Someone in MY space 😑

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Aug 30, 2023
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Obviously I know it's not my spot... But.... I drove into my favorite parking lot of all time. Nestled in South eastern PA connected to a Home Depot is a lot where the lights actually turn off for 3 hours at night. I've been parking there occasionally since 2016 never been another person. UNTIL This guy... Medium size camper trailer hitched to a truck.
He had a dog, I have two dogs. Barking broke out. I calmed my dogs and tried to park out of his immediate view. I'm in a minivan mind you....
I walked over to say hi and ask how long he planned on staying. I told him I usually stay for a few days at a time. He was evasive but said sames. I mentioned I was asking because I'm in a minivan and the shade is very valuable to me. He managed to take up all of the spots that are shaded through the entire day. Otherwise I have to keep moving around. I was hoping that would put him at ease so that he would tell me his estimated departure.
Instead he got a bit irritated, said "So you want me to move". Which obv I would have liked, but never would have had the presumptive attitude of expecting or even asking him to do. I just wanted a departure date from him, so I could rearrange my plans and go back when he was gone.
Anyhow I just backed away and avoided him that week. I stayed about 6days. So two weeks later I drove through. He's still there!!!!! So disappointed.
With the winter he might leave... Also I won't have my doors open to stay cool, but what to do if he doesn't???
Anyone else had this issue??
No never had that issue because I avoid camping in towns.
When he said "So you want me to move" I would have taken it as a question, thanked him & told him that was very kind of him.
You will not be staying anywhere in most towns if you don’t have several different places scoped out to sleep at night. Staying where you will sleep beyond early morning or arriving where you will sleep early is not a good idea. There are probably plenty of shady places in day use areas like public dog parks or picnic areas, use those during the day. Just because some have done it and got away with it most likely they will become considered a problem to be dealt with by local law enforcement. Being a nomad in most cases requires moving in many cases daily if you want to avoid attention and problems. The key to not having problems is to use your vehicle key and move on!
I’ve had spots like that, but always could find something else. Crank your music and quit quieting your dogs… haha!
As this lifestyle keeps getting promoted you’ll see more of that. That jerk! Haha!
(Probably a nice guy)…
I’d wait him out a couple days… if it’s big enough for two stay and maybe mention you’d go but it’s your meeting spot for you and your schoolie friends who are due soon…
Someone telling me that I was using up a resource that they valued would not have put me at my ease.

It's hard /not/ to grow attached to something you like that much, but it doesn't belong to you, but you've never had competition for it before, but now you do ... very hard, I can imagine (and that might apply to either of you).

It's easy for tensions to rise, even between reasonable people, on stuff like this. And given the number of violent incidents over "simple harmless misunderstandings" lately, I don't think it's safe to assume a stranger is reasonable. I'd move on.

Something can be really great but when it's time to let go, it's time to let go.

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