The grand daughter's boy friend gifted me a Rigid brad nailer and drill with 2 4ah batteries for Christmas.L'm thinking seriously about buying a framing nailer that the batteries will fit.Would be a big help on my trailer remodel.
The HOWA caravans organize thru the meetup app, there are several. Also some people are using camp together app to connect.I am looking to join up with a group for the RTR. I am hoping for group that is security conscious, and there will will be someone watching. I am a filmmaker and am hoping to do some interviews while there. I am interested in in talking to people who have chosen the nomadic lifestyle by choice.
Well malamute, it’s one thing to put yourself out their kinda knowing who’s running the forum and such. It isn’t the “new format” that’s uneasy for myself. It’s the not knowing who is purchasing this and what for besides profits. So give it time and maybe we’ll see what comes of this. Your quick to jump on people with concerns. Hey, we live in a weird time. Best to cut people some slack! I think it’s the word “corporation” that might get people a little nervous. Good luck to Mr Wells... and I hope he can enjoy a little slower pace.
It is kind of like owning stocks, you can say they are earning money so what is the difference, who owns the company and what it does and that is fine however some people like to know what they invest in, for different reason sometimes, ethical,environmental, political.My apologies if I came across as jumping on anyone, its not my intent, Im genuinely curious what it is people feel is the issue with the change. Again, exactly who owns the forum, how does that change any of the past posts or content? If the forum remains basically the same as to members and direction and focus of the forum, what difference does it make exactly who owns it? Im just not sure what anyone could do with the content that is detrimental to the original posters, and am asking what the concerns are. Some of the comments have left me a bit baffled. Not much clarification has come forward after asking the whys etc.
Its a publicly accessible forum, whatever people post, anyone in the world can see and access the posts. What difference does the name on the ownership papers make? Inquiring minds want to know.
Forget the framing nailer...............Just use the drill/driver with some Torx head "deck" screws for reliable fasteningThe grand daughter's boy friend gifted me a Rigid brad nailer and drill with 2 4ah batteries for Christmas.L'm thinking seriously about buying a framing nailer that the batteries will fit.Would be a big help on my trailer remodel.
When I started my van build from an empty shell, I was ignorant about a lot of things, certainly about what to hold structures together with. So I wasted a lot of time with wrong tools and techniques. Then a helper at the hardware store turned me onto these:Forget the framing nailer...............Just use the drill/driver with some Torx head "deck" screws for reliable fastening
I’m going to give the new site and new owners some time.
If it doesn’t feel right, I will know it is time to go.
I am not seeing a large, animated ad. May be an ad blocker that can be activated to prevent seeing that?
I do feel Bob is a person with a well-established record of conscience and integrity, and that we should give him some initial benefit of the doubt in his hand-off decision.