Zil, if you are referencing SJ as southern NJ, I hail from there. Pennsville to be exact. On any internet forum I use my name. I have nothing to hide, I know my rights and will defend them no matter the cost of life, limb or money. <br><br>Now, back to your question. GET OUT OF NJ!!!!!! Period. I lived there for 35 years, made the move to Delaware after that. I do know what you mean by lying under oath. I have several NJSP friends. I have in my life time watch a good state be wrecked by liberal laws that do no good to curb violent crimes, but cause good people hardship. Although never a victim of the laws, I knew way too many who were. <br><br>There is an attorney in NJ his name is Evan Nappen. He wrote a book and updates it on NJ weapon laws. I have the 2006 edition and there is a loop hole for every law. I had a friend that was being persecuted like Tibetan monk at a Chinese Military Ball. He was looking at 30 years with trumped up charges. In the end with a lot of money, several cop friends and Evan Nappen, the officer was not only fired but sued in civil court and lost. <br><br>At one point in NJ, they pasted a law of no rifles holding more than 10 rounds. They made "overnight" 100,000 felons who had bought there guns legally. They also made examples out of several gun shops that still had inventory. <br><br>They did the same thing with the foothold trap (Leg hold to anti trappers). One day they made the trappers of NJ felons. It was and still is illegal to possess a foot hold trap in NJ. A famed trapper in NJ by the name of Newt Sterling had about 20,000 of these traps. They swat teamed his home, arrested him like he was some kind of heroin dealer or mass murderer. It cost him $50,000+ to get off. You see it wasn't that they pasted the law (which was stupid from a wildlife management standpoint), it was the fact you could not load them up and transport them out of state, sell them etc. You had no way of doing anything with them but letting them sit and collect rust. No 30 get them gone, nothing. Same with the 10 round deal. <br><br>Just hey, we made the law, you make a move and your a felon. I feel your pain, but get out. Your freedom is worth more than any job that keeps you there. If family doesn't understand than either explain with true emotion or tell them to stop being a control freak. I did and the wounds healed and all is good.<br><br>Hope this helps, sorry for the rant, but I have a passion.<br><br><br>