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Cammalu said:
Yep [emoji3][emoji3][emoji3]

Don’t like Halloween??
Oh, Halloween is a fun time. We do up the community center for the kids big time here. Dentists do very well after we get done handing out the treats.                                                                                            Nature Lover... hopefully you’ll be back out loving nature soon.
I imagine there wll be a Halloween night bonfire at one of the HOWA caravans that are nearby. The campfires start pretty early, usually between 5 and 5:30 pm.

Speaking of treats that are easy to make on the road, sprinkling pumpkin pie spice into apple cider or juice makes a yummy spiced cider. I do not care for the packets of instant cider, they just dont taste right to me. Apple pie spice is another similar spice that works for hot cider.

The wind storm is pretty much over this evening but now some rain has arrived. So far it is not heavy rain. It sure knocked down all the blowing dust. The rain has dropped the temperature down to 40 degrees for tonight but very nice weather ahead in the 5 day forecast.

I am waiting on some mail and an Amazon order to arrive so I am hanging around Pahrump for a while longer.
I've been sprinkling pumpkin spice on my coffee for the last week... I bought it in the spice section of the local market. Just a little something to brighten my day. Now excuse me, I have to go back to reading a juvenile CAT book and will occasionally daydream about solar panels. (right Ben?)
maki2 said:
I do not know how many in the caravan as I have not done a count. Plus people come and go, some were people who are motbfull time and jst came out for a few days of social time. Some stopped by on their way to other destinations. There are some women who were in the women only caravan but that location was too cold and windy so apparently some of them haved moved to this mixed gender group. But Ibthink they have decided to move that group over close by to this group so that is in flux right now. That was precipitated by a major wind storm which will generate around 53 mph gust this Monday, (Columbus Day) afternoon. So between 25 to 30 or so vehicles at a guess? It is earlly in the season so that seems about the right kind of numbers. I do not know whatbthe count is for the mens caravan or the womens. But I suspect it is more of a merging into one location happening as there locations were rather still too cold as well as much  windier.
I was not out and about a lot today, just going out for a few breaks from work now and then. A nice mix of work plus some play breaks. That feels like a very good balance for my head right now. Not too much of one thing or the other. Better than too much reading or internet time.

As to how many new to the life versus people who have been on the road for a while. I suspect it  is a pretty even spllit. I know Imhave been able to help out some new to the road persons with this, that and.the other issues. 

I think the main thing to realize about this caravan is you are the person on cvontrol of how you spend your time. You can spend most of the day socializing or none of the day doing that.  No one is pushing on anyone but you will be made to feel that you are welcome. Some people are parked way out in the distance, others are parked close by. I am parked very close to someone else by invitation. But as I am in a lower clearance rig I do not have a lot of choice as this area was the only entrance off the main road into the camping section  where in not going to bottom out. But I do not mind being that close at the moment. Sometimes for sure that close of neighbors might well bug me. Maybe this fall I am just  more of a Chameleon and finding it easy to adapt my  to my surroundings.

Of course being shallow about such things it really  does not matter to me if you would love it or hate it or fall somewhere in between. I am just being open to new experiences and not prejudging things without checking them out. After just a few days I can't even begin to fully understand the "culture" of the tribe or if there even is such a thing as a tribe with a culture of iits own.

travelaround said:
I've been sprinkling pumpkin spice on my coffee for the last week... I bought it in the spice section of the local market. Just a little something to brighten my day. Now excuse me, I have to go back to reading a juvenile CAT book and will occasionally daydream about solar panels. (right Ben?)
I tried to just leave the last little bit and reply and it still posted the whole dang post... and then without my reply... so for this I apologize.
i replied that I just woke up dreaming about solar panels as we have a couple days of rain heading here... and not sure how much sun I will have to tip off the batteries...
And said Good Morning to Maki2 also... I was up at 4am central time and got busy. Then crashes for a bit. So I have my second morning in the works. Haha.
I hope everyone weathers their storms well... sorry for my weird last post. The Quote from maki2... I have no idea where that came from. Sometimes our devices do weird things.
Anyways, I helped a group of guys last night prep a room for a contractor to come in and do his thing. A friend ended up in the hospital with thing I’m not supposed to mention and was supposed to have had this done. I did the best I could to help. And now feeling it big time today. The good news is said friend was able to come home yesterday from the hospital. May not be a very productive day today. But sometimes that’s ok...
NctryBen some days the most productive thing we need to do is stay home only getting out of bed or off the couch for calls of nature and trips to get food and beverages.
That’ll be my day today... happy with getting done what I did yesterday, two days of rain now. Coffee at neighbor Joan’s... I’ll skip fire training tonight. I’ll stay home and practice retirement from it. Haha. But yes, rest... I’ll try...
You have my permission to have a very lazy day today.

