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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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I fell silent on my conversion thread because frankly I was too embarrassed to post pictures of my messy setup upon moving in to an only partially completed build with fundamental design flaws. I get full points for creative solutions, if I do say so myself, but duct tape and bins falling over emptying their contents every time I drive only goes so far.

It's hard sometimes to remember this forum is for me, too, even though by some perspectives I may be "failing" at van life--or perhaps that's just my warped imagination of others' perspectives. In reality, this lifestyle is still giving me the most autonomy and stability I've ever had. It's just, y'know, hard and all that.

I've been in the minivan for several weeks now, I've lost track. No cooking area, so I cannot yet explore camp stoves, as I had been hoping to. I do now have a cutting board, however! I attached one to the top of my fridge, since I've been using it as a cutting board/food prep surface ever since I first got it. It's an old, noisy thing, loud enough to compromise my stealth as people walk by and do a double-take. Dammit.

Sharing a twin-sized bed with a boyfriend and *stuff* crowding in is....more 'adventure' than I'd prefer. Which means the boyfriend is getting his own place, and my "stuff" is beginning to find all its places, whether that's in storage, my van, donation bin or the trash. Slowly but surely, improvement is happening as I work my butt off day in day out.

I've always previously been hesitant about minimalism, having been raised to value a "prepare for anything--stockpile" mentality plus a "buying in bulk is cheaper--be frugal" mentality. I had an epiphany the other day when I returned from my folk's place with a vanload of STUFF that I'd forgotten was mine, planning to sell or donate most of it but not quite ready to in that moment. Hah, well...I managed to add it all into my 4 X 5 storage unit alright, but the end result of Stuff Tetris was patently unsafe and inaccessible to boot. And I just looked at that pile an went Stuff has to go. Thing is, I could upgrade to a larger storage unit, or I could store things at my folk's place, but neither of those possibilities sound nearly as good as downsizing. I'm not okay with a higher bill just to store more unused items and I'd rather not rely on my folks. I've reached the point where I'm more willing to make painful sacrifices in light of the Greater Good...of, erm, having a functional life.

In the meantime I continue to organize my van, too. The other day I finally found a spot of the kleenex box always floating around--after researching kleenex holders for about an hour, it dawned on me to try grabbing some of the double-backed carpet tape I have and just stick the box itself directly to one of my plastic bins. It's still there nearly a week later so it looks like I have my solution. One down, 999 to go. I wish there was beer on the wall.

I've begun to develop an answer to well-meaning friends who ask "do you plan to get housing soon so your life can be more stable?" What they don't see is that with my unique set of issues, there isn't a stable housing situation available to me. Granted, my life in a van is pretty chaotic and still more survival-level than comfortable-level. They do have a point, but housing isn't the solution. Instead, in a flurry of self-help I began listing out things that would actually stabilize my life, such as getting enough sleep at night, having my medical emergencies taken care of, and a sufficient food budget. This was helpful when I recently managed to get into therapy (after banging on closed doors and exploring dead ends since November) and I could show the therapist that list, demonstrating that vandwelling is not the issue. People these days.

I'm doing it. I'm not doing it well by others' standards, but in the words of my boyfriend, "You work harder than anyone I know". And somewhere in the back of my mine I have to believe that's going to be enough.
Three things, Bitty.

You only fail if you stop trying. And only then if you truly want/need something and give up. So, no you haven't failed. Not even close!

We're human and therefore subject to error and imperfection. The only one whose judgement matters, concerning our errors and imperfections is our own. I bet, like myself and so many others, you are your own worst critic. The rest of us don't notice.

And finally, you never cease to amaze me with your can do attitude and ability to keep moving forward. I have a dear friend andshe's in a similar place, physically and mentally. Both of you are a source of inspiration.

Keep on keepin' on
Great post Bitty. Just keep on keeping on. You will get it sorted out sooner or later. I made the same "mistake" by moving into my new project van too soon. I have too much stuff in the way keeping me from doing the remodel work I want to. Oh well, I took a step back and decided to stay in Florida over the winter which gives me time to do it right or at least better anyway.
I struggle with the very same, my answere has always been "Hello it's a non-build build" dumped the canned foods and moving on, do not be hard on yourself. It begins to make sense when you see small improvements
The difference between those who succeed and those that fail, is the ones that succeeded didn't give up.

Hang in there, I'm rootin for you!
Bitty...I think we all go thru many of the same thoughts and problems with our stuff.
I've started over so many times overthe years I can't keep count. Shoot, even this van (my 7th) is ever evolving.

My therapy is being out here traveling. I have far fewer PTSD issues and much less anxiety about day to day things.
I've adopted the saying, "It is what it is".

Keep moving forward and don't sweat the small stuff.
Beer on the wall.  Take a soda jug and cut the top off.  Use some double sided tape and fasten it to something.  Instant beer holder.    ;)

That is ow you figure it out. By doing it. If you wait until everything is perfect, you will never start. More power to you.
Thanks so much, everyone! It's great to know I'm not alone in this. Maybe I'll stop hiding from under this sleeping bag again. :p
bindi&us said:
My therapy is being out here traveling. I have far fewer PTSD issues and much less anxiety about day to day things.

That's fantastic! Moving into a van has vastly improved my mental health, but unfortunately there are a lot of triggers I cannot avoid. partially due to medical requirements forcing me to remain in the city. For example, the past week and a half I have had 4 major life-threatening near misses: one severe allergic reaction, a murder occurring where my bf and I had been standing just 15-30 mins prior, a semi truck began merging into me, and one night I decided to move even after fully settled in bed because of rain noise under the trees--the next morning a 30 foot branch had fallen on the exact spot my van had been.

