Gray water... why?

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Dude, have you BEEN to a truck stop? Swear to God, I had drivers in my fleets that would simply go in a 5-gallon bucket until they couldn't stand the smell, and throw out the bucket and get another. 8 ounces of gray water would have been a blessing.

The gist of my question was to see where the general population fell in between "Boy Scout" and "IDGAF." Myself, I try to stick to the "don't be a d**k" rule when traveling, and it's worked for a month of Sundays.
No, don't recall ever camping at a truck stop. In the west it's easy to find public land, and further east I usually park wherever... just off the road and on private land, if there isn't any NF. Never had an issue with that.

There are no guarantees since someone might complain, and there might be an LEO who is very concerned about making a quota. But generally not being a dick is a good policy that works just fine.