Preference? Alone or in Group?

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We're married so never really solo, but we prefer to be by ourselves, with an occasional foray into a group activity. We are both simply not "joiners", and run for the hills whenever someone or some entity tries to tie us into a schedule.
"I love people, it's humanity I can't stand." That was on a Peanut's banner given to me to me on my 6th birthday, it still holds true today.
Both I suppose. I am working on being friendlier. My employment was always me in an office by myself solving problems. Two shitty marriages and I am happily single. But I enjoy the company of smart people and interesting conversation. If all someone has to offer is gossip I get bored easily.

Introvert - me too.

I'd like to meet some people to camp with on occasion. But I wander where I want to, and am not easily swayed to change course.

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For me it's about the generator for awhile.  I need to run it for a little each day to top of my batteries until I can upgrade the solar, so while I like the idea of being near-ish others, especially right now in the beginning, I am also aware and actually ok with being a little further out from a group for that reason.  When I gain more confidence, I'll likely prefer solo and occasional meet-ups.
Even in a group I would want to have enough distance that you would not know I am running my little generator. I also do not want to hear your conversations, your farts and certainly do not wish to know what you had for lunch when you belch. :p
I think 2 cliches apply here.

" absence makes the heart grow fonder  "

" familiarity breeds contempt "

So  a lot of us cycle through missing people and needing our privacy. 

We usually spend our time with just the two of us. If we do get into a group, we like it us and a max of one other person. We do have a nice neighbor today though. Seems friendly enough. He didnt even mind when our Pug jumped right into his trailer to explore. He must not have peanut butter cookies as she didnt stay in there long!
I like both. I love being by myself till I noticed I haven't had a conversation in a few days. Then I'll get a little social if anybody is around just to make sure I haven't become invisible.
people are like trash, they start to stink by day 3
Does anyone else have trouble with the transition? I mean like alone for two weeks and then people are again part of my life, the transition seems difficult to me.

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Blanch said:
Does anyone else have trouble with the transition? I mean like alone for two weeks and then people are again part of my life, the transition seems difficult to me.

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I have to think about that one some,  Kind of like Kelly was saying, depends some on the  size of the group ...but I do look forward to the RTR,  but then might want to leave after 3 days. ...  :dodgy:
Good thing there's lots to do there and around there. 

pnolans said:
I have to think about that one some,  Kind of like Kelli was saying, depends some on the  size of the group ...but I do look forward to the RTR,  but then might want to leave after 3 days. ...  [emoji19]
Good thing there's lots to do there and around there. 


I took a few road trips during the RTR to get some alone time. A really cool ghost town named Swansea and a trip to the abandoned mines on Q mountain and a couple of walks away from the crowds. I loved the RTR and will be back for 2018, but there were a lot of people!

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Blanch said:
Does anyone else have trouble with the transition? I mean like alone for two weeks and then people are again part of my life, the transition seems difficult to me.

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Yes, it can be a bit jarring. Depends on what is on the other folks' minds and what they're talking about. There's a lot of soap opera in many peoples' lives.
I'm pretty sure that I am going to like you people a lot! I have so many of the traits you have, is that what makes us a tribe? Although I want to go to RTR I will probably be on the outside looking in due to the crowds. But I do hope to meet so many of you there!  I also do best with smaller groups.
Blanch said:
Does anyone else have trouble with the transition? I mean like alone for two weeks and then people are again part of my life, the transition seems difficult to me.

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When I first retired I went from being with people 40+ hours a week to maybe 2 hours when I'd go get groceries or stop at a store. Took me a solid four months to figure out how to simply be... now I can do that transition from people to alone pretty smoothly. 

What is taking more adjustment on my part is having my wife home 24/7, I got used to a solo weekday routine and am having to figure out how to be with her all day every day, I think travel will help a lot.
Going from my usual routine of seeing almost no one at work and home to hundreds of people at the RTR was over whelming especially since a number of them were seeking me out for talks on internet providers. Luckily for me the trailer gives me separation so I close my door, lower the blinds and y'all simply disappear. hehe
I always travel with a group, me myself and I plus Ruby the red dog. :)
For an introvert I am uncannily good with people and find transitioning between my need to be alone and a need for some time with people easy. I'm certainly not shy and can talk to almost anyone about almost anything...interesting stuff, not what the Kardashians had for breakfast!!!

When I'm forced to be around people (like a job) I find it draining, but when I choose to be around people of similar mentality I enjoy it. I do however tend to "leave the party" as it were before most. I'm enjoying my own company right now but without a way to meet people I'm starting to feel a little's one of the reasons I'm not sure a work-from-home job is actually a good way to go for me.

I enjoy camping with others I like but still want my space in the camp site, and I like being able to retreat into my cave nearby.
highdesertranger said:
"you know when I drink alone I prefer to be by myself."   sorry I couldn't resist.

actually I like both.  small groups or alone.  I do like the RTR and that's not a small group.  I guess I like it all.  highdesertranger

Your quote reminded me of one in the movie "Barfly" by Mickey Rourke's character... "It's not that I don't like people, I just feel better when they're not around." As with many things, moderation is the key to having the balance and enjoy "alone or in group".
Or as my brother likes to say when trying to introduce him to someone new, "I know enough people".

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