My van camper

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Campor99, a thread for showing pictures of our rigs is a GREAT idea!!

But you need to start it as a thread all of it's own and not mix this one up with it.

It would be best if you did it, since it's your idea, but if you can't figure out how I can do it for you.
highdesertranger said:
well you need to find out if it's sagging in the front end.  tape measure and a spec sheet.  highdesertranger

Had new shocks all around and nothing was said about sagging will double check with mechanic,  Thanks again
akrvbob said:
Campor99, a thread for showing pictures of our rigs is a GREAT idea!!

But you need to start it as a thread all of it's own and not mix this one up with it.

It would be best if you did it, since it's your idea, but if you can't figure out how I can do it for you.

Thanks for the advice, I'm not very savvy on how this whole system and forum work. I dont need any credit or such
But it would be nice if a site was just for peoples rigs and descriptions especially if they could add and edit as needed.
Hope to attend next RTR, just found out about them recently, really enjoyed your videos. All the best and stay warm Frank
Campor99 said:
Had new shocks all around and nothing was said about sagging will double check with mechanic,  Thanks again

Checked other Astro's and found they are same, nose low to rear! Thanks for the idea!!!!
Campor99 said:
Had new shocks all around and nothing was said about sagging will double check with mechanic,  Thanks again

please post a pix of your ride/rig We are trying to get all readers to show us their vans and how they make use of tiny paces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March  week of 7-12 will be the week of modifying the bumper hitch carrier to allow for swing out panel to allow rear hatch and doors
easy access to the rear of van compartment and build of additional storage. Also will be looking for a battery to build a battery generator for
more access for additional appliances. Should be busy and will do a photo log of before and after.  Hopefully this will benefit others in their van
modifications or just provide a few ideas. Stay tune as I want to share my ideas and how I use a 12 volt Engel Frig/Freezer to best utilize the

Best to all you Van loving guys and girls  Frank
Boo Hoo! and Argh, Welder at machine shop down with bad back. Soooooooooo! no progress on modifying the bumper carrier for
my Generator Power Box and Tire rack. But on the bright side I came up with idea that will be less expensive and work just as well if
not better. All comes to those with patience.

Will post information on Engel Freezer/Fridge on Hump day

Go Small Go Far!

Best to all you Guys and Girls Van Campers
How I use my Engel Freezer Fridge in my Van.  The Engel brand is a high end product designed for low energy use, not cheap
but very well built, there are other units available that this procedure would work.

I use mine normally in the freeze only mode, it wont do both at same time, its 30qt in size.  I freeze water in large Peanut plastic containers, i.e
Planter 2lb, normally four of these, and six or so 12oz drinking water bottles The balance of the interior is filled with food that I wish to have
available for most evening meals. Now why I freeze all this mass, it keeps the unit using very little 12V watts.

I also carry a small quality ice box. Daily I place a water bottles from freezer and the frozen foods that I plan to use that day plus the cokes etc
that will be consumed. You got it, by using such a system I never have to buy ice which as you know is messy and costly.

I'm sure there are other ways to skin the cat, but this works well for me.

Go Small,Go Far!

Best to all Van people, Frank
Go Small, Go Far!

I say this because, its easy to travel and not a chore just to get your rig on the road.

My rig is small, i.e. Astro Van and when traveling with my companion, I pull my Scamp Trailer.
This smallness allows me to break camp and be on road in less than 15 minutes. Additionally.
I don't have gray tanks or black tanks to worry about.

Class A and C are not easy to get moving and require large areas to maneuver. Plus the subsystems
are expensive to maintain.

A Class B would be easy to travel in, however all the sub systems are still a issue.

Good luck on your travels

Go Small, Go Far!


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Hi All

Why I travel light and have minimal stuff in my van.

On a recent trip from the Midwest to British Columbia's Gold Rush area I traveled with
my best buddy so pulled my Scamp trailer. The results were that we had lots of room,
comfortable sleeping, and overall nice time on the 6500 mile trip. This covered the gamut
of terrain. Lots of mountains and long climbs etc. The cost of fuel mileage was very
wide from 12 mpg to at best 15 mpg.

After my return I did another trip with just the van and camped most of way to and from
a reunion of fellow ex fighter pilots in Florida. Great time was had by all and the trip very
pleasant. Fuel mpg average on this trip ranged from low of 15.5 to 19mpg.

