I just got the third degree treetmemt from my mom

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Who wants to be normal anyway?? I want to be exceptional!! Following the crowd or the norm doesn't lead to greatness!! You have to follow your heart for that. My parents/family/friends don't all get it either but they either accept me for me or not... Not my problem. Be free!! Be yourself!! Live your life instead of the one someone else envisioned for you.<br />With much love<br />Kristy<br /><br />madcap328.wordpress.com
sl1966 said:
When push came to shove with my mother. I reminded her that I earn more than her and my father combined, am months away from debt freedom, own land, not making mortgage payments past the age of retirement, and love her very much.<br /><br />My father walked out of the room giggling.<br /><br />
<br /><br />I would have loved to see that.
Angeli said:
Hi Howard,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;think about it, even celebrities with their million dollar mansions are never in them. they are always traveling and staying in hotels most of the time or in trailors on their set.&nbsp;<br />I'm sure that your Mom is just worried about you because she doesn't understand.&nbsp; Living a mobile life is so different from what we as americans are conditioned to want.&nbsp; We are taught to pursue wealth and that little house with the picket fence, and stay in one place.&nbsp; But every generation or so, someone or a group of someones come along and do something totally different for awhile.&nbsp; Now, you don't need to be a rebel.&nbsp; That vision isn't even true if you are a traditional corporate manager.&nbsp; Many corporate people (managers, engineers, VPs, sales, IT) are constantly having to move from city to city for their company.&nbsp; If you can understand that her fear for you comes from love and her own limited world view, then maybe your feelings won't be so hurt.&nbsp; Or perhaps you've set up conflict with her so that you can NOT do it, and also not take responsibility for your decision.&nbsp; At any rate, you can tell yourself that if it doesn't work out, you can always go back to living a so-called 'normal' lifestyle! <br /><br />If you think about it, the Roma (gypsies) have been mobile for many generations and hundreds of years.&nbsp; First in tents, then vardo, and now in caravans (RV trailers).&nbsp; They are not bottom of the barrel, it is just their culture.&nbsp; Many Native Americans were constantly moving as well.&nbsp; Some people just want to see what's over the next hill.&nbsp; If you wanted wealth, you might be able to find that job that would have you constantly moving around, but you wouldn't find the freedom or the time to do what you want, that you find with life on the road.&nbsp; I used to drive a big truck, and was always on the road, saw lots of places, but was a prisoner in my cab, with very little time to play or even breathe.&nbsp; I had a good job, and I actually liked it quite a bit, but there was no freedom.&nbsp; JMO&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Yep, just say you are traveling... What I usually say is I am just trying this life out... and at anytime, I can return to "normal" whenever I want. Usually does the trick. but yeah, we only get one life.&nbsp;
Has your mom at 78 said anything about needing/wanting you close????<br><br>My daughter has two boys ages 5 &amp; 9, I baby sit pick up at school and take to the doctor as needed...I pick up the oldest every wed. for early day off.<br><br>It has been nice, I never hardly knew my grand parents......it has been nice, but.....<br><br>I told her I felt the call to leave for awhile....she said she would not like it much, but I think she also understands.<br><br>It's hard for me in some ways.......want to do what is right for everybody...myself included.<br><br>I don't know what it would be like to leave a 78 year old parent if they only had me.<br><br>Not trying to be a downer on your dream, just asking does she have anyone else around.<br><br>Others here have taken parents with them.<br><br>I guess to be honest, I'm struggling a bit with my own future plans to fulltime it.
papas34 said:
<br><br>I guess to be honest, I'm struggling a bit with my own future plans to fulltime it.
<br><br>You can always fulltime and visit them often by swinging by your hometown, say once a month.&nbsp;
RV-Kitty,<br><br>You make me look bad.....I told my kids I could come back to my hometown.......every summer for a few weeks....<img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
papas34 said:
RV-Kitty,<br><br>You make me look bad.....I told my kids I could come back to my hometown.......every summer for a few weeks....<img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
<br><br><br><img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp; That should work.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp;
Just some input from the new chick ;-)

I was reading this thread and when you said "I'm going to be living in my van" my brain processed "I live in a van, down by the river" LOL It's from the old Chris Farley routine on SNL. Anyway, my thought was that your mother may have had visions of a homeless person living out of a van and begging for food.

WE know this is NOT the life we are thinking about, talking about, envisioning, or living already (lucky ones!). But moms always fear the worst for their children. Sure, WE know that even for those who were abruptly thrown into van dwelling by no conscious choice, it can be a life of simple joy.

Perhaps you could explain it differently. Put a different spin than the one she obviously has made up for herself. For example, my goal is freedom. I had four children very young. I am glad I did because at 42 I only have two more years before the last one finishes high school and moves in with his Dad, and then I can jump in. I have been preparing my family for two years already that I will be staging my life as soon as he graduates so that I can be ready to travel full time by 48. I have them imagining my RV travels with my little dog. I even have my outfit decided on for the day I drive away. I talk about my RV life all the time.

At this point, it is not strange, or new, or unusual. It's just what mom is going to do. Along the way I have researched and invited the family to join me at shows, dealerships, etc. They haven't taken me up on it, but the point is that I have *included* them in the process ahead of time. Maybe if you could show your mom the Big Picture. The Life, rather than focusing on the Vehicle. Am I making sense?
"Living at the bottom of the barrel". wow, those are some harsh words. but they sound like she's more concerned about what others will think then that she's concerned about your happiness. some parents get their self-esteem from what their children do. don't let her run your life just because she doesn't like the way you live. it's your life and i'm glad you're happy!
&nbsp;Some one once told me, "A man is never free till he is an orphan"...<br><br>Something to chew on
I would tell her you'd move in a house if she will indenture herself to the monthly payments.

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