Hello old friends, and new ones (if you want to come aboard.) I miss one particular thread from our old forum. That was travel around‘s 24 /7 Chat. Or some type of title like that. But a bunch of us kept in touch with each other and I enjoyed that forum thread before I looked at any other. So although I’m ignorant of a lot of things at this new forum format i’m going to try here to resurrect a bit of that. So if you were on that thread before welcome back and if you were never on that thread before welcome aboard. Friendly conversations and insignificant information about who we are and where we are and what we are doing what we like and what we don’t like and all that kind of stuff. By the way my shaking from the brain tumor does not allow me to type well so I dictate this and that brings about some screwed up words and some repeating etc., so if it’s screwed up I’ll blame it on the dictation because I never make a mistake.
to start it off I’m gonna add a couple of nature pictures I’ve been taking a few again here in Florida. I’ve been in Florida now for three weeks and a half weeks. Right now in southern Florida it’s raining and the lows at night or under 40°. That bothered me until I called home to Pennsylvania and found out that their nightly lows are in the single digits. So I’m staying in Florida. When the sun is shining I’m out in nature centers and state parks in Audubon centers taking pictures mainly of birds at this time. So here are a few. The first one is a roseate spoonbill with a beautiful reflection in the water. Then there’s a butterfly never saw before called the white peacock. Florida is one of its northern ranges. And then there’s the popular sandhill crane. Down here in Florida they make a big deal out of protecting this bird they put up signs to protect it, charge people fines if they mess with it etc. yet there are 17 states in United States where it is a game bird gamebird and I understand it’s very delicious.