So Go Small go Far!

Leave a comment if you like these notes
Get out there, don't drag your feet,  have a great adventure. I traveled for 18 months
in a 1998 Jimmy. Just threw a sleeping bag, ice cooler and Coleman one burner stove, 
some food and couple of pots and utensils and boogied.

Can't do a long range trip, go local, i.e. go to USFS areas, state parks, etc. There is a ton
of great things to see close to home.

I feel far to many people plan and spend far to much time on building their vans with cabinets,
insulation etc and try to make the van a rolling palace and don't get out there until lots of time
and funds are expended. I would guess many spend so much time trying to get every thing
perfect that they just give up and never get to live their dream. Remember the more subsystem
added to you camper the more things to go wrong. I believe the simpler the better and you'll be
just as happy enjoying our wonderful country.

Go Small Go Far.

Best to all you van guys and gals.
Nice van, My Astro is a 95 cargo van . Nothing fancy about Mr MaGoo but he serves me well. Has 57,000 miles and runs like a top. Does have air that will freeze you out of it. Bed across the back that I sleep at an angle across, Air vent I installed in the ceiling a few days ago,finally. Have a couple of 12 volt cool fans I got on the cheap As John Muir said "I hear the mountains calling my name and I must go" so Smoky s here I come. Anybody rode the Dragons Tail? So take care everybody and save me a place at the campfire. HoboJoe
Campor99 said:
Get out there, don't drag your feet,  have a great adventure. I traveled for 18 months
in a 1998 Jimmy. Just threw a sleeping bag, ice cooler and Coleman one burner stove, 
some food and couple of pots and utensils and boogied.

Can't do a long range trip, go local, i.e. go to USFS areas, state parks, etc. There is a ton
of great things to see close to home.

I feel far to many people plan and spend far to much time on building their vans with cabinets,
insulation etc and try to make the van a rolling palace and don't get out there until lots of time
and funds are expended. I would guess many spend so much time trying to get every thing
perfect that they just give up and never get to live their dream. Remember the more subsystem
added to you camper the more things to go wrong. I believe the simpler the better and you'll be
just as happy enjoying our wonderful country.

Go Small Go Far.

Best to all you van guys and gals.

Great advice that I live by.  HoboJoe
Campor99 said:
P.S Is yours a AWD,  do you stay on the western slope of Smokey's or east?

Hi, pics on the way. Stay on both sides? Mr MaGoo is two wheel drive but I don"t hold it against him.  HoboJoe
HoboJoe said:
Nice van,  My Astro is a 95 cargo van . Nothing fancy about Mr MaGoo but he serves me well. Has 57,000 miles and runs like a top. Does have air that will freeze you out of it. Bed across the back that I sleep at an angle across, Air vent I installed in the ceiling a few days ago,finally. Have a couple of 12 volt cool fans I got on the cheap  As John Muir said "I hear the mountains calling my name and I must go" so Smoky s here I come. Anybody rode the Dragons Tail?   So take care everybody and save me a place at the campfire. HoboJoe

Hi Hobo Joe, thanks for the note, good to hear that you are involved in the good life. you hang on east or west side of the smokey's

Best to yah! Have a ball!

Happy Easter egg weekend to all you guy's and gal's

Stay tuned will upload some photos this weekend or first of next week.

Today I would like to share some of the different people traveling small I met while traveling the Great West of USA.

1. This was rather a bizarre meet. Traveling from Salt Lake UT to Yellowstone on route 89/30 just inside of WY.
    Gentleman on side of road hold up a empty one gallon jug. Knowing he was hurting for water stopped and gave
    him 2 gallons. He was traveling or should I say, he had all his belonging on a warehouse cargo "Big Red Wagon" with
    Stake sides about 2 feet in height. Wagon had large balloon tires. Stated that he was pulling wagon to Alaska, stated
    was hoping to be in northern Canada by winter and not to freeze to death. Wished him well! Wish I had taken a pix.

2. Jim from western KY. We met on a back road leading from Columbus NM heading to AZ. He was traveling in a Geo Tracker,
    Me a Jimmy,  Jim had build a sleeping bunk on passenger side, carrying his gear behind his driver seat. We travel together for
    5 days stopping at a remote Hot Spring to chill and get take much needed hot baths  He was heading to a Meet in Tombstone.
    Me to travel from hot spring to hot springs thru AZ seeing all the cool things along the way. I did remote springs that weren't
    developed therefore offered free camping.
    Used the guide "Hot Springs & Pools of the Southwest" I used this through out the Southwest AZ,CA,NM,TX NV got mine in bookstore,
    would guess Amazon has it.
3. Young man from NY, traveling in ragged out NY Police Crown Vic Cruiser, with bed installed on pax side, Padre Island beach, TX

Best to All

Hi all you van loving Guy's and Gal's

Sorry I'm late on this post, been a hectic week. SOOOO here goes

1. Senior Pass at National Parks, a great buy if you plan to visit the best of the best parks nation wide. Seniors 62yrs or older, 10$ gets you
a lifetime of many benefits, and is well worth it. Got to the website. Not 62, still a great deal for Annual costs, I.E. you get half price on many
things as entry fee's and camping etc. States have annual passes but you must compute your savings, as they aren't as good as the National
Park Passes. Check it our you will save a ton of Buck's!

2. Padre Island National Park.   A real gem, park and camp on beach, has about 30 miles of beach to camp. If you don't have 4x4 on drive
down the beach be careful, but you can camp beach side, or find one of the island camping spots off beach. Spent 3 weeks was a great time
was there over Xmas! Had my Jimmy 4x4 drove the full length of beach, You must be careful of tide, and go at low tide to insure a safe eaxy
trip on the hard sand.

Guy was camped on beach in a 1947 chevy 1 ton with built camper, very cool! When ask he said live with what you got!

Diet, if you have a sweet tooth, Peanut Butter and Honey don't require  refrigeration an therefore with baked crackers  provide a easy answer to
that issue.

Enjoy the the photo, My 2000 Astro Van Passenger Model, has a 12v outlet just forward of the rear left door. I use it to power my Frig/Freezer
driving and charge my extra battery. Very Handy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See Photo attached.


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Campor99 said:

Hi all you van loving Guy's and Gal's

Sorry I'm late on this post, been a hectic week. SOOOO here goes

1. Senior Pass at National Parks, a great buy if you plan to visit the best of the best parks nation wide. Seniors 62yrs or older, 10$ gets you
a lifetime of many benefits, and is well worth it. Got to the website. Not 62, still a great deal for Annual costs, I.E. you get half price on many
things as entry fee's and camping etc. States have annual passes but you must compute your savings, as they aren't as good as the National
Park Passes. Check it our you will save a ton of Buck's!

2. Padre Island National Park.   A real gem, park and camp on beach, has about 30 miles of beach to camp. If you don't have 4x4 on drive
down the beach be careful, but you can camp beach side, or find one of the island camping spots off beach. Spent 3 weeks was a great time
was there over Xmas! Had my Jimmy 4x4 drove the full length of beach, You must be careful of tide, and go at low tide to insure a safe eaxy
trip on the hard sand.

Guy was camped on beach in a 1947 chevy 1 ton with built camper, very cool! When ask he said live with what you got!

Diet, if you have a sweet tooth, Peanut Butter and Honey don't require  refrigeration an therefore with baked crackers  provide a easy answer to
that issue.

Enjoy the the photo, My 2000 Astro Van Passenger Model, has a 12v outlet just forward of the rear left door. I use it to power my Frig/Freezer
driving and charge my extra battery. Very Handy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See Photo attached.
Hi Campor. Don't have a house battery? And also if you are disabled you can get a See America Pass. Half price is always good. Remember.these words at the checkout. Do you have any coupons/ senior coupons/discounts and in My case. Any military discount.    Hobojoe.
HoboJoe said:
Hi Campor. Don't have a house battery? And also if you are disabled you can get a See America Pass. Half price is always good. Remember.these words at the checkout. Do you have any coupons/ senior coupons/discounts and in My case. Any military discount.    Hobojoe.

Hi Hobojoe, thanks for your service, I'm a vet also, retired from AF. Thanks for flushing out added bene's for readers of my thread, hope all
is well in the Smokies. Campor99

Hi Van loving Guy's and Gal's

Spring is here, and that wanderlust is coming fast. Sooooooo!

The USA now requires a PASSPORT to return from Canada and Mexico.

It takes up to 6-8 week to renew, so I guess you'll need same for initial issue.
Your Post Office is the initial point of contact to get the ball rolling.

Good luck and be safe

Stay tuned, new photos coming next week.
