Ground clearance on Honda Odyssey an issue for boondocking?

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Suanne's first prius did have damage from following Bob's group to boondock areas. I am not so sure her latest prius will show much damage.
so you want to see a car go everywhere here's a video of the "Cheap Jeep" these guys/gals have been driving this beater car around the desert since the 70's. 4:40 minute video with a lot of nonsense drama thrown in.

there website is much better, they are ghost town explorers, many more vids there.

Ken in Anaheim said:
Just look at all the places Suanne is able to get to in her Prius and they have 5.3". Don't seem to slow her down........

I regularly travel back roads where no Prius was meant to go.  Since I'm due for a new set of tires, I'm going to go a bit bigger, from 195's to 205's (65/15).  The tire store estimates a drop in fuel mileage, but they'll give me 3/4th inch more ground clearance, stronger at 6 ply, and more aggressive.  Hey, I'll take it!  Something for the OP to consider too.

Watch_Cowspiracy said:
I saw a thread recently where Suanne said she "has the dents and scrapes to prove it".

Yup, my '04 had some small dents on its lower body.  But at 25' feet it looks pretty darn good, and is still on the road with family in WA State.

AlmostThere said:
... Suanne knows how to drive over the worst roads without damaging the undercarriage!

Driving skills count for more than clearance does in most cases. One doesn't have to damage anything to get out where there is no one. Remember that there is a whole world out there that is in the 'in between' - not 20 miles out a jeep road but not a 1/4 mile from the freeway either.

BUT one does have to choose the route carefully. By that I don't mean the specific road -just the specific route one takes ON that road. And one also has to know when to not go there! ...

Couldn't have said it better!  I was a passenger in a high-clearance SUV last weekend.  The guy bottomed out 3 times in the mile I rode with him.  Although he took it slow, he didn't choose the best places to put his tires on the rutted road to give himself ground clearance.  I chose to walk back.  When looking at the road on my way down, I know I could have safely picked my way in the Prius.

To me the strategies include taking it slow, picking the path on the road that gives me the best ground clearance, avoid driving through mud/water/sand/snow, and be willing to back-up or turn around if the road ahead looks questionable.  Oh, and carry a SPOT GPS device for help if needed when no cell service is available.

FYI: Since 2009, I've been going down dirt/gravel roads regularly in a Prius. I've only been stuck once, barely.  A little quad pulled me out. Since then I carry traction mats, which would have worked back then.

MrNoodly said:
She's camped next to me. I'll see if I can crawl under and get some pictures in the morning.

I was wondering why you had my car on jacks  :p

RVTravel said:
Suanne's first prius did have damage from following Bob's group to boondock areas. I am not so sure her latest prius will  show much damage.

On the '15, I've earned a few battle scars, desert pin striping, and opps-didn't-see-that-rock bumper dings.  But hey, we've been traveling for less than a year yet ... just wait until I return from this summer's excursion, then we'll compare notes!

What SPOT GPS are you using and why? It’s on my long list for when I’m out in the desert on the UTV. Thanks
Reading this thread got me to wondering what the ground clearance on my 2006 AWD Honda Element was. Turns out it is stated as minimum ground clearance is 6.9". Not huge but better than a Prius. It will do for now.
That's one reason why I keep my element.
Was thinking of a van in the future.
Mini vans are pretty cheap. I hear the sienna is dependable but not as peppy as the odessey.