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Errands today: bank, post office, store... checked on my property. There a family living near my property in a shed and a tent, and I guess in their car. Sad... their mobile home burned in the fire too. This fire recovery is very difficult for some of the people... some more than others. They probably don't have a lot of options right now.
Good day in S ga. 65 and breezy.Techs came this morning and hooked my wifi and Directv up.I hope the power co will get me hooked up next week.Running the genny for wifi and tv right now.A couple of good ball games on tomorrow.Ga/Fl and Mi/Mi state.Quiet and peaceful here.19 acres,20 miles from town.No close neighbors.Life is good.
RV Guy didn't return my last two phone calls. I'm feeling discouraged about the van build. This week has been too rainy anyhow. We had a heavy rainstorm starting at 3 am this morning with lots of loud lightning. It woke up the whole town.
There is hope for me to win the solar set up challenge. Haha. Never have I wanted to lose a race as bad as this. Travel around... you need it worse then me.
Guess I missed something... I just hope nothing I ever say sparks anything.
Gypsy108, thanks for that. I’m working on that stuff. I appreciate your input. It’s when people comment like you I can even grasp things that seem so simple but can go right by me when I’m researching.
I made the trek to Utah and got to see grandkids enjoying Halloween. Took care of some business and I just love seeing different country. Time is growing short... but the puzzle is coming together as far as my plans to get out there.
Got my Covid booster shot. Going to town tomorrow for a yearly checkup and flu shot. Weather is 60's high temps and haven't had any freezing yet here at 4,000 feet elevation in southern Utah.
Frost on the windshield this morning, south of Seattle. Was a beautiful clear day today. Tonight the wind is picking up, and more rain is supposed to be coming.

I'm here near Klickitat WA until the 12th, then will begin to wend my way south via Santa Cruz and Georgetown CA.
jacqueg said:
 and Georgetown CA.

oooh! That's the jumping off point for the Jeepers Jamboree and doing the Rubicon to Lake Tahoe. It just up the hill from Cool, California.
I’m held up at my friends house in Bethel PA. 10 days in the hospital and now two days here I see the doctor again on Tuesday morning. A pretty bad leg infection caused all this. And being diabetic I have to be very careful that stuff. Just wanted to say I’m still alive I’m still out there. Just a little discouraging to realize that is since I’ve been full-time in for 17 months I spent 100 days in the hospital. Could’ve bought a brand new van for all that money spent. now I’m in debt for the rest of my life. Oh joy! God bless all the nomads.
^^^That is over a year not in the hospital with several weeks in Florida getting some really beautiful photos I believe. There are lots of things in life you can't put a price on or begin to pay for, just do your best to stay healthy, enjoy every day and continue to spread the happiness you find with others. That is more than enough payment to the people around you that matter.
Glad to hear you're still "out there" Nature Lover and I hope you heal quickly and can get back on the road. Don't worry about the debt.
gizmotron said:
oooh! That's the jumping off point for the Jeepers Jamboree and doing the Rubicon to Lake Tahoe. It just up the hill from Cool, California.

Yup, that's where it is. My daughter lives up Wentworth Springs Road. I was there once during the run-up to the Rubicon. Never saw so many tricked-out jeeps in my life. In fact, some were barely recognizable as jeeps! Otherwise it's pretty quiet (read: dead) there. Very pretty though.
Travelaround your van build guy is not treating you the way a paying customer should be treated. Very frustrating.

So just a suggestion to consider... for a message, if you can leave one by phone or email, express you are having some " discomfort" about the progress of materials acquistion time delas and delay of staring the work.

Discomfort is a useful word that is non threatening and not overtly expressing anger but still gets the point across while using a very low key level of confrontation regarding your emotional feelings.

Your real goal in the conversation could be to initiate receiving a brief, but weekly update on the progress of the project. That will certainly lower your stress level. Hopefullythe weekly updates will quickly begin including an actual timeline when work can begin.

Establishing that there needs to be regular updates could be most of what it will take to keep your project from constantly getting pushed aside for other work.

Gentle but firm, that is already part of your existing people skills : )

It is so much more pleasant to have them update you regularly than having to call or write them for updates.
Haha... watch Maki, she will use your advice and he’ll think. Hmmm, I’ll just send her some preparation H! Hahaha. I know, I know, I need to get out more!
Utah to Minnesota in two days... left yesterday morning and got home around 2pm. Toss in a flat tire in Miles City MT and a bit of cold... ? 9Pm and the only hope was the pilot station. They came through! I got a plug kit! Cheap as it was it worked. Pushing that plug in a ten ply tire was all I could do to muster and took only two tries. Not sure the tool would have held up to a third. Of course, my hands are now screaming at me... why did you do that! I’m like, I don’t know... didn’t feel like sitting in Montana freezing to death. Haha. First flat on the road in roughly 400,000 miles. I’ll have a more permanent repair done tomorrow. Didn’t like the spare tire option... to me that was a last resort on my truck. Another challenge for my hands. I did get a message I could be getting relief before I leave south.
Nature Lover... that is incredible. Your perseverance and desire to stick to your plan is amazing. Once you give in and let the state take over your care it may be a bit harder to escape next time. God bless the nomad Nature Lover! Good job taking care of yourself... that diabetes is a terrible deal. My oldest cousin didn’t take care of himself and had to have both legs removed. I have a pun, but I have better taste and will leave that alone.
I think the hardest thing last night was seeing how fast my water in the back of the truck was freezing. Yikes! It is November... but just the thought that there are people basking in the sun laughing at me. Haha! One more week, and to my benefit... milder weather! I gotta say... we live in a beautiful country. I love the diverse areas... mountains, forests deserts and plains... and a good Dairy Queen!
I am just enjoying my nomad life. Looking out miles away to mounyains or horizons. There are other nomadsin the area but I have plenty of vista areas with no structures or vehicles in view. Weather is just right, mid 70s for a high and cool at. Night buyt not  all that cold. No need for a heater.

Yesterday the Pahrump caravan participants who were still in the area  received a very generous gift  from a local business that was presented  to us by  the HOWA staff.  I won't be with the caravans this next 14 day stay as the closest  post office is too far of a drive from the caravans. My customers getting orders in a timely manner has to take priority over socializing.  There is plenty of dispersed BLM camping that works better for me so no problem finding places to stay.  Plus it is still a bit warmer to the south of Pahrump than I prefer.  But one morning  I will wake up and decide it is time to head south with other snow birds.

I am looking forward to seeing the friends I made last winter in Quartzsite, many of them are members of this forum. Plus of course there is also going to be an RTR and a WRTR.
Enen in my 70s I continue to find it amazing just how significant the fixation on their buttocks and bowel movements the males of the human species can be. It starts in infancy with a fascination of the contents of their diapers. Then accelerates with potty training and reaches a peak in elementary school. Then for some forever after becomes the literal butt of many adult male jokes.

Somehow the majority of the female humans seem to have avoided that arrested infantile stage of development.
maki2 said:
 It starts in infancy with a fascination of the contents of their diapers. 

That's why men were the first astronauts. They wanted to go where no other man had gone before.
gizmotron said:
That's why men were the first astronauts. They wanted to go where no other man had gone before.
But monkeys, dogs, cats, rats, mice and even fruit flies went to space first
maki2 said:
But monkeys, dogs, cats, rats, mice and even fruit flies went to space first

Some say "do the math."

So men are lower on the scale than "monkeys, dogs, cats, rats, mice and even fruit flies?"