Good morning

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TA, very cool. I know your new van will make ya happy :)

Good Sat. morning
mild weather which is fab.
simple day again which I love
Good morning. The rain has left and is not supposed to return until Friday. Cool front tonight and a cooler front Monday night. It will make the lower 80's here today. What month is this?

Have a great day
Goodbye November. Hello December.
Good morning van people. And RV people.
Rainy here.
My Fitbit says I've taken 40 steps this morning. Big effort.
Got caught driving in snow in Coeur d'Alene last night.
I'm going to have to be careful not to be in situations like that . . .
Traffic there is too much for me.
Show me the open road.
Stay away from cities!
Same here - stuck in the north country this winter. This may be my last winter here, so I might as well sit back and enjoy the show.
snow is horrible. being a northerner I lived it, being a Southerner now I love it but we got the ice situation where I am. when that icy rain hits, oh hell every tree goes over, power out and more BUT we don't live in that pile of white day to day so that is a monster plus!
Good Sunday morn
misty rainy here. fog incredibly dense. hoping for nice burn off and decent day. mild temps are nice
Hi to all dwellers wet here in my part of Missouri getting tired of the rain we are having coffee and looking out the window what a good day.
Hello - good morning. Sunday! Coffee is good and I need to get ready to go out. Looks cold out there. I'll test it out for you. 33 degrees, the weather app says. No white stuff, so I can take it.
RoamerRV428 said:
fog incredibly dense.

Now, if I were to wake up in my van to a sight like that, I'd resolve to stay in one place until driving conditions improved.

"It is time to go, Ma'am," the Walmart cart pusher suggested.

"Sorry, can't do that until driving conditions improve," she replied, resolutely. As an afterthought she offered, "I also need to do more Walmart shopping, so please, bear with me."

What could he say to that?
haha not a thing. you can shop Walmart and sit there studying ALL your purchases as long as you need to do just that :) they can't send ya packing so easily lol
NW Ohio was near 60 and Sunny until about 2 this afternoon, then the gloomy pillows moved back overhead. This was about the third partially sunny day in the last month.

It was the warmest Summer on record, and we were still getting mid 80s temps until mid October (warm enough to swim), then the gloomy, 40-50 degree overcast skies moved in, and I have had massive areas of standing water in my yard, and the fields near me ever since. We had a solid week with snow on the ground, so never above freezing.

We went right from Summer to Winter, and missed Autumn (my favorite time of the year).
Good Monday morn
mild temps nice
kinda do nothing day which is sweet

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