Good morning

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Dean and Buster said:
dog run in the cold

Exactly why I'll probably never own another dog. I had 2 big dogs when I was in Happy Camp. Loved them - but learned my lesson.

That said, I do like to take walks..... maybe not first thing in the morning, though.


Good Morning!

I'm doing some budgeting this morning. Trying to figure out how much of a monthly income I'll need while traveling.
I've been sitting here surfing the web - just looked up and saw big snowflakes outside my window. The world turned white in just the last hour!
That is probably the cold front that is supposed to hit here to cool it off some. The weatherman here says a colder yet front by the end of the week. So wish I could get outta here although the temps have been nice. We may make into the thirties overnight soon.
Good Tues morning
mild temps, nice sun and easy day. What more can one want :)
Yes, those living expenses are, well... expensive! Can't wait to be out from under the need to pay rent.

hahaha... laughing, because it is such a blessing to live in a van and not have to pay for a place, like everyone expects us to - the electric company, landlords, banks, lenders - they all want to get our money, and instead we can live independently of all that. I'm feeling good about my intention to become a vandweller in April/May ... whenever the opportunity arrives.

Good morning! May we all prosper in opportunities for a life of travel.
Good morning all.

45 this morning on the way to 70. If I wasn't stuck here this is the temp I like to be in. Doing nothing but taking care of DW. Can't even get away for a little bit because she gets into everything and is great at hiding the stuff she gets into.

I know, I bitch, moan and complain.
28 degrees here in my part of Missouri i hate houses . But glad a friend let me stay here after my heart attack and put up with me and my dogs.
Good Wed morning
little BBBrrrr this morning. Sun should come out but some big stupid storm is coming our way with icy sleet etc over the weekend. YUK! easy day as usual.
Good morning. 43 here and sunny skies. Rain and colder in the forecast for Friday night. This will be almost a week without rain. Now, if I could get out of the house and get something done.
Hmmm... the last thing I want to do is get out of the house! LOL... it looks COLD out there! So I'm staying indoors with the heater on. I haven't planned my day yet. I think writing will happen.

Good morning, everyone!

I should start the countdown to my van. That's still probably at least 4 months away. I'm looking at the end of April or beginning of May.
Good Thurs morning
waiting on nasty storm to come
other than that, easy good day to happen here
Good morning,

Batten down the hatches time. Forecast calls for 6-8" rain tomorrow here with thunderstorms. We were just starting to dry out.

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