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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2020
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The following is not personal financial advice. Nor am I a financial advisor. Do your own research.

Hoping that this thread can be a place where folks can come and have positive AND mature discussions about earning $ in the crypto world.
I know the whole idea for some, the word crypto conjures notions of shady backroom deals, get rich schemers, or some kind of advanced martian talk.  And while those do exist, they are not the norm.

There are many ways to earn off of crypto.. you can buy and hold, buy low sell high.. you can stake and earn interest, you can do arbitrage AND you can play games and run crypto faucets. Each of these activities will require a bit of effort and in some/most cases a bit of starter cash.
But there are many activities that wont cost you a dime and will allow you to earn small amounts of crypto currency.

I see many threads on here about how to make money while vanlifing and I think a crypto faucet or a crypto game is a pretty good/fun way to pull a little something. You do have to put in your time..but if your just sitting there in your van wondering how to buy fuel or groceries you may as well check it out..

I have a couple faucets going now... and they are bringing in a couple bucks a day each. One of them (rollercoin) has a few very simple fun games like match 3 and memory..(my favorites because they earn the most :)) There is yet another that I watch videos usually about some kind of crypto coin...which I don't mind at all getting a little bit of info. You can also simply start using the "Brave browser" it gives Basic Attention Tokens  that can be sold for cash.

But a newcomer to the crypto earning game o' sphere is a nifty number called"Coin Hunt World".
It is an app that you put on your phone and walk, bike, drive, fly to and collect keys to open chests. It is kind of like that pokemon go game ..but your purpose is to collect "cash" not pigabots.

Ive only had this game for 2 days so not a whole lot to tell  other than I think it is a huge win for me. Day one I spent about 8 hours making sure I kinda knew what I was doing and still screwed up.  Day one earnings=0$..LOL
Day 2 however I spent a few more hours reviewing my mistakes and had more of a plan set. Day 2 earnings 11$!!

I looked at the map showing me locations and charted my course to be efficient. Blue keys that you collect open blue chests which give you at least 10 cents..sometimes 20 cents. Green keys open green chests and drop either a dollar or if your lucky you get 2 bux. Yellow key/chest drops 10 bux and those are even more rare with only 100 in the and only in larger cities it appears, Seattle has 2. Red (100$) and purple(1000$) chests come only on special days.

I forgot to mention that you must answer a trivia question correctly as well as use a key to claim a reward from a chest.
It took me about 1.5 hours to pedal around town and so I was appreciative of the exercise and it was a beautiful day.

If you download the game to your phone you can see what is happening in your area. Not all things will show until you are closer to them. You can also see some activity in your area with this map those chests and keys all respawn in the same location at a designated period which you can find in the rules. That map link is mostly generated by actual users. If nobody is playing in your town that only means the keys and chests havent been plotted on that site..but they are in place on the actual game.

Ya.. I only made 11 bucks today off this coin hunt world.. Ill get better and faster at it. But it is entirely possible to do that every day. Is there anybody here that could use an extra 300 bucks a month? I know it will pay for my groceries and phone bill for a month. Hell it may just cover someones lot rent.??

I think several folks here could benefit from a little bit of cash and probably some exercise and fresh air. If you cant walk far or ride a bike far you can still utilize a crypto faucet.. many dripping faucets will fill a sink fast.

Maybe this works for you maybe it doesnt.  None of the above cost you any funds and these crypto drips might help you through the month. I know Im certain to bee utilizing them.

But as with anything be sure to read the fine print. Each faucet will have different terms for payout.

Pardon the long post.. I am super excited about the potential to make a few bucks a day and what that means to me being on a waning budget. I am not a paid spokesperson..tho I do have a referral code if you want it.:)
I totally agree with the idea of van dwellers making money off of crypto. (Especially those that are on SSI/SSDI since crypto investments are considered 'unearned income' and will have no effect on your standing with Soc. Sec.) However, once regulation sets in (which will be within the next year or two) a lot of coins that have no real world utility are going to fall away. I highly suggest investing in something that's going to play a part in making a difference in the world. In my opinion, coins like XRP, XLM, XDC, ALGO, HBAR, VET, ADA and THETA all have real world use (mostly in the financial realm), most are relatively inexpensive to purchase right now and all of them will most likely make the cut which can very easily lead to generational wealth. That wealth might not happen overnight but since crypto is a brand new asset class, things in the crypto world world are very young right now (often being compared to the early days of the internet) ..As speculative as the crypto market might be, there's no doubt in my mind that these are the days of 'early adoption' and I'm not about to miss out on it.
With ONLY 8% of USA population owning crypto there are many people on the late late show. But it is never too late to start learning which is why I think a game/faucet could be a fun intro. Supplement that with more technical learning and product research and folks can be moving along just fine. But none of it happens magically with the wave of a wand. You MUST put in the effort to learn

Really glad to see you comment Vliet. Its great to have others to learn from and share with especially in this field.

