Prepping for SHTF stuff and traveling

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Besides vandwelling, I also prep for emergencies, having caches of long term food supplies and enjoy&nbsp;alternative&nbsp;living situations, homesteading, learning to be self&nbsp;sufficient&nbsp;all have a place in a simple lifestyle. If you haven't checked out prepping or "preppers" , they are constantly looking for simpler/ easier/cheaper ways to live, off grid. The wealth of info is invaluable.&nbsp;<br /><br />I did want to share I have thoughts of trying out boat living, but still think my dogs would wonder where to do there business. And that would be one place I couldn't take my horse.<br /><br />here's a funny pic a friend sent me asking it this was me!<br /><br />
That shot looks like it was taken by a PI hired by a jealous spouse...
There is a good show called DOOMSDAY PREPPERS that was on Discovery or Science or Geographic channels. It was actually good information. They reviewed the preppers to see if they were really ready or not.
I know the kind of people you speak of, life is an unknown journey, I refuse to live like "we're all gunna die" , but I still prep for emergencies, I am trying to save up for a good generator as well as a trip to&nbsp;Jamaica! last year here on LI Hurricane Irene took power out in areas just around my dad's home... while I have preps for my home in PA , I don't live my life around preparing for the end while missing all of life between the two points. but I will tell you 2 vehicles , my shop, my dad's home and my home..... this is why I guess I am always broke!
offroad said:
There is a good show called DOOMSDAY PREPPERS that was on Discovery or Science or Geographic channels. It was actually good information. They reviewed the preppers to see if they were really ready or not.
<br /><br />while the show has merit, it's a little over dramatized, the preppers I have met are not this severe. I dont have TV, I watch everything online and did watch episodes on you tube. I met the man from NYC his is built like a brick poop house and very informative but stated that they really funnel you into a&nbsp;stereo&nbsp;type and he&nbsp;regretted&nbsp;doing the show.&nbsp;<br /><br />It would be like our secret world of vehicle living exposed and people then seeking you out, when all you want is to just stay anonymous.
Well your in good company...Im a prepper too! &nbsp;Not much of a doomsdayer but I like to be more self suffcient and a bit more prepared than the average person so I can weather hard times a little easier and none the less for wear and tear.<br /><br />Dont knock the boat idea. &nbsp;Except for the fact you cant really include your horse, it is a great life style to live. &nbsp;I was a live-aboard for 7 years on my sloop rigged 37ft Lancer Sailboat out of Coronado Califorinia. &nbsp;Probably the most relaxing and peaceful years of my life! I also found it to be a pretty conducive to the prepping life style I like to live. &nbsp;Its got a lot of advantages in that respect. &nbsp;In fact, while I am currently a full time RVer I am seriously considering going back to being a live aboard again!
I worked with somebody who lived on a boat, it was beautiful....While I love the water and often go to the ocean to elax , I know very little about boats. <br /><br />~Autumn&nbsp;
Autumn_nomad said:
;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;It would be like our secret world of vehicle living exposed and people then seeking you out, when all you want is to just stay anonymous.

This is a concern. Have a feeling that the community of RV FULL TIME would be an awesome reality show, if someone did it.

But then it would get a lot of attention.
offroad said:
Autumn_nomad said:
;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;It would be like our secret world of vehicle living exposed and people then seeking you out, when all you want is to just stay anonymous.
This is a concern. Have a feeling that the community of RV FULL TIME would be an awesome reality show, if someone did it. But then it would get a lot of attention.
<br /><br />Yup just what Uncle Sam wants people living in non stationary housing... LOL Nomadic life would be hell on the system , but I do wonder how many people are out there who dream of such a life and never follow through because it's considered not normal &nbsp;....kinda sorta<br /><br />~Autumn
<span id="post_message_1274815063">I worked with somebody who lived on a boat, it was beautiful....While I love the water and often go to the ocean to elax , I know very little about boats. <br /></span>
<br /><br />Funny you say that...I didnt know how to even sail a sailing dingy much less a 37 foot boat when I bought it, ha ha ha.&nbsp; I was just thinking beach front condo when I got it.&nbsp; Didnt take long for the folks frequenting the marina to learn me the ropes.
Autumn Nomad are you really shaped like a horse<br /><br />[here's a funny pic a friend sent me asking it this was me!]<br /><br />Rae