New here, going nomad out of necessity

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Jan 12, 2024
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Hi all! I found out about this forum and the services bring offered to those in need from dome nice people in a Facebook group. After hearing my story they thought this was the place for me to get the help I need. I did fill out the contact form on the website but I was told the guy might not respond to it because he's really busy and they said I should post here.

I'm battling cancer, losing my house because I've had to stop working. That's it in a nutshell. I'm about to be homeless because of cancer. Single mom of 3, they lost their dad a few years ago. Fortunately my youngest is a senior in high school so the plan is he will stay with friends and my other 2 have apartments, and I'm gonna hit the road in my van and do some traveling that I've always wanted to do.

I've got everything I need for the build but I haven't had any luck finding anyone to do the work. Install my solar panels, power source, a/c, roof air vent. Insulate abd that sort of thing. I can drive to wherever if there's someone who could get the work done.

Cancer is taking away everything that makes me ME. I hope there's someone who can help me get my van ready to hit the road. I look forward to meeting some of you!
Welcome! There are several resources here. From the announcement of the Van Aid event to the Homes On Wheel Alliance (HOWA) contacts to individuals willing to help others. The RTR and many members are camping in the Quartzsite Arizona area this time of year usually as well as the caravans.
if you are in a colder climate you have 2 choices. Spend the winter with family or head to Southern Arizona. Southern Arizona in the winter months is where free camping, Nomad volunteer help with build skills and the weather for working outdoors coincide.
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Posters here have already asked the most important first question necessary: Your Location.
But the second most important is: without being cold or invading your privacy, what can you say about your physical condition? I have to assume that if you want to travel, you don't have to be close to a specific hospital for continuing treatment. But how much strength do you have to take care of yourself? It makes me almost sick to ask, and I apologize, but for example, are you in a place physically where you might be able to travel only every other day and then have to rest and regain your strength? I ask because that makes you vulnerable to predators, and safety has to be weighed in your decision making.
It might even be in your best interest to vet and travel with a partner. It's not out of the question that your local ACS chapter can help you find someone who's in similar circumstance...or a volunteer with skills to help you with the conversion. But however you travels...and remember this: that last road you turn on is the best road of all. It leads you HOME.
Sorry...I didn't see before posting that you DID list you were in Mississippi. That gives you a little respite from winter to deal with converting. Had you been in Maine or the Dakotas, it would have added that much more to your burden.
But I want to re-emphasize: your local ACS chapter may be your best resource. And if you're "churchgoin'" (as my gramma used to say) that's a resource too. Bless ya, child.
For this time of year, Quartzsite is the best place to settle into the van lifestyle. There are groups that you can join who have lots of resources and you can get to know some of the ways you can find a free place to park. On your way to AZ many of the campgrounds will be closed this time of year. Go to Compendium and learn how to use the program. It will be invaluable. After selecting a campground, call to make sure that they are open and have a space available. Because you are facing health problems, I would suggest that you determine if you are eligible for Social Security disability and/or Medicare. When you make a choice, be sure to select a policy that will allow you to see docs out of network and is not limited to the state where you are living. Before you leave home, make plans to visit at least a primary care physician and someone who specializes in treating the kind of cancer you have been wrestling with. Spend a few hours looking through the ratings of physicians in the Phoenix, AZ area. When you have a list of names (some practices may not be taking new patients) make sure they accept the kind of insurance you have. If you are coming up short on the names of docs who will see you, check out university medical centers, VA if you are eligible or locate community health programs in the Phoenix area. Once you have a list of clinicians, talk to the docs you are seeing, have them write out a referral for you and get a 3 month supply for each medication you are taking. The offices you are referred to will call you to set up a date and time for you to come in. Make sure that the dates coincide with your trip to Quartzsite. Also, download your medical records and print several copies. You can study them and, if you need to go into an urgent care or ER along the way, you can hand them a copy of your medical records (include the lab work and imaging from the past several years).
Hi all! I found out about this forum and the services bring offered to those in need from dome nice people in a Facebook group. After hearing my story they thought this was the place for me to get the help I need. I did fill out the contact form on the website but I was told the guy might not respond to it because he's really busy and they said I should post here.

I'm battling cancer, losing my house because I've had to stop working. That's it in a nutshell. I'm about to be homeless because of cancer. Single mom of 3, they lost their dad a few years ago. Fortunately my youngest is a senior in high school so the plan is he will stay with friends and my other 2 have apartments, and I'm gonna hit the road in my van and do some traveling that I've always wanted to do.

I've got everything I need for the build but I haven't had any luck finding anyone to do the work. Install my solar panels, power source, a/c, roof air vent. Insulate abd that sort of thing. I can drive to wherever if there's someone who could get the work done.

Cancer is taking away everything that makes me ME. I hope there's someone who can help me get my van ready to hit the road. I look forward to meeting some of you!
As others have said, for the help you want, you need to get somewhere that other nomads are. Q-side is a couple or 3 days away from Miss. If you have a camper bed or even just a mattress in your van that's all you need to make that trip. Take your supplies and I know there are lots of folks that will help. If Az is too far there are lots of ppl in Texas if you can make contact. You could try
Hi all! I found out about this forum and the services bring offered to those in need from dome nice people in a Facebook group. After hearing my story they thought this was the place for me to get the help I need. I did fill out the contact form on the website but I was told the guy might not respond to it because he's really busy and they said I should post here.

I'm battling cancer, losing my house because I've had to stop working. That's it in a nutshell. I'm about to be homeless because of cancer. Single mom of 3, they lost their dad a few years ago. Fortunately my youngest is a senior in high school so the plan is he will stay with friends and my other 2 have apartments, and I'm gonna hit the road in my van and do some traveling that I've always wanted to do.

I've got everything I need for the build but I haven't had any luck finding anyone to do the work. Install my solar panels, power source, a/c, roof air vent. Insulate abd that sort of thing. I can drive to wherever if there's someone who could get the work done.

Cancer is taking away everything that makes me ME. I hope there's someone who can help me get my van ready to hit the road. I look forward to meeting some of you!
Hi, I just read your story and needs for the van. Today is Feb 4. I just met a fellow here in southern AZ who came all the way from Canada to do a build on a woman's van. I am trying to get his contact info and will get back to you soon, Dan H
There is an MD Anderson Cancer clinic in Phoenix. I go there for my yearly cancer checkups. If you can get insurance that will cover Banner Hospital then I can recommend MD Anderson without reservation.
Hi, I just read your story and needs for the van. Today is Feb 4. I just met a fellow here in southern AZ who came all the way from Canada to do a build on a woman's van. I am trying to get his contact info and will get back to you soon, Dan H
Thank You Dan

Kristi is slowly driving to VanAid to get her conversion van built as-we-speak.......Traveling across Texas NOW

Cancer has taken her "normal voice".......On-the-road she's upset that she can't be understood

She says she needs a "Marker & White Board !"................Sending Positive Vibes to KRISTI !!!!!!!
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I knew a fellow once, a long time ago and far away, who loved music. Hansen's disease (leprosy) took his fingers so he had to stop playing the ukulele, and eventually cancer took his vocal chords so he had to stop singing. He still danced.
(Jesus, that was a long time ago.)
Good luck to Kristi!

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