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travelaround said:
...Does anyone have any suggestions of good ways to attach wood to van walls and ceiling? Should I be putting bolts or screws through the metal of the van (not the outside metal, just the inside)??

I think for cabinetry I'm going to have to buy some ready-made from Home Depot or Ikea, something like that. But right now I'm not even looking for that as I have to do something about covering the insulation on the walls and ceiling. I've put this off for so long because I really don't understand how to do it and all the videos I watched about van conversion were not helpful for a clueless woodworking beginner like me.
Measure carefully, you do not want to dent the outside skin with your screws.  I used wood screws and wood ribs over  the metal ribs that stick out in the interior of the van. At the top and bottom of the walls, my van has metal ribs that stick out to the flush measurement, so screwed directly into those. The wood ribs added some stability to the middle area of the walls. I used luan as the finish surface of the walls.

I recommend to not waste money and time on cabinetry. Plastic bins are much lighter, save space,  and more useful than a bunch of cabinets. Constructed items in my van are a bed with storage underneath, and one cabinet which houses the permanent location of the kitchen range. That is all.

I did not put wooden ribs primarily because I was not sure exactly how to proceed and how to cut everything and where/how etc..probably  similar uncertainty that you are having as well.

As HDR and crofter mentioned 1/8 inch pylywood (luan) screwed directly to the ribs is what I did. Home depot cut the sheets to my needed size so I had nice straight cuts. The luan is very flexible.If you have any seams you could cover those with decorative strips and have spots to attach things.. put your own wood ribs so to speak..on the outside. 

I am in the rig now and the wood walls are pretty cold even tho there is quite a bit of insulation under them. I am going to cover my luan panneled walls with fabric. Something "soft" and not so cold to put my back against. I am looking at maybe felt or the automotive carpet that Sofi used.
If I was starting over with my knowledge base as it is... I would get the luan pieces cut to size and cover one side with fabric of choice and screw them right into the metal ribs. You can then put a trim board over seams. Depending on how you have the luan cut you could have trim slats that go horizontally   or vertically.. save a few bits of fabric and you could even cover the screw heads after attaching and have a nice smooth finish.  Get your quilting squares ready!

Remember any jagged cuts..like around the wheel wells or elsewhere you can cover up with counters..or ??..book shelves?

keep us posted and dont forget to show us progress pictures.

dont forget the thrift shops for counters and shelving etc..
Follow up on my 2 vandweller lady friends. The one lady made it to the Vegas area from Elko, so nights are 45F instead of 5F. The other lady is still stuck in the La Crosse area. Sunny today and it's already up to 25F at 10 AM.
Thanks for all suggestions!! I am not started on my project yet but did manage to empty out most things from the van. This time the cot will be broken down as well. I can sleep in the cargo trailer if I get evicted from the hotel room.

Today I met another vandweller on his way to Quartzsite... someone not associated with this forum. My neighbor here at the hotel is also exploring the nomadic option. We're separated from our property for a few years so why not have an adventure in the meantime?

I will definitely have to stay in this area until after my daughter's baby is born so I can take care of the older children. The hospital won't let them be part of the birthing experience because of Covid. She can have only one person with her.
Travelaround, best hopes for you, your daughter and the new baby to come. Exciting time overlaid with too many unavoidable difficulties. But as long as you can stay warm and dry and get a good safe nights sleep it will all work out . You are a resourceful person and that is a great strength to have,
Jerry Jeff is dead and I don't feel so good myself.Saw old Jerry live in White Sulphur Mt. back around 2010.I guess he was getting burned out by then,just went through the show kinda detached.Rodney Crowell was on the same billing and worked his ass off for the audience.Stuck around for an hour after the show just playing and singing and bsing with every body.
I hadn't heard about Jerry Jeff Walker dieing. We are losing to many lately.
Sorry to see Jerry Jeff go. I knew him slightly and talked with him from time to time in a restaurant I worked in some forty years ago. He seemed to be a nice, quiet man, much like his music. He always ate by himself late in the evening, reading a book, taking his time.

Big Rodney Crowell fan here. He's a Houston boy, and tells some great stories about his old home town in his memoir "Chinaberry Sidewalks".

A good read -- really entertaining, just like his music.

