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Bob Wells just shows it like it is.

How could anyone think that when he is showing that a person is using a 5 gallon bucket for a toilet and that they do not have a shower or even a sink but only have a water supply in some plastic jugs that he is not showing reality? That is not glamorizing the lifestyle to the general public. Maybe the peoples who are living that way have developed situational blindness as to how the average person in the US views the extreme “yuck factor” when they see that in a Bob Wells video.
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So I had to stop volunteering at the shelter because the gimp ankle got too bad
And I was trying to come up with some things I could do sitting down and I came up with these
UPS'd them off today
Had some other ideas too but the volunteer cofvckitupinator is currently ghosting me. We'll see. It might really be time for me to move on. But it was fun having these ladies come to visit. 20230506_154158.jpg
I UPS'd them to the shelter director (cheaper than driving -- it's >1 hour away) and included a note reminding him that I'd still be happy to volunteer if they could find me a sit-down task. Thus going over the head of the volunteer coordinator, which is always risky, but the v.c. wasn't "coordinating" anything. (It broke my heart to stand down and I've been trying to suggest sit-down tasks ever since but it's like talking to cotton wool; I figured I'd give this one last shot.)

I was originally experimenting with turning the dolls into a long-term project -- either me making lots of them, or getting a sewing circle going -- but that didn't end up seeming practical. So hopefully they will find three shelter kids to give them to and 3 will be better than 0. (There's few enough kids that I figure the small # won't be a problem.) If the shelter director also goes "wait, has nobody called her? we could use her for xyz" great; if not, it's OK but (after 4 reach-outs) def time for me to move on.

While I was there, I worked like a mule -- I got several comments like "ooh, you're such a hard worker" (including from the director, which I hope he'll remember when he opens the box and wonders why someone is UPSing dolls to him) -- but the v.c. just doesn't seem willing to meet me even .05 of the way, and I'm sure the staff just thinks I'm another no-show volunteer. Hopefully at least there'll be three happy kiddoes.
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I UPS'd them to the shelter director (cheaper than driving -- it's >1 hour away) and included a note reminding him that I'd still be happy to volunteer if they could find me a sit-down task. Thus going over the head of the volunteer coordinator, which is always risky, but the v.c. wasn't "coordinating" anything. (It broke my heart to stand down and I've been trying to suggest sit-down tasks ever since but it's like talking to cotton wool; I figured I'd give this one last shot.)

I was originally experimenting with turning the dolls into a long-term project -- either me making lots of them, or getting a sewing circle going -- but that didn't end up seeming practical. So hopefully they will find three shelter kids to give them to and 3 will be better than 0. (There's few enough kids that I figure the small # won't be a problem.) If the shelter director also goes "wait, has nobody called her? we could use her for xyz" great; if not, it's OK but (after 4 reach-outs) def time for me to move on.

While I was there, I worked like a mule -- I got several comments like "ooh, you're such a hard worker" (including from the director, which I hope he'll remember when he opens the box and wonders why someone is UPSing dolls to him) -- but the v.c. just doesn't seem willing to meet me even .05 of the way, and I'm sure the staff just thinks I'm another no-show volunteer. Hopefully at least there'll be three happy kiddoes.
I don't blame you one bit. There are plenty of other places to volunteer that would be super happy to have you, or you could just keep making dolls for the kids at various shelters as you suggested. Crippling yourself by standing all day on a bad ankle helps no one and is too great a risk for you. Kind of hard to help others if you can no longer walk so, take care of yourself and you will find a good way to help others by doing what you are able to do. You certainly have my respect.
Sorry to hear morgana... I hope someone wakes up... no sense muffing up your ankle even more. I pushed to long myself, my hands were my life. Now I spend days where the constant pain about drives you to do the unthinkable. But we just do what we can do even if it’s a fraction of what we are used to. Those dolls are well made! Not that I know about that stuff. But good clean neat work. Hopefully someone is enjoying them.
@NctryBen how is your treatment going?
I know, I used to think "so why is he still working with his hands" but in real life it's not so easy to quit, is it?!
An article I read recently had a quote from a doctor (sorry, this is pretty vague) who said "I'll send my patients to a physical therapist, a chiropractor, and [I think the third one was] an acupuncturist, and I don't know which one will help, but one of them probably will." This is some d**n mysterious stuff and it seems like it takes forever to heal but I gotta believe eventually we'll find the right fixes. Meanwhile here's to doing what we can do!
If you want to keep on volunteering look around and find current project work you can do that needs doing but is not getting done. Then approach the coordinator saying you want to do that because you can’t do what they assigned you to. Present them with solutions because they already have enough problems to solve. Inventing new things for them to do rarely goes down easy.
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I'll send my patients to a physical therapist, a chiropractor, and [I think the third one was] an acupuncturist, and I don't know which one will help, but one of them probably will.

