make right now.
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jv1597, you're getting beaten up pretty badly but you have remained pleasant. I don't have any good input but that hasn't been necessary to post in the thread. Your idea does address getting sewage into a sewage system (outrageous idea!), and getting a recyclable product in use. Instead of taxpayers funding hard workers to handle dangerous substances in an uncontrolled manner, it could get people to step up and handle this properly. You're a forward thinker, so don't give up.
You're so cool...
I have an idea that might actually be of helping people TODAY who are looking for help. Switch over to talking about the toilet system you are going to use in your van whenever you manage to fulfill your dream of living in a van. You must have done some research about what are the most ecological options that are currently being sold. You can’t poop and pee into a non existent toilet so you must surely have decided on your very best ecological option for your future Van Life by now. You have already stated you are not going to be involved in making your ideas become reality. But you can still be of help in another way starting today! Present reviews of the best alternatives someone can obtain or make right now.
I'm reading your post, and reading some more, and almost done reading it... on second thought, I should probably just stick my head up a bull's ass instead... :)
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I'm really getting the idea that this isn't about anyone's idea...
Hello everyone! I'm not a Vanlifer yet... I just wanted to get some ideas out that I thought might help. I'm not sure if anyone's addressed the issue at this point, but I don't feel like doing the research. :) I thought it might be a good idea to get the perspective in order. Here's what I figured might help with human waste management:

Part 1:
1) A loadable mini-cartridge toilet
2) Cartridges measure around ie: 12" x 4" x 2" (LxWxH)
3) Toilet switches between liquid and solid waste disposal
4) Store mini-cartridges compactly somewhere for the week
5) Drop-off waste cartridges at your nearest waste repository

Part 2:
1) Have at least one waste repository for every major city
2) The waste repository service provider takes and processes waste cartridges
3) Waste cartridges are emptied out by means of a sanitation machine (which sends waste to the sewer)
4) Waste cartridges are sanitized and resold or recycled
5) Product types may include ie: large/small cartridges, hard/soft cartridges, new/recycled cartridges, etc...
6) Cartridges are dropped at the unmanned repository for a price for the service (ie: $1 per cartridge)
7) Replacement cartridges may be provided by the unmanned repository for a retail price (ie: $2 per cartridge)

So this solution can cover most territories between major cities eventually as it develops. There might be a couple of bucks in it for some beer and cigarettes for the month for anyone interested in the business. :)
Hope this helps!
How does a "not a van lifer" profess to know anything about waste management as a van lifer? I **** in a five gallon bucket lined with a Wag Bag. The bag is tossed in a public waste container as needed. Sometimes once a day, sometimes lots per day, depending on my diet.
Well, I'll tell you whut, you can either take yer poopoo and dispose of it in a manner which is not so grotesque, oooorrrr you can poop in a t-shirt bag, place that good ol' bag right over yer head, and let that poopoo run right on down yer whole face, and call it a day... yee haaww!! :) Just joking... what can you do?? What sort of experience does it take to know that you just gotta do what you gotta do in the meantime, and that proper disposal of human waste is never such a bad idea? So I don't see why anyone would have a problem with that.
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Can I put a 2nd word in for my 55$ Walmart porta potti?
I know; what if you just strapped an outdoor crapper unto the back of the van. Set it on 1 of those racks that fits into the trailer hitch. When it’s full drop it off at the yet to be invented interstate porta pooper exchange. Sorta like propane tank exchanges.

Then there’s this: https://vanlivingforum.com/threads/tow-hitch-toilet…….50847/

I’m tellin ya.
the beach bum jon frum bch bum jon 🤜🤛😎🤙
Can I put a 2nd word in for my 55$ Walmart porta potti?
I know; what if you just strapped an outdoor crapper unto the back of the van. Set it on 1 of those racks that fits into the trailer hitch. When it’s full drop it off at the yet to be invented interstate porta pooper exchange. Sorta like propane tank exchanges.

Then there’s this: https://vanlivingforum.com/threads/tow-hitch-toilet…….50847/

I’m tellin ya.
the beach bum jon frum bch bum jon 🤜🤛😎🤙
John, you mean like a black water tank and a potty rigged from the outside...? You'd still have to suck the crap outta the crapper wouldn't you?

I think I remember watching a video recently of someone emptying out their black water tank into a machine. It makes sense to do it that way, but it looks somewhat inefficient, having to carry such a big load to do it that way.

A good idea might be to be able to use an adapter which would enable the user to dump the crap into just any plastic bottle (ie: 1ltr plastic bottles) to keep costs to a minimum. Then maybe a machine could do the emptying and washing for recycling of plastic products.
Can I put a 2nd word in for my 55$ Walmart porta potti?
I know; what if you just strapped an outdoor crapper unto the back of the van. Set it on 1 of those racks that fits into the trailer hitch. When it’s full drop it off at the yet to be invented interstate porta pooper exchange. Sorta like propane tank exchanges.
Be careful or you'll be accused of working for & being a sh#tter shill😆

jv1597 make a biodegradable baby diaper & you'll do more good getting rid of much more plastic and sh#t🥳


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