I'm just about done exploring this corner of the universe for now. I'm connected to FEMA, joined the lawsuit, and signed away the right of entry to my property so the state can make it habitable again. Only thing I'm waiting for is for my daughter to have her baby, which is due in late November. She plans to come out here with her RV for a few weeks before the due date so they won't have to make a mad rush along the river highway while she's in labor. Good thinking. Hope baby isn't late! I will take care of the older children while they're busy at the hospital.
What else? Well... I think the Red Cross welcome mat is being rolled up. I need to prepare for my exit from the hotel. I feel ready for it. My van is mostly empty and my cargo trailer is a little bit organized enough to deal with. I ordered a new 12v cord for the Iceco refrigerator since the other one burned, apparently... and I will connect it to the solar in the cargo trailer. I have lots of work to do on both van and cargo trailer but can do that while being nomadic. I just need to deal with the cold weather that's coming, but I have experience from last year.
The last month and a half I've gained vital driving skills in having a trailer. I can back it up easily now... which is good for figuring out how to get in and out of tight places. A few nights ago there was a high-dollar huge RV, a truck with a cargo trailer and a semi blocking my preferred night parking space next to the hotel office. (Car theft in this town is epidemic so I park next to the office for hopeful safekeeping.) I was able to edge past all these other vehicles and back my rig into the perfect parking space. I was kind of awed at how much I've improved in the last month.
I'm ordering all I'll need to be able to take showers in the cargo trailer. I think the van will have a new rug this spring (might as well keep the old one for winter) and a recliner... kitchen... etc. Yes, I have big plans... but first the paneling, and insulation of some kind on the windows. I can do all that while living the nomad life.
I have really no interest in the section 8 rental apartment. My heart is in the vanlife, and I think possibly tomorrow will be the day I cut loose from the hotel. Don't want to overstay my welcome here just because I'm afraid of a little cold weather. I'm tougher than that. I hope. LOL ... I did it last year and can do it this year. Suffer a little, Linda, it is good for you.