I would add masseuse to that list. I have chronic neck pain and have found massage to probably be the most helpful. But a mix of the above will help almost anything. Now if I would eat better and get more, not really exercise but general movement, I could probably go another 20 years.
Surviving the great 2023 'Mothpocalypse' here in West Texas.

Step one: Three bug bombs deployed in the station and we slept in the camper.

Step two: Complete blackout of all outdoor lighting.

Step three: Wait and see!
Surviving the great 2023 'Mothpocalypse' here in West Texas.

Step one: Three bug bombs deployed in the station and we slept in the camper.

Step two: Complete blackout of all outdoor lighting.

Step three: Wait and see!
Be careful, those things never give up and, they will call for reinforcements if they think they are starting to lose the battle. You may need to call in the bug zappers. Good luck and Godspeed.
There are moths you want to zap and moths you would like to see come around more often.


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@NctryBen how is your treatment going?
I know, I used to think "so why is he still working with his hands" but in real life it's not so easy to quit, is it?!
An article I read recently had a quote from a doctor (sorry, this is pretty vague) who said "I'll send my patients to a physical therapist, a chiropractor, and [I think the third one was] an acupuncturist, and I don't know which one will help, but one of them probably will." This is some d**n mysterious stuff and it seems like it takes forever to heal but I gotta believe eventually we'll find the right fixes. Meanwhile here's to doing what we can do!
I’m back to the hand dr saying it’s my neck and my neck dr saying it’s my hands. I’m pretty down right now as I feel like they are going to waste my time redoing tests and won’t get what I need. The dr spent a lot of time with other patients and about an hour late got to me and spent maybe 30 seconds. I was waiting for the nurse to schedule am emg but I had to go because my parking two hours were about up. She never got back to me... But meanwhile I did what the “neck doctor” aka neurosurgeon had me do and wore my neck brace. It helped some, but my pain is mounting and I don’t think the hand surgeon was really listening. He was busy and I felt he took a short cut and blew me off... I won’t lie, I was not happy! So no... I’m getting no therapy and no relief...
I’m beginning to understand why so many old people become drunks and in a drug induced stupor most of the time. Most successful older people I have met over come pain by doing something they refuse to let the pain prevent them from doing. It’s not that it doesn’t hurt, it’s the huge amount of joy they get from doing it and the sense of accomplishment they get by figuring out how to get it done. Hope we all figure out how we can be content in our old age!
Oh, man, that really sucks. I'd say I know the feeling (being rushed and not listened to and nobody takes the time to really problem-solve) but your situation sounds way worse.

I absolutely forking HATE being assertive in medical settings but sometimes you have to. I hope there is someone in your system with a title like "patient advocate" or "care coordinator" or "ombudsman" or something that could help you push for the coordination and follow-through that you need. Don't let them snow you. This process is hard (and confusing, and frustrating, and demoralizing) enough when you can trust your medical providers -- and it's long enough even if you don't have delays. :mad:

I think there's even a trendy little buzzword for this now: "medical gaslighting," and seniors are supposed to be among its most common victims. Get someone in your corner and keep fighting! Good luck!

And seriously (sorry, briefly jumping on the hobby horse), look into "alternative" stuff like acupuncture and medical marijuana. Especially if the "mainstream" guys aren't helping. Also, sometimes the lower on the totem pole someone is, the more they seem to help. TBH I would trust the PT assistants in my place more than the PTs. They seem to know a lot without having a know-it-all attitude.
PS I think a PT would say "OK, we'll treat both your neck and your hands, no biggie."

And what happened to all the stuff they've been saying since at least the 1970s (50 years!) about how medical people should work as a team, not just exalted surgeons working in separate ivory towers ... grr
Nctryben please be proactive and call the doc. Lie if needed. Tell them you talked about PT but had not received the order. Tell them you want it. Also ask about masseuse. It is no skin off the doc nose to suggest it. It would be your insurance that says yes or no.