These sorts of events, combined with a continuous struggle for hygiene while also being approximately as sick as the flu all the time, creates a lot of interesting issues such as is my anxiety a disorder or is it legitimate under the circumstances? Either way it does need to be kept to a manageable level in order to function. I'm having a heck of a time attempting to get minimal medical care for myself, which sets off PTSD triggers like you wouldn't believe, but if I don't take care of things my health will plummet. My life is a full-on dance with various catch-22's, they swing me around from one partner to the next and the challenge is to have a grand old time regardless. ;)

GotSmart said:
Beer on the wall.  Take a soda jug and cut the top off.  Use some double sided tape and fasten it to something.  Instant beer holder.    ;)

Haha! Totally. Only problem is all the interior plastic surfaces of the van itself have been impervious to every adhesive I've tried. Most adhesives don't even begin to stick at all, even the ones designed for it, like the Dashmat adhesive for your dashboard. It acted like there was no adhesive whatsoever. My family made a game of it and tried to find anything that would stick. A very few double-backed or Command adhesives would stick temporarily, but it'll only hold any weight for a couple days, even something so light as a curtain. I'm still hoping there's something out there that will work, but when Gorilla tape doesn't even begin to touch it you kinda start to wonder which aliens they bribed to obtain this technology. I'm sure it's great for retarding gumwads from kids but it sure ain't doin' me any favors. ::grumpyface::
Paper clips or binder clips clipped to the molding where the headliner meets the wall should hold a curtain line.

Suction cups will stick to windows.

A cheapie dollar store or $5.00 hammock at walmart can be strung just like curtains, and allow to clip all sorts of things to them.

Twine can also be run between the front and back shoulder harnesses, and side to side too.

Those shoe organizers with lots of pockets can hold a lot of goodies, in addition to other places, one on the back of each front seat, can work wonders.

Hope some of these ideas help...
All good suggestions on how to hang stuff from Off-Grid.

Also, Home Depot should have some 3M VHB (Very High Bond) tape that should stick to the dash - just make sure that it's not something you ever want to remove. I understand the only way to unstick something is to use a piece of fishing line to literally cut the tape in the middle. You won't get the bottom layer of tape off but you will be able to separate the object from where you put it.

One of the little things you'd been struggling with was the Kleenex box. I read a cool tip I read somewhere used an appropriate sized plasticware container with a slit cut in the top. Open lid, insert Kleenex box, put lid back on. It was suggested for keeping the Kleenex box from being scrunched and smunched in the car but it would also work if you anchor the plastic container where you want it. Then you can just refill the plastic as needed. I'd be tempted to take the Kleenex right out of the cardboard box because we all know that whatever size you plan on today, won't be the same size as the box you buy in a couple of weeks...sigh!

Since you have to stick around the city, have you looked at a gym membership - no need to work out.. :)  but the showers would go a long way to keeping up with hygiene. Trust me, no one will notice if all you do is go in and shower. Everyone is too self-absorbed to keep track of what you're doing. Hot tub or sauna is a bonus though! Since you're on disability, you might even qualify for either reduced or freebie membership.

You're doing fantastic - you can still find humor in it all!
Bitty...I can't speak for other's PTSD issues, but for me, I felt therapists, groups, and meds were causing more problems (almost like enabling), so I got as far from all that crap as I could. I find that the joy and excitement of travel does me the most good. I don''t even go off the deep end when things don't work in my favor anymore. The program that was supposed to be helping me was doing more harm than good. The only meds I use now are my inhalers and one for occasional pain when its needed...and pot.

Try a little acetone (nail polish remover) on the plastic before sticking stuff on it.
Good luck getting things organized...I'm still working on it after all this time :D
bindi&us said:
Try a little acetone (nail polish remover) on the plastic before sticking stuff on it.

Won't acetone melt the plastic?
Acetone will definitely take the top layer of plastic off.  I used a cotton ball that I had a little bit of acetone on, did a light rub and the grey color came off exposing black plastic underneath.  Be VERY careful not to rub too large of an area as it will always be different than the adjacent area.  Double sided tape sticks to the underlying black plastic though.
Sounds like you're getting it all dialed in, Bitty, congrats!
Maybe alcohol rather than acetone on the plastic. Try on a place that won't show.
I generally drill a small hole and use screws for curtains, hooks and such.
From your description of those near misses, SOMEBODY IS WATCHING OUT FOR YOU.
Don't stress but be happy about that !

Your sticking problem might be caused by someone using Armour All or some other product on it .
Hard to remove but maybe you can find some ideas by using Google "Removing Armour All" search:>) ?

I had doctors trying to get me into therapy and on anti-depressants , I think they cause way more problems than they cure.
I'm in the ("I'm living a life of freedom on the road ,and don't listen to those that haven't a clue how great this lifestyle is.") club and it has worked out very well for me for many years now (most of my adult life )!!
You're more in control of your life now than probably ever before .

We're all here with you on this bus , lots of help for the asking...............
Bitty, it sounds like you are figuring it all out and making do. Starting out was very scary for me. They other day I had a kind police officer give me a sheet paper of places I could go to find cheap housing. He was very diplomatic, like he didn't want to hurt my feelings and smiled sweetly when I told him I love this lifestyle. I thanked him.
Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone! It looks like I should attempt to bite the bullet and... *cringe* post up some pictures of what I've got so far. That way ideas of improvement can build from there.