You can fail in any lifestyle. Again, planning is the key. I see much more diversity here than someone avoiding being homeless or people that did no research, were told by 10 members to go for it and then they did. Anyone that doesn't do any planning or research and just jumps in with both feet into any lifestyle is taking a big risk. Is it definitely easier not to do the research and planning but taking the easy way is a life choice that doesn't pan out across the board.
Things have changed. Many people will never be able to save up much money and they can just as easily get into financial trouble despite what they call their homes. Many people have to relocate or travel in order to have a job. Choices are good. Just because I wouldn't choose it, it doesn't make it wrong for someone else.
There is a lot of great advice here and lots of different situations. I have been watching the "situations" on YouTube and it is just so interesting and I am so thankful that these people are willing to share. I mean after watching them, you'll be in tune with a lot of ways to go to the bathroom! I just love the openness that the people interviewed speak with. I also appreciate all that share here giving knowledge and encouragement.
Hey, this is a highly acclaimed website and I have seen it mentioned in all of the RV forums I belong to as a resource for those that desire to become a part of the lifestyle with limited funds. I just keep thinking it comes down to "personal responsibility" when making a decision.