Good morning

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Good Sun Morning
snow outside, yuk. will be a mess for a few days then higher temps will take it all away thank goodness
easy simple day here
Good morning. forty four this am an cloudy. Still wet from the rain... Clearing and cooler the next two days and will get in the thirties at night.

Stay warm and dry guys and gals.
Good morning!

28 degrees here in North Idaho.

Church today - I'm going out into the cold.

Still no snow yet but I've seen forecasts for the near future.
Good Mon morn
5 in. snow. Shut us southerners down here.
Waiting for it ALL to melt now :)
Good Tues morning
snow melting very fast and I love that
kid off school again today
sunny!! simple easy day again
Good morning. Will make mid 60's here today, rain tonight (Ug) and a slight chance of some flurries in the morning although it will be above freezing at ground level.

Have a great day.
Good morning
weather in more acceptable warmer temps again. all snow melting fast happily :)
3 hr school delay this morning
easy day here for me
Good morning,

Rain overnight (again) with more on the way this afternoon as a low pressure area passes. Wind advisory this afternoon as well. Only another day in paradise!