O how nice it would be to live off a fixed income. My 30 years of working in sales has had me at the highest highs and lows lows (with money). It would be so nice and predictable to have a consistent stream of income so I could budget properly. Even if its not much.
So I have been practicing reducing any costs to live and saving for whatnot. So far I came up with 1000-1500 a month would be very comfortable. But just yesterday I wanted to calculate how low I could really go living on the road if I found free land to stay at and did less driving. The below assumes no vehicle payment and $$$ saved for emergency repairs and whatnot.
Car ins- 100
Phone- 100
food/Msc- 300
gas- 200
I quite likely could cut food costs and gas usage even more.
The one thing ill need to figure out is health insurance. Which would be a big chunk to add since i am not close to retirement age, but you don't have to have insurance.
Comfort is me sitting by a fire in the woods with no-one around. Pure Gold!
My regular outs are <$300 a month. That's average, I got hit hard in May. 6 months insurance due $245. Cellphone year $180. In my budget is $6.50 month drink sub circle k, $50 home internet T Mobile. One tank of $4 gallon gas.$100 utilities that the lowest it can go is $42.
I own what I have outright. Prius V Car, home in a decent small town, so I do my best to get my climate control from grid . (Ok dude why post this on van-lifers forum?) Answer= I'm one natural disaster away from living out of my car I loose this place I'm like CHUCK.
I do things a lot wouldn't think of. I cook a large meal weekly, in my pressure cooker outside. Do so because I'm removing heat in my house why use a PORTABLE cooking device indoors in the summer. Same logic for your van-life you don't make cold you remove heat. So A. Don't allow heat to be introduced, by seeking shade, park in spot someone just left that spot isn't going to heat your ride from the underside.
Living on grid is the life, I've spent decades driving truck, and off grid. Worse I had a huge truck that nobody wants in their parking lot so I couldn't buy groceries that easily.
If I am forced off grid I guess I would get camping permit from the state (Don't know what that's all about just learned about it today.)Try my best to live off the land. I've heard of living out of a sail boat. Again this has hidden red tape just like van-life. For the land of the free you learn the free cost you fuel to stay there. I'm on an island that I spend months on . So my fuel budget is righteous. Do my best to never get below half tank and I pay attention to news of a spike in price.
"Remember boys and girls, Where's there's a will, there's a lawsuit. ", Lare father in law James Tillman.