I do not have my permission for such a day. I want to make use of the solar power and be productive with income generating activities. But fortunately I am not a slave driver, I work at a comfortable pace and take breaks. However the sun is shining, my battery is topped up so it is time to get busy. But the work is such that I will get a lot of audio book time today. I just pause the player when I have moments of complex thinking to do. There are not many of those moments going to happen today!
like a gypsy, my mind wanders…. stuck in ruts for most of my life…….. hating discipline, my mind has wandered like a wild horse…. unable to tame…. wearing out now, searching for peace ….a release…..a transformation…. like a butterfly…..dancing in the wind….. drunk on wildflowers until the end………
Its official, the HOWA caravans are heading south into Arizona next week. They will be within a 1.5 hour drive of Parker. The exact coordinates and localized written driving directions do not get realeased until Tuesday on the website.

I am heading south anyway stopping over in Lake Havasu city area. Could be a caravan near there but I will be going that way a few days before they head south. Have some supplies to buy at Lowes and Home Depot for working on my build and need to also stop off in Henderson NV on the way to visit Office Max and Joann Crafts and possibly Michaels or an art supply store for business supply stuff. Easier to do my shopping on the way than make a trip fom Quartzsite into Phoenix. Driving Interstate 10 is very nerve racking. Insane drivers on that stretch.
That it does travelaround...
Wow maki2... the migration begins...
You’ll be proud... I didn’t accomplish a dang thing yesterday.
Today I run up to Ely MN and pick up a couple canoes. Road trip in pouring rain... I’ve been using a friends trailer hauling boats and have an opportunity to get it to my daughters by the Utah/ Idaho border. Then when I’m out that way I can drop my little enclosed trailer and run it up to him north of Spokane.
I had crappy news yesterday as I was rejected to be seen at Mayo in MN. I’m a horrible communicator and after a nice letter from my dr explaining things I didn’t come across urgent enough to them. If they’d have contacted me yesterday it would have been different. Even this morning things aren’t the best. But yesterday I had to not miss my inhaler at all. My chest gets very uncomfortable and hard to breath. So like don’t shop hungry, don’t interview for Mayo Clinic when your having a rare good day. Haha!
But I’m moving forward, and I’m going to Arizona the week after next towards the end of that week. Coming fast! (If I don’t end up with an appointment)... cortisone shots in my wrists should be the ticket for now. Amazing stuff! (When it works).
Crazy wet day ahead... good day for a drive up to canoe country. And see my good friends up there. Then maybe tonight get down to southern MN and head west in the morning. My goal would be to see grandkids Saturday night all costumed up. That would give me all of Sunday to rest.
Ben…shortness of breath is an emergency, I’d see your doctor or go to URGENT,care… they can prescribe ADVAIR 500 or something similar, to take besides the albuterol inhaler…. It will make breathing easier….eventually cortisone weakens the bones (makes them brittle)…..
Not much work done yesterday. Iin the afternoon I volunteered to do a rescue fix, answering a call for help posted on the Facebook page "Nomads Helping Nomads". It was a woman in a van parked a short distance from my camp. An issue with her rear doors, the drivers side latch broke. She watched a youtube viideo where a guy used a croew bar to remove the latch handle. What a fool, that video needs to be taken down.. He does not have enough experience with fasteners to recognize what he was looking at. Not enough to recognize those there are 4 threaded press studs at the corners of the cover plate and that the nuts are installed on the inside of the door. The surface on the heads of the threaded press studs is flat and smooth, no indents in it. Not immediately recognizable as a threaded fastener the way bolts and screws are unless you can see the other end of it.

But removing the door panel was tricky, her rear kitchen setup only left a three inch clearance between it and the doors. I travel with quite a few stoolsmall specialty tools and one of them is a small offset screw driver that holds driver tips securely. With that tool I was able to remove the screws that went through wood trims on the door panel and into the metal inside of the door.

So problem fixed and made two new women friends.
I deleted several posts. Some of them had to be deleted because they would not have made sense without the others. Please be kind to each other and remember Bob's Rules of the Forum especially these two:

3) Don’t judge other member’s posts or opinions. It’s perfectly fine to disagree or offer a counter point of view, but never in a negative way. An attitude of “I’m right and know more than you!” creates an unacceptable negative atmosphere. I’ve had people tell me they were afraid to post here because they were afraid someone would mock or belittle them. Any posts like that will be deleted.

4) Don’t be a know-it-all or dismissive of others. We’re family and we’re here to help and support each other. So before you hit the “Send” button, ