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      Oldwolf reacted to mpruet's post in the thread Going to Alaska in 2022??? with Like Like.
      The border to Canada is open now and has very few restrictions due to Covid. Basically all you need now is to be fully vaccinated...
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      Oldwolf reacted to maki2's post in the thread Camping coffee bags with Like Like.
      Interesting only 3 of the 37 responses to the question about using coffee bags even mentioned coffee bags. Just a regular coffee break...
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      Oldwolf replied to the thread Calling all nomads in the East.
      Lot's of great NF land in NC for a meet up.
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      Oldwolf reacted to Camper's post in the thread Calling all nomads in the East with Like Like.
      I'm in NC often in the Smoky Mountains... right beside a wild mountain trout river that's loaded with fish, or letting my solar panels...
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      Oldwolf reacted to JeanInaBox's post in the thread Calling all nomads in the East with Like Like.
      Anyone in the Carolinas? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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      Oldwolf replied to the thread MSG = Yum Yum.
      It is considered a flavor enhancer. It works by causing your taste buds to swell increasing their surface area.
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      Oldwolf replied to the thread Camping coffee bags.
      Dealing with coffee grounds, and cleaning the pots can be a hassle if you travel with minimum water, etc. But I'm sure the coffee pots...
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      I'd work if I could as I really miss it. I planned on opening another gun shop, range, give lessons & do gunsmithing.
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      I oddly watched that before you posted! Is Google baiting both of us with the same links? :unsure: My conclusion was that he's a pretty...
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      Oldwolf replied to the thread Radios.
      I agree, SDR is smazing. I use a SDRplay RSPdx with a wire antenna.
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      Oldwolf reacted to eDJ_'s post in the thread Radios with Like Like.
      If you are into listening, this device to use with your computer (USB) over the internet may be of interest. For less than $50 dollars...
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      Oldwolf replied to the thread Radios.
      The RCA Super Radio is a classic.
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      Oldwolf reacted to eDJ_'s post in the thread Radios with Like Like.
      One of my Radio's I use for AM DXing is a RCA Super Radio It's much larger than the small Sangean but performs quite well. You may...
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      Oldwolf replied to the thread Radios.
      Anyone have updates to this thread? I've been studying the ccradio 2e lately for medium wave dx'ing while camping.
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      Oldwolf reacted to speedhighway46's post in the thread Radios with Like Like.
      I guess this is what makes America great: I have enjoyed all forms of radio my entire life. My Amateur Radio hobby is a perfect...
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