Crypto products that have a real world application are definitely the safest and easiest to get a bit of return when it comes to this type of investment.

Of course the number one rule is to not spend more than you can afford to lose. Ive lately been dancing around that rule..yikes! Three coins caught my interest some time ago and so I put 100$ into each a month and a half ago.. and each has gone up 2-300% ish. One of them performs covid tracing for vaccine administration and test results among other tracings on its blockchain I am really enjoying that one...
I desperately want to put 1000$ more into each but... that first rule keeps pulling me back.

Im hoping I can get a little bit of scrap from the free faucets and games to maybe reinvest or at least get me the ingredients for top ramen dinner each day.

Ive also put the game Axie Infinity on my radar... the start up is a bit steep(nearly 700$) but the potential returns are pretty nifty.
Here is a link to how some people of many walks of life are using that game to sustain themselves. The average earning was around 1000$ usd per month.. nearly a year ago

Top players according to this article are pulling around 400 bux a day!!

Do your own research on everything. Folks refusing to do so will likely not do so well.

Hoping other folks chime in about their plunges into or toe dipping into the crypto sphere.
Probably not good to persist in a horse and buggy mindset when you see cars and trucks here and there.
I'm also glad to find someone else here that's into crypto. There's definitely a lot to learn and I don't think I'll ever be able to soak it all in as much of it is just way too much for my simple mind. That being the case, it's enabled me to keep things simple. I had looked into the faucet scene but from everything that I could gather it seemed like it was not worth the effort so I just accumulate, hold and wait. Hopefully your time and efforts pay off and you can step up from the Ramen routine.
Crypto games and Faucet tasks reminded me of stimulus reward learning or operant conditioning.

"The reward is a reinforcing stimulus. Skinner showed how positive reinforcement worked by placing a hungry rat in his Skinner box. The box contained a lever on the side, and as the rat moved about the box, it would accidentally knock the lever. Immediately it did so a food pellet would drop into a container next to the lever."

Those clicks on links could be used to generate revenue for a link's owner.
Well just got back from another bike ride  collecting keys and chests.  Coin Hunt World brought in 11.20S this round in another hour and a half.. with a couple stops to enjoy the scenery.

Those faucets I have going sure on a low drip it seems. I do understand however like in most games/mmos that you have to go through the grind to level up and its tedious as hell.  Will it be worth it in the end? I am not sure how to quantify that but if my @zz is just sitting I may as well as earn something.

You pretty much summed up alot of the purpose of games/faucets  wayne... everyone, everywhere has to push a lever to gain a reward. We all live in Skinners box... whether its in an office, at the fast food joint, out in a field picking apples or sucking up to a consumer to sell our wares...  There is always someone above who will give a treat/pay to the underlings.

Complete a task and get paid for it. Pretty much sums up the entire global economy. Bill Gates put out a talk  speaking exactly on how he envisions peoples activities being monitored and rewarded . Did your smart watch detect you doing exercise? Then you get  paid. Early to bed and early to rise??..Then you get another dollar...etc etc etc. Every activity is heading for the block chain. In fact twitter is now transferring posts onto the blockchain.. Yall heard about that social credit score in China?? Well its coming here very quickly.

No doubt creators of products will always get a larger slice. I am not concerned with how much someone else gets paid. I am only concerned about my bottom line. If I need to rely on the drips from a faucet so be it. If it works for me or anyone else then it works.. who doesnt pick up a source of income just because the owner makes many times more?? How  many crumbs can be picked up to equal a loaf?

While I was out riding my crumb route I saw a male and female panhandling and I felt terribly for them. I didn't stop because they were kinda sketch but I wanted to let them know if they both walked the route they could potentially earn 20 bux combined a day. Seriously thats roughly 600 a month.. and not to bad imo for an hour and half a day.
A family of four could bring in 40 bux a day..1200$ a month can make a big difference in many households. I can't think of a better way to spend time with your family and teach your kids about earning by allowing them to contribute and develop a sense of pride by walking a crumb route.

I do think I am going to  fork over the 700$usd and buy the Axies Infinity game. I need to be sure I make the correct character purchases so I can actually win so another day or two of research on that.

Here is an 18 minute documentary that was part of the esquire magazine article about the game. Which was made in May 2021. As the earnings are based on real world factors you could earn less if the market tanks or much more when the market rises as it has for these players 4/5 months ago.

Do their experiences sound like yours even tho they are 1000s of miles away?
I love the older couple 75 and 65 playing the game to help sustain them and their medicines. The husband plays from early in the morning til late in the evening like he was a teen..LOL

The faucets and games are only one very small component of the crypto world. I brought it here because most folks have far more time than money it seems.