Methuselah Remodel

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Getting way off topic here but the OP asked :huh:

Any water source can be distilled as long as there aren't any chemicals in it that have a lower evaporative point (think gasoline).

Here is a simple one that would be easier than digging a pit and filling with water:



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I realize this Q may be a silly one, but here goes anyways-

What's the salt for?


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B and C said:
Any water source can be distilled as long as there aren't any chemicals in it that have a lower evaporative point (think gasoline). Here is a simple one that would be easier than digging a pit and filling with water:

I like this, makes sense.
Angie, tx for URL, meanwhile found this <a href=""><b>WATER IN THE DESERT</b></a>
AMGS3 said:

What's the salt for?

I don't think I mentioned salt anywhere. :huh:   If distilling salt water, the salt will be a byproduct and thrown away unless you need to season something.
B and C said:
  :huh:   If distilling salt water, the salt will be a byproduct and thrown away unless you need to season something.

Now that was a funny exchange Angie and Brian. :D
^^^^ yup B and C, you didn't mention it directly. But the photo has a box of salt in the background. And since it was the only thing in the background I was wondering if it was pertinent to the foreground.


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Didn't notice the salt canister.

No idea why it is there.  I just grabbed the first picture I could find for doing it.  A picture is worth a thousand words in my book, especially if they're my words :p
I think that picture was putting words in your mouth. Lol

Salty ones?

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dry bag TPU flex $17.99.jpg
I made a decision on how I will handle doing laundry while on the road.
I'm buying this <a href=""><b>DRY BAG</b></a> made of transparent <a href=""><b>TPU</b></a> 20L $17.99. 

I learned of this idea from posts by Ranier70 on the <a href-""><b>"awesome way to wash"</b></a> thread.
Ranier's is a <a href=""><b>KASTKING 30L</b></a>,  but I figger 20L will do for me since I have no heavy jeans or men's clothes to wash.  I still have to  research if bleach could be used.

I don't like the 2 drum mini machine I just bought.  Will sell or give away.  I also don't like the hand-crank drum I have.  Both systems require handling dripping wet clothes, multiple times.  I stupidly bought the gravity empty double drum machine, and it's too heavy for me to get it above sink or tub drain height.

<b><u>Ve Get Too Soon Oldt, Undt Too Late Schmart!</b></u>


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    dry bag TPU flex $17.99.jpg
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Yes, I'm falling behind, have not inspected REX as yet.  Small excuse, eye operation coming up in a few days.

Anyway, middle son came today to cut branches that could be in the way of driving the Buggy around the property, reaching the septic tank, etc.  So that's something.

I;m still working on, and trying out, REMs for travel.  I plan on just having to heat packets in water, or water added meals.  Refrigeration I'm not sure of.  I'm following the "no refrigeration needed" thread to see if I can get there.  I love crispy lettuce, so I need to try one vamnner's idea of a wet towel covering the head. 

Still not happy about missing out on Methusaleh/Greybeard, as I really like the size.  REX is 27ft long, and a whole other story.  We shall see.
Whelp, winter is upon us here in NY.  Hail today a bit larger than pea size.  Supposed to get a couple inches of snow overnight.  Not a good time of year to be buying a MH. :(   It was in the 30s when I left for surgery followup this morning.  Still, we should get some decent weather for MH shopping before all is lost.
Hey Max!
How's your recovery going?

^^^^^ I make my own vinegar spray and it's awesome. I like that I can change the scent up with each new batch if I want to. I got the idea originally from my Gram, but needed a recipe since I never payed attention to how she made hers. There's a lady on YouTube who has a whole channel all about diy cleaning, etc... She's got a weird sense of humor, but her recipes work.
Here's one of her vids about homemade vinegar spray that smells good
Here's another one about baking soda uses


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AMGS3 said:
Hey Max!
How's your recovery going?

Hi Angie,  Thanks for asking.  Recovery going well, still have to apply drops 4x a day.  Problem in back of eye, on one of the 2 threads... so have an appt with viscous whatever next week.

I like the idea of the orange oil... I love the smell of oranges, and animals don't. :D 

Incidentally, I finally looked at REX.  VERY cozy living area... the photos don't do it justice.  Clean... upholstery and carpet look new.  Just can't make up my mind if I want such a HUGE unit.  Sure would make for comfy living though. (Even if I got married again :blush: )  Perhaps my daughter would go with me to see REX,and make me decide.
Oye.. another change in plans.

I was approved for a loan to buy REX, the VERY cozy Conquest 1989 MH.  Then I learned I would not be able to use my daughter's place, which was the original plan.  She wanted me to have someone in case I needed help, and not be away from everyone in the house.

So back to plan A, looking for a Camper Van.  The same dealer has one coming,but not right away... Good thing I'm a patient person, no?
I'm still here.  Plans still in flux.

12 degrees below zero F overnight.  About 15 now at around noon.  Mizzable weather to be rig shopping.

So here's the skinny... REX still in play... current buyer listed as "pending" for some time.  Makes me think REX will become available again at some point.  I really like the layout, and have never seen a MH with this arrangement.

So I think if he is on the market again, I will go for it, regardless of whether son in law wants a MH on his property.  Who needs him?  (Well, it would have been nice to be near my daughter in my dottering years. :( )   Country folks will survive. :) 

My thinking is that if (perhaps I should say when) power is no longer available to run the furnace in the house, it would be very comforting to have REX stocked and waiting for me.

Anyway, had a great Thanksgiving, and with food sent home with me, I'm going to do it again today.
Oops, forgot to include a recipe for no-cook Cranberry Relish.

Daughter-in-law didn't have time to chop (or grind) up the relish, so she served it the way it was.  She called it "Rough Stuff"  :rolleyes:   Anyway, it was way better than the relish I've always had, IMO.  so here's the recipe...

ROUGH STUFF - Cranberry -  Orange
1 bag of cranberries, clean
2 oranges, clean
1 1/2 cups sugar.  (I'd use WAY less)

In refrigerator container, place cranberries, and oranges cut up in tiny pieces, stir in sugar well, and put in fridge.
Make it ahead, so the berries have time to absorb the tasty liquid.

Seems like this recipe should be put into a no-cook RV cookbook. :heart:
Hi, I've given up on finding a camper van I can afford. Sooo, I'm figgering ways to make my 2005 Ford Escape into a camper.  I have a cot in there, but was wondering if the roof could be raised on such a small vehicle.
I picture a raised area created like a wheelhouse.  Any ideas? Max