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TA, good thing you're safe!! This FB page has safe posts from HC people.

I also found this website, based in Humboldt County, but with lots of ground level info on the HC fire. Quotes from 7:30 this evening...
"Burnt my whole neighborhood to the ground.
Every house but 3 upstream of Indian meadows were incinerated.
I tried to get out grayback to cave junction but it was a wall of flame on the California side.
They entire stretch of Indian creek road was decimated.
Downtown is standing so far, crews seems to be focusing on trying to save town".

"My dad, George Thorward, lost his house on Indian Creek Road and his girlfriend, Kathy died in the fire. He barely got out with his life. He made it to Eagle Point and now might need to evacuate again".
Thanks for links, prayers, comfort. I am safe in Yreka parked near Walmart my home away from home. Got good news that fire was stopped at the edge of my neighborhood when the wind changed sending the fire west away from my home and the town. It is still a HUGE fire burning right outside of town. A few homes and a church burned in my neighborhood. My son's home also spared and the town grocery store ... all the main part of town. All homes north of my neighborhood burned except 3 I heard. Huge loss for many people including my daughter and her family but they have their skoolie and are welcome to stay on my property. Could even free me to leave town to travel! Well, don't want to count my chickens before they are hatched but hoping the fire doesn't come back toward town.
It's been raining since last night and all day today.
I made a base with wheels for my Alpicool fridge, so the day was not a complete waste.
I painted it afterwards with polyurethane, so it will withstand humidity better.

TA , I hope the fire stays away from your place and you come out unscathed.



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Travelaround- happy to hear you have some good news. Others not as good. Been thinking of you every time I woke up last night. It is good to have a bug out vehicle isn’t it. Will keep praying for you and the familyAnd anybody else who lives in that area.
Travelaround that is indeed very good news, thanks for letting us knosw your home is OK. There. Is not yet much news this morning on the internet about the situation in Happy Camp.

Chilly morning here. I took advantage of the shore power and used my little electric heater to warm up the trailer.   I should get up and get to work now. I want to get a lot of work done before the mid day heat arrives. Nnt sure what day I will be hitching up to go to pick up my mail in Sesttle. I don't have any wanderlust at the moment moxst likely because September and October are my favorite months for being in this area of the country.
TA, sorry things may not turn out well, :-(, but good thing you had the van and were able to get out with a place to live. as it is. The Siskyou County Sheriff's office has a FB page, and this post is 1 hr old.

Damion Nowak: "my parents live across from the eddy, they had contact with someone still up there they say 100 homes burned on Indian creek (guesstimate). It’s not looking good".
Heat is gone. So far high today is 91 degfees in southern AZ. Doing my happy dance.
crofter said:
Heat is gone. So far high today is 91 degfees in southern AZ. Doing my happy dance.
Hooray for September. Here in John Galt City, I've had to start [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]turning off the fa[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]n[/font] and using 2 sheets at night. Have had to put on socks in the mornings. Some of the higher mountain towns are getting in the low 30s at night now.
Travel Around, praying for you and your children to recover from the loses. I've lost a lot but not from losing home and personal possessions so quickly.
Qxxx said:
Hooray for September. Here in John Galt City, I've had to start [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]turning off the fa[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]n[/font] and using 2 sheets at night. Have had to put on socks in the mornings. Some of the higher mountain towns are getting in the low 30s at night now.
In your opinion, which is the best AZ town to live in? I like southern AZ but this year was so hot.
crofter said:
In your opinion, which is the best AZ town to live in?
Well crofter, since you ask ... Prescott is my favorite city in AZ. I've only visited and never lived there. I am referring to the old city and not to Prescott Valley, which looks like a modern suburb. Only 47,000 population, it's at 5400', so is not too hot in the summer, and not too cold or much snow in the winter, ave high 90F, ave low mid-20s. Very much like JG City in that regard, :). Easy drive to Phoenix if you need that stuff. 

Compare city-data to Yuma.

Very cool old downtown with 120 YO buildings. It's where they filmed the famous fight scene from Billy Jack. You can see how cool the area is in the background.

For that matter, the key point is, it's high enough at 5000' to be "relatively" cool in summer and not too cold in winter. There are actually dozens of places in the mountain west that fit into that range, if you look around. Eg, Flagstaff is too high, and most cities in AZ are too low. Some towns in s.e. AZ like Sierra Vista (4600') also fit into the moderate range.

Keeping you and your family in my prayers. I am so thankful you have the van and your daughter has the schoolie, so you are not homeless. If your state takes long to recover, you have your own caravan and can have adventures elsewhere.
Got a confirmation video today of my burned home... only the carport survived. GOOD THING I KNOW ALL ABOUT HOW TO LIVE IN MY VAN. Life goes on. I'm still a vandweller.

Right now I'm at the Red Cross shelter in Yreka. Dinner is at 5. I'm going to stay close and take advantage of everything they offer.

Feeling happy, optimistic, and well prepared for this.
Sounds nice, but: I hate that cowboys and indians stuff. I lived with that racism in WY and MT, don't want another dose now. Are all the northern towns like that?

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