Corvids (Birds of the crow family) are among the most intelligent of birds. I’ve watched documentaries that prove that crows can think cognitively, communicate at an astounding level, and even manufacture their own tools.
When I’m on top of the mountain in Perry County PA my one camp is near a ravens nest. Several times a day they fly in the area doing loop de loops and other Types of flying that can’t be described by anything but just for fun.
I used to have two “pet” crows. I raised them and hand fed them for several months after they fell out of the nest. For that entire summer they returned to my porch every day looking for food. They even knocked on my window to tell me they were there. That fall they stopped coming regularly. Once, about a month after they stopped coming to my porch regularly. I was at a gas station 3 miles from home and filling my van with gas. I heard a crow fussing from the roof of the building, I could not recognize this bird as one of mine by site. I called out the two names that I had for those birds and Said “ come to papa”. A phrase that I used often when feeding them that spring. The Crow that was making a fuss flew down and sat on my shoulder and started “preening“ my beard. I think the folks around me were scared or at least amazed. That was my last contact with the birds but I think of them every time I see a black bird. I named those two crows one was Russell crow the other was Cheryl Crow.
Believe it or not that’s a true story.