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I am very good a two person solitaire. Lol.

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Very first vehicle description in first post.

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Remember the old TV show <a href=""><b>Wagon Train</b></a> depicting the massive move west in Conestoga Wagons?  TV Guide has a <a href="">LIST</a> of episodes.  Also on <a href="">YouTube</a>
Original Wagon Train <a href="">Theme Song</a>

Where are today's <a href=">Robert Horton and James Bond</a> to form a company to escort those traveling west in modern "wagons?"

<i>Max whispers THANK YOU to Angie and Mike</i>


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AMGS3 said:
I am very good a two person solitaire. Lol.

How about Backgammon or Chess?  I spent a lot of time playing Backgammon online with people I became good friends with.  That was before Netgammon went extinct.

It was a beautiful setup with excellent graphics, and window to talk to opponent.  I haven't researched to see if there is a decent Backgammon available, free.
Not backgammon or chess, but for a while I was really into Othello, both the in person and the online versions.

I'm a horrible chess player and never played backgammon.

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AMGS3 said:
Not backgammon or chess, but for a while I was really into Othello, both the in person and the online versions.
Angie, do you have a link for online Othello?  I'd like to see if I'm smart enough to play. :-/

Unrelated... I was thinking a fold down sink in the toilet nook would be a good plan, where I could brush mu teeth and perform my <a href="">ablutions</a>,  The only one I could find is $500. :mad:  So I'll have to invent something.  Perhaps a simple fold down shelf with an existing pan of some sort.

Regarding a desk that will replace the useless HUGE couch, I'm leaning toward using my rolltop (minus the rolltop :D )  The photo is old, and shows a "Flintstone" monitor


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Were you thinking of building some type of frame on a hinge? I could see that working with a garden hose sink like I used to have.

I couldn't fine a link to the exact type I had, but here's something kind of similar. This one has a fountain feature that mine didn't. That fountain could come in handy if you just needed a low flow stream for a little while.

As for the Othello, here's a link to an app I found on Google Play. I haven't tried this particular app yet, but I will. The phrase for the game is "a minute to learn, a lifetime to master."


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AMGS3 said:
Max Were you thinking of building some type of frame on a hinge?  ~angie
Yes, a piano hinge, probably on a wood board.  It would need to be well saturated with waterproof sealant  According to the height I want, and the toilet being there, I'd decide to mount it to either flip up or down.  If flip up, hinged as you see for countertop extensions.  If flip down, possibly chains to support it.  I;m hoping a flip up will work in the space because a flip down would require a latch, and I'm not wild about the chains.

That green sink pictured is the cutest thing.  For water, I posted somewhere above about a solar shower I would hang above the toilet for a bidet, not thinking at the time of a sink.  I really don't like to use a kitchen sink for much else than kitchen use.  Thanks for game link.  If it's not too involved to download, I may try it tonight. :cool:
sink drop down 2.jpg
AMGS3 said:
Max  Were you thinking of building some type of frame on a hinge?

Hi, The attachment gives a general idea how the drop down basin shelf would be built on the wall above the toilet.  The height would determine how far out from the toilet the shelf would come. 

The unit would act as a medicine cabinet, for storing soap, shampoo, aspirin, antibiotic creme and bandaids, tooth paste and brush, cup or glass, toilet paper supply, many other small personal items.

The closed shelf would keep the contents in place, and I would put cleats on the wall to support the open shelf.  So the width would be as wide as the toilet nook is.


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So, would Greybeard pass as a company vehicle (stealth) if I can eventually paint him a warm grey,and have a logo similar to the above, made into decals for his flanks and possibly rear?  An email contact could be added.


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But then you probably be a comercial vehicle and require comercial insurance and plate as well as not being allowed in certain areas.
bullfrog said:
But then you probably be a comercial vehicle and require comercial insurance and plate as well as not being allowed in certain areas.

Rut Roh.. It's always something.  What if just the rig's name was on the wagon, leaving the viewers to make their own conclusions?
You could see if you could sell cheap ad space from an existing antique shop or other type of business.


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AMGS3 said:
You could see if you could sell cheap ad space from an existing antique shop or other type of business.
Hi, I'll be on later when I can see.  Eye doc visit today, and drops haven't worn off yet.  A couple of important developments, will catch y'all up later.
AMGS3 said:
You could see if you could sell cheap ad space from an existing antique shop or other type of business.

I just have some things that I thought I could offer at flea markets.  I'm not familiar about taxes there.  Solution would be to do it in non tax states : ;)

1st situation that came up today... I need to have cataracts removed from both eyes. Also something going on behind one that doctor can't deal with until the cataract is out of the way.  So, I should have way better eyesight by Thanksgiving. :) :)

2nd situation - as I drove past Greybeard's dealership, I didn't see him on the lot.  Hopefully they didn't sell him, as they KNOW I want the rig.  I left a message on their cell, and should know tomorrow.  In any event, whatever is best for me, He will arrange. :D
max+sophia said:
whatever is best for me, He will arrange. :D

Greybeard's dealer just phoned.  They gave the van back to the owner.  They said the proce was too high, and it was taking too much of their time showing the vehicle.

So, the dealer will give my contact information to the owner, and we shall see what happens. :s
Yes, some of the wind is out of my sails, but not for long.  (Haven't heard from Greybeard's owner as yet.)

Just a note:  I've ignored obvious signs in the past, and got myself into a mess of heartache.  I tend to work on making things happen, since I managed one family member's art business, and another's building company.  
Headstrong you might call it.  So in this circumstance I have to consider it wasn't /isn't the safest thing to use cash-on-hand in the event something comes up. 

So, something did come up, and it may be that I'll be responsible for part of the operation costs, and I'll be needing that cash.  This forced waiting period may be just the thing that saves my goose in the end. It has been called Providence.

Halted but never Quitting ---
I know I want a van like Greybeard, so I'd like to explore the possibility of a pullout step to enter the van.  It's a big step in, and there's really no place to attach a assist handle.

If someone here is familiar with the 1987 Ford Econoline 250 (Discoverer Motor Home) would you let me know if there is room underneath to mount a pull down or slide out step?

I agree Max. You've spent this past month dreaming of how you want your living space to be. Many of those plans can be easily translated into a new space whenever that opportunity presents itself.

I hope everything goes smoothly with your upcoming surgeries. I'm sending happy healing thoughts your way.


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