Reactions when they find out you live in a van?

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2016
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I have been living in my converted 2012 Sprinter van for 4 years.  I travel around and take contract jobs teaching / implementing Six Sigma and work cell layout/flow.  I also do online projects for other companies.  

My current job I'm 68 days into a 90 day contract.  Friday after work one of the managers ran into me with my side door open laying on my bed working on my laptop.  At the time he did not say anything, but when he got home he went to send me an email, but he sent it out to the entire management team where I'm working.  Not sure if it's a good or bad thing, but he snapped a pic of me also that show the inside clean and neat.

The replies to the email have been going non stop and i have responded.  "Yes my van is set up weekend camping as i travel a lot and hotel rooms get old.  I have also found by changing your surroundings you can change creativity flow."  

I know Monday morning I will be in a meeting with most of the managers and I'm wondering what is the best thing to say or how would you handle it?
I think your response was wonderful! Why change it?

The more information you give, the more questions and opinions they will have. If you can pretty much stick to the statement, they have nothing else and will leave it eventually.

Good job!

PS Some might wish to do as you are doing...but I wouldn't reply while you're working that job. Let them email you and you can respond later on if you think they're really interested. If someone tries to open the subject while you're there, ask them to email you... ;)
DrJean is probably correct.

That manager sounds like a troublemaker -- otherwise, why would he have sent it to everyone?
If the subject comes up, ask where in the contract does it specify that you are forbidden to have a RV?
My g/f came to visit me for a few days. We ended up on the parkway for a sunrise breakfast. I sent them all a pic from my bed of the sunrise, our nice hot breakfast, and a pic of how much room we had.

I included...
What a way to wake up when it's 68* inside, 33* outside, with a hot breakfast, can work from my bed, and when i no longer like what i see out of my windows i can get up and drive off getting 20 mpg. With a good set of batteries I can stay warm or cool for about 16 before i need to plug back in.
Ask them how much it costs to support THEIR place of residence.
Please, "F", not splat. No context for splat.

As to how others think..... that is their reality, and their problem. Enjoy YOUR life choices. Embrace them.
I would not have said anything unless it was brought up again, seriously. If it is brought up be calm, confident and non-nonchalant about it. Someone might be trying to make a big deal out of it or they could be making sure they aren't liable if you get hurt on their property. If it's the big deal then counter it by acting as if that person is behind the times and you're wondering where they've been all this time.

If someone wanted to discuss it I would NOT ask them to email you(unless it's management but be careful how you respond) but do offer to discuss privately or not at all if it's an employee. Emails corroborate themselves, conversations between 2 people don't. If they must make a bigger deal out of this than it is it the articles about Google and Walmart employees doing it probably won't help but find and save them for backup just in case.
As of right now no one knows where i'm staying. I do not hang out at work, use there bathrooms after work, or use there gym so there is no liability on them.

Right now I have a great carport at a mom and pop campground i stay at any night the weather sucks for $20 a night.
I get a laugh when people find out I'm living out of my van...(Average conversation)

"Where do you park?"

"Local Walmart, Movie theater, side of road by theatre, 11 mile" (Gee Creek Rest area)

"How do you stay warm?"

"Propane heater, large comforter"

"How do you get fuel for the heater?"

"Use a 20 lb bottle, like you use on a barbecue"

"Don't you get cold?"

"No, that's what the heater is for" (Roll eyes then)

"Don't people bother you?"

"No, they keep to themselves"

"What about predators?"

"I'm a male with a weapon, not probs there" (Knife only, maybe pistol one day)

"How do you cook?"

"On a propane stove" (Yes, they then ask how THAT'S powered also...Geeze!)
The email hit around 300 reply's and i read about half of them.

There were a few questions...
Bathroom. I did not tell them about the 5 gallon bucket, but did tell them i use a bottle in the middle of the night some times and same with my g/f when she stays with me.
Where i stay. Most of the time at a smaller camp ground and some times i find someone that will let me park in there driveway and use there bathroom.
Genset? No genset or propane. I'm all battery.
Could you do better and i just replied that i'm sure i live much better than some of there staff. I'm sure you have a few people that live in bug infested places. I'm sure there are people in this room right now that owe more money than they make in a year.

Everyone just looked around and we went back to the normal meeting bs.
Wow,  does this thread ever bring back the memories. 

Yes, I once used my Van when I worked in Corporate to move around on short term assignments.  I didn't "live in the Van" and work. however. as my work took place in a Design Lab and testing facility".   The Van and economy car I towed with it was my Nomadic mobility.  I had short term apartments which weren't much more than studio apartments providing a little space with a kitchen and bath.

If I had to sleep in my Van I could while I was in transit between divisions I rotated through. 

Where you are mobile and living in your rig to do your job,  my motivation was to get out from under the
the trap of being single where all of my married coworkers felt "entitled".   Thus anything good,  they got it and anything that was crap....I was to get it.   My live being single was second class to theirs.  

But there was always need for a person who could go to other facilities for a few weeks and work there.  The "married" ones couldn't or wouldn't,  so I found opportunity in that.  I could be from one facility to another in a week end provided they had a place waiting for me to move into.   Had I a more purpose built RV I may have been able to just live out of that and park it in a trailer park on short term. Till I was ready to move again.

But I applaud your using your rig in your work in this way. 

As for this manager,  I'd put out the word you are available for work elsewhere and if this turns nasty,  just tell him you have another situation to report to where they appreciate your flexibility and approve of it.   Thus BBDing (bigger better deal)   his job.  

I know of guys who are working with Fiber Optic cable right now who are doing this same thing you are.  They
simply don't like or trust motel rooms. (seeing them as health risk)
It looks like for now the situation has blown over for now.
I'm at the point in the contract that i have meet all the requirements except for the amount of hours i need to work for them and my end date. I'm only working there 3 days a week now and doing odds and in for different departments that do not want to go full on 6 sigma, but do want help in different places.
They want me there till the end of my contract for trouble shooting the primary project if needed. It's cool with me because the other place i'm working with is 45 miles away and i'm doing a lot of prep work and teaching classes. They have a bunch of planed down time to move machines around to go full on 6 sigma for the new year.

I travel a lot but as a independent contractor i make my own schedule. I hate hotels, motels, and short term living in furnished apartments. I have played those games before. Depending on what the weather is going to be and where i'm at depends on if i find a cheap camp ground or use gym showers. I don't have a shower or true toilet system.
The single vs marred life class thing is bs and always will be. The key is being in a trusted relationship that both people are happy with.