I met "Jerry Jeff" many moons ago at a venue in Austin.  Actually, I didn't know it was him--someone else had to clue me in that that's who I was talking to.  Seemed like a very nice guy.  Memories...
I was around the Austin area in 1968 but not old enough to go into a bar on my own. Of course I did not have a car so I did not go a lot of places on my own. Here i always thought Mr. Bojangles was written by Bob Dylan, glad to now know more about the songwriter Jeff Jeffries.
Just got what might be my best deal ever at Goodwill in terms of what I paid for the item versus what it would cost to buy the same thing new. I decided to take a side trip on my errand running over to the Goodwill store in East Bremerton, WA. I have always found great bargains in that particular Goodwill store.

I always browse through the rack of sleeping bags looking for an elusive great one that is down and today after years of searching at Goodwill I finally found "the one". It is an REI Alaskan goose down mummy bag, rated for well below zero. Two full pounds worth of high. fill power. down is in it. The equivalent bag new would cost around $700.00 or more.

It was hanging on the rack with other sleeping bags but without a price tag on it. So I asked for it to be priced. They put a price tag of $12.99 on it. Of course I could flip it for a substantial profit on craigslist or Ebay but I am hanging onto it. That will be my winter time, fail-safe, sleeping bag if I get in a really cold winter storm and my heating system fails.

I am already using a light weight down blanket at night layered with other blankets. It is fine for the current conditions I am camping in. But of course tonight I will just for fun try out my new bag. Not that fond of mummy bags for daily use though but I could of course get used to one if I wanted to.
More sad news.

My daughter just texted me to tell me that Billy Joe Shaver passed away today. Dang it anyway.

Willie Nelson once said Billy Joe was the best songwriter ever, and Willie might know. I guess it could be said that Billy Joe had a lot of miles on him, but still... The ol' boy did know how to turn a phrase, though.

"Well it's a good news/bad news situation,
Depends entirely on yer state a mind.
Sure looks like we're on the road to wrack and ruin,
But the good news is we're makin' damn good time."

Billy Joe Shaver ... August 16, 1939 -- October 28, 2020


They're all getting old:
Willie, 87
Waylon, died 18 years ago at 64
Eastwood, 90
Kristofferson, 84
Dolly, 74
Emmylou, 73
Mick, 77
Paul, 78
Agnetha, 70

I can't believe Willie was ever this young ... good looking guy.
Good news/bad news situation...

Good - great new sleeping bag and fantastic deal, Maki!!
Bad - much loved singers/song writers dying or getting old at least...

I don't honestly have much to share tonight. Just making preparations in case I'll be living in my van next week, yet still hoping FEMA will offer me a trailer, or maybe the Tribe, but only if it doesn't involve a lot of red tape or invasive inspections and other things I'd be uncomfortable with.

The van ... I guess some of what's stopping me is that I don't like the driveway to get into Meeks or the small parking area... there's a hill, a narrow entry.. sharp turn.. really don't want to do that with my van and cargo trailer. I think I'll have to make a trip to Home Depot in Medford next week instead, to get the wood and hardware. They have a normal big box store kind of parking lot. Or I could go to Redding.

Speaking of driving, I'm going back to Happy Camp tomorrow. Just for the day, for some meetings.
Went out this morning and drove around a little. It was upper 30’s this morning. Fish were there I just couldn’t catch them, I’ll try late tonight. The big crowds hopefully are gone for the season finally it seems. At least there a few places I can go walk with out running into a group of people. Hope it stays this way a while.
Here in high desert paradise, we're still in the 70s daytime, but in another week it's forecast to be in the low 20s at night. November usually turns gloomy. Also, covid has been surging here, people have not been taking precautions, PITA.

- Q, aka HDQ, High Desert Q.
Before there was Home Depot there were and still are lumber yards who usually have hardware for fastening stuff together. Because their customers
 base often have good sized trucks and they often tow a trailer of one kind or another to load llong pieces of lumber and full sheets of into you might not need to travel veey far to get build materials. Plus you will be supporting a local business and helping to keep their doors open. They will also often make cuts for you for a small fee.

When I was working on my build in Seattle the local lumber yard and hardware store is where I got most items, it was many miles closer than Lowes or Home Depot and the selection of types and sizes of plywood was also much better.