Preference? Alone or in Group?

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Quoting Motrukdriver.....for some reason the quote feature isn't working for me.

"I prefer to travel in a small group. If someone breaks down there are hands available to help."

If you prefer being alone (as I do) and you are concerned about breakdowns, consider getting a AAA RV Plus card. I have it. It will tow you and your RV up to 100 miles wherever you want to go. If you're 100 miles away from your home base, they must take you there. I pay 120 for the service a year and since I drive an older vehicle, I use it at least 1 time a year, sometimes more. If you use it once, it's paid for itself...especially if you are broken down 100 miles from your favorite garage.

You can use 4 lifelines a year. They will jump start you, get you in when you lock your keys in your car. They will fix a flat (even on your RV if you have the RV option). They are lifesavers. And you don't have to hang around others in case you break down. I've had it for the occasional trips, but soon I will be full time and I will be very glad to carry that with me. AAA also gets you discounts on stuff. I went to Denny's and saw if you have AAA, you get a nice discount. Didn't know that. I should get a list of all the places that give a AAA discount!

I buy gas at a Gates station in FL. If you swipe your AAA card before filling up, they take a percentage off your AAA membership cost. This is the first year I tried it so I'm not sure how much I'll save yet. But the gas is cheap and I gotta fill up somewhere.
I'll be always by myself and away from people. Creativity seems to escalate when its just you and nature. I have to run a generator a lot of if the time
So it's best that way .
musicman said:
I'll be always by myself and away from people. Creativity seems to escalate when its just you and nature. I have to run a generator a lot of if the time
So it's best that way .

You know, LONERS get a bad reputation because of idiots who give Loner-ship a bad name.   You know your average serial killer is going to be considered a loner too, even if he wasn't.  We are often prejudiced against unfairly.

I would consider us a minority group, but can't get around the "group" part of the distinction.
wasanah2 said:
You know, LONERS get a bad reputation because of idiots who give Loner-ship a bad name.   You know your average serial killer is going to be considered a loner too, even if he wasn't.  We are often prejudiced against unfairly.

I would consider us a minority group, but can't get around the "group" part of the distinction.

How about " smaller demographic "? 

Just a vertical slice on some census bell-curve. 

We be livin on de fringes, Mon

Roomier out here.  Room to breathe.
One thing to consider is the bathing schedule of your neighbors and if you up or down wind of them. I would stay away from those that proudly proclaim "I stink, therefore I am"
Linda Cripple-Creek said:
I love people ... just in small doses. .

There's some friend's that you can only take in small does.
pnolans said:
How about " smaller demographic "? 

Just a vertical slice on some census bell-curve. 

Indeed, we expect to see variations that reflect common causes that are present in all processes.  If this is the only variation that is present, and we group our data readings into cells (the vertical slice of the bell-curve aforementioned) or measurement ranges, we find that the data arrays itself neatly into the bell-shaped curve that describes our Loner population.

I suppose for forum purposes, it is possible to use the term "smaller demographic" as long as the cohorts don't assume the entirety of this subset of humanity is short in stature.
pnolans said:
The Moodys expressed it well:

DUKE!  Great ptr!

I can't believe that with all the bands I've seen,  I've never seen them! 

Wow,  they are still great.

Ah Yes! Justin Hayward and the boys. I have to be careful watching groups I like on youtube as I go down the rabbit hole and may not emerge again for hours. :p
Ballenxj said:
Ah Yes! Justin Hayward and the boys. I have to be careful watching groups I like on youtube as I go down the rabbit hole and may not emerge again for hours. :p

saw them around... 2002? in Duluth, MN... not quite Albert Hall..but good times! lot's of sweet smoke in the air ..

I just have to ask all of you, have you ever heard of Syncretism? do you know why we are here? Very important questions that need to be answered. I have a hunch most of you have subconscious insight that you did not know you had. I hope not to get into trouble for asking but would like to know. I feel we are not far apart in most of our dealings, we just don't understand the problem and until we do there is no way to solve it.
casper said:
I just have to ask all of you, have you ever heard of Syncretism? do you know why we are here? Very important questions that need to be answered. I have a hunch most of you have subconscious insight that you did not know you had. I hope not to get into trouble for asking but would like to know. I feel we are not far apart in most of our dealings, we just don't understand the problem and until we do there is no way to solve it.

No trouble. ... maybe you could post that as a separate topic. 

I am interested in people's preferences,  no matter their theology or lack thereof. 
Your question seems to me to be a divergence from my original question. 

I encourage you to start a topic of your own. 

Why pat could it be you are becoming a self moderator! Typed with a snickering smile.
wasanah2 said:
I'm kind of fun.  I laugh at my own jokes because every one of them is good.  I like my own company.

This is me, too.  The voices in my head are very entertaining   :D

Add in the fact that my dog does NOT play well with others (dogs, that is - he loves people) and I anticipate being on my own more often than not.  I can keep him in my camp but it seems there are too many people who just let their dog wander wherever, and if it wanders into my camp it may not end well.
I suppose you aren't completely alone if you have a dog.  I don't plan to take a pet.  We (my daughter and I)  have one and they are not coming with me.     Pets are kinda needy, and you have to worry about the climate inside your rig too much.  I can park in the afternoon in the hot sun and go in somewhere and do something in air conditioning and not have to worry about it. 

However, I think your dog may assist you in your quest for alone-ness.  He might be a good deterrent to keep others away because you can always put a sign out in front of your rig that says BEWARE OF SAVAGE DOG.   However that could backfire if you have a Chihuahua because people will just laugh at you and consider it an invitation to see how savage your little beast is.
wasanah2 said:
However, I think your dog may assist you in your quest for alone-ness.  He might be a good deterrent to keep others away because you can always put a sign out in front of your rig that says BEWARE OF SAVAGE DOG.   However that could backfire if you have a Chihuahua because people will just laugh at you and consider it an invitation to see how savage your little beast is.

I'm more concerned it would be an invitation to a lawsuit.
pnolans said:
No trouble. ... maybe you could post that as a separate topic. 

I am interested in people's preferences,  no matter their theology or lack thereof. 
Your question seems to me to be a divergence from my original question. 

I encourage you to start a topic of your own. 

so sorry! I may have had a few to many? My sincere apology.
p.s. I tend to do that from time to time.
In my Book animals are and have always been my best and many times my only friends. They do not judge me by outside influence, they know who I am and don't pretend. We have a Tom cat about three years now, raised from kitten, would not trade him for my life. I'm very concerned about bringing him with us, we have had very serious neighbor problems and he has been traumatized and other pets have died. We know we must try to bring him with us to save him, but unsure if he will take to traveling.  
bullfrog said:
Why pat could it be you are becoming a self moderator!  Typed with a snickering smile.

Bite your tongue,  froggy!

:D :p
I assure you I know what the green frog crew is all about, and will not put up with it. comprende.