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So sorry to hear that it is gone. You seem to be rolling with it fairly well and staying positive about things. 

Keep up the good fight Sister!
crofter said:
Heat is gone. So far high today is 91 degfees in southern AZ. Doing my happy dance.
91 is still pretty uncomfortable. That is what is predicted for my location tomorrow.
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Sofisintown[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I made a base with wheels for my Alpicool fridge, so the day was not a complete waste.[/font]
Very nice Sofi, how did you cut such nice square corners? Where are the brakes?
ok knock it off. the ones that had posts deleted should know what I am talking about.

again don't respond to posts that will get deleted. PM a mod DON"T RESPOND.

I am so very to hear of your losses, but am thankful that you and yours made it to safety.  Thank you for sharing your story.  I'm in SoCal with fires nearby and I know many others being evacuated and some homes being lost - my prayers are with you and all affected by the fires.  Your positive attitude is truly beautiful and so encouraging at a time like this. Take good care of yourself.
TA....... We're so sorry you and so many of your neighbors lost all in the Fires.............I saw your Big Tree survivor..........

(OT.....Does your Transit have a DRIVER's Sliding door ?)
Qxxx said:
Very nice Sofi, how did you cut such nice square corners? Where are the brakes?
I cut with skill saw. Then I sand them until they are smooth and pretty.
No brakes. Latches.
highdesertranger said:
ok knock it off.  the ones that had posts deleted should know what I am talking about. 

again don't respond to posts that will get deleted.  PM a mod DON"T RESPOND.

I missed the drama again.
Sorry to hear you lost your mobil home, but you still have the land and that big tree, and the carport. Be sure to let your insurance know right away so they can help you. You are in our thoughts.
Travelaround. Maybe you will have some good fortune and get one of the FEMA mobile homes they sometimes provide to disaster victims. One that does not need to be remodeled. Worth a try to see if that is a possibility.

Of course it is rather an extreme way to have cleared out all the overgrown shrubbery that was frustrating you.  ;) But now you have the chance put in some low maintence landscaping that will cut your yard work time to a manageable size.

Hopefully the carport is still structurally sound, if so it will be a huge help to you for providing some shade and shelter.
Abnorm, Yes.. special ordered that double slider so I could see out both sides. Didn't even think about cutting a new window which would have been cheaper. 

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts on a very strange day ... so glad I'm a vandweller and can go back to that without trauma. My neighbors, some of them, are not so prepared to be flexible about housing, but I've not heard anyone say they won't go back to Happy Camp.
Maki, a FEMA home would do well for me right now. Lol... I can just imagine Happy Camp with 150 matching FEMA trailers... sure changes everything. Maybe Happy Camp was ready for a change. Clear out the old and bring in the new.
New method of downsizing, TA? I am trusting the Lord to reimburse your losses threefold. Am praying without ceasing for you and your family.

Can you transfer any of the boxes of books to the cargo trailer, so you will have more room to sleep in your van?
She still has the option of moving boxes of things not needed for van life into a rented storage space until her situation gets sorted out.
Right. No more pesky weeds to mow, easy downsizing decisions... fast way to get rid of my paper filing problems.. and I'll never have to worry about renovating that old mobile home I didn't feel capable of renovating anyway. Took care of a lot of problems for me. Everything I own fits into my rig now. I just have to organize it better.

Researching the FEMA trailers on YouTube led me to this interesting video.


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