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Although those are different sort of bikes, the thrill is still there. Which reminds me, about 1990, I was in the Moab area and there is a nice trail trail that we walked along at the top of Poison Spider Mesa. Some mountain bikers apparently went over the 400' drop there. Amazingly,  I remember this particular part of the hike. Woof.

If you "never" get to Moab, well, it'll be too darn bad.
travelaround said:
@Maki - hope that router situation gets resolved soon. Sounds like the man has serious problems. That was so immature of him to retaliate over a refrigerator that belongs to you.
The newest ondlaught of the son's problems relate to coming to grips that his father is like the tale of the ant and the grasshopper very much a grass hopper of the  higest order.  My mate is what he is and I am also a grasshopper.
I had to go look up the story of the ant and the grasshopper! I guess I don't get the comparison. Someone please explain to me! I hope you get a better internet connection soon, Maki...

There's a man here in town who wants land to use for a micro farm and I'm going to show him my 1/4 acre backyard on Monday. I hope this goes well. My daughter and her husband will be here too since they have an interest in what happens on this property... they're both into homesteading, and part of the backyard needs to be reserved for their 35' bus that they used to live in. The bus is still in North Idaho at this time.
Qxxx said:
Although those are different sort of bikes, the thrill is still there. Which reminds me, about 1990, I was in the Moab area and there is a nice trail trail that we walked along at the top of Poison Spider Mesa. Some mountain bikers apparently went over the 400' drop there. Amazingly,  I remember this particular part of the hike. Woof.

If you "never" get to Moab, well, it'll be too darn bad.
Utah looks amazing. It is really the main State I want to check out first and for some time. I figured since I am getting out later than I wanted, Utah would be spending most of September before moseying down to Nevada or AZ for winter...

Someone on here was talking about spending a month in each state.. I think that is a great idea... I would love to hear this persons plans in more detail and follow the progress. Any of you recall who that was?

I think I could spend a month in Utah easily!
Southern Utah is not to be missed. 6 National Parks I believe, plus I thought of Moab as my second home when I was living in Front Range Colorado. Here is another good one for you. You just have to learn to hold yer breath.

I came to southern Utah for a weekend 15 years ago! Still haven’t seen everything I want to. Lol!!! Lake Powell has more coastline than California with almost no inhabitants in the winter months, crazy cool.
This looks like fun.


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 AHA!! Thank you!

 This is testing that, and adding to the utah discussion. I want to go here ^^. With the dog, and the bike and sidecar rig.
Sofi previously: "I times of hardship and need, the grasshopper has nothing to fall back on. The ant has stores of supplies... ".

Well, that's too bad. I prefer the parable of the Shoe from Snowpiercer.
Sofisintown said:
That film was gross. Just like real life.
I sure hope you didn't see the movie, Sofi. Be a shoe, know yer place. Not all parables are for children. Oh my. I'd rather be a tortoise than a hare.

Best single scene in the movie, the school (hooray for Allison Pill).
Tiring day but it wont be over for a lot more hours. My workshopmate with his son help moved some heavy items close to the garage door so I can take photos and list them for sale. My mate is going to let his son and his girlfried live on his boat for now so they can get more work done without their dog barking everytime I take a step, dog is hypersensitive to noise which of course is not my fault. My mate says he is going to do some couch surfing on the boat that shares the dock with his boat. The owners are in Mexico and wont be back for a while. So finally things have hopefully calmed down now that his son is in a couple of days going to be staying in his "real" childhood home which is the boat.

I am supposed to be on the road in 2 weeks. That would be nice but seems a bit far fetched if i dont get help. Which I suspect wont happen very often as my mate has some work for customers to get done as a first priority.

Son has also agreed to help his dad sort through his belongings so my mate can also move out this summer. That is going to be a truly mega undertaking. It will keep them busy for months.

Now my back is rested so I will get back to it. Battery hold downs up next, they have been fabricated I just need to put in the fasteners.
desert_sailing said:

Mountain scene of Long Long Trailer.

Hilarious.. I think I will stay away from too many mountain tops.

I LOOOOVE this movie!
maki2 said:
I am supposed to be on the road in 2 weeks.

That's so awesome the time is coming soon when you can go on your journey and get away from the mundane world for a while in your pretty red rig. I'm glad the situation is easing now.