Good morning

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Good Morning

I thank my parents also for moving from the frozen North to the South when they retired, and me being the youngest kid and not tied down in any way followed. No sun....well maybe 1 day and it melts within 2 hrs of falling which I do love :) Ice can be our troubles late in the winter but luckily get away with not that much. yuk tho..

Brrr outside.
I have mumbled "Bah Humbug" that last few mornings in Northern Ohio, scraping windows at 4:30 am, I will be jumping on a plane for Sandals, Jamaica next Friday, so all will be forgotten for a week. I have only seen the sun for a bit on 2 days out of the last 3 weeks.
Good morning. Rain forecast for the next two days. 65 degrees this morning and muggy. The little cold front didn't last. I'll take the rain if it stays pleasant temp. wise.
Well for getting out there to move around a bit, other way around for me.
Hello wanderers and wanderer wannabes (like me) . . . yesterday I test-drove a van and today I'll put a down payment on my new home, tentatively named Neuvanna. What fun. What a small space I'll be living in. I won't get possession of the van until April.

Neuvanna - because it is a new Vanna . . . I had a prior white van I called Vanna. It was a 1995 Ford Aerostar, and I gave it to my son in 2013.

Anyhow - no snow until maybe tomorrow. I've got things to do today.
wow TA, CONGRATS on buying your van!! So what did you buy? so curious :)

Good morning
mild outside and sunny. what a friggin' nice change from Brrrr :)
simple easy day
Good morning. Afternoon T-storms forecast then two warm days and a cool front coming through. The yard is staying really soft.
Can't say good morning - it is afternoon already! I was doing my accounting.
The new van is a Ford Transit.
My old van was a Ford Aerostar. Really liked it so wanted another, similar.
Both are white.
My old van was given to my son in 2013. He sold it to a Native American friend of mine, who rebuilt the engine. He still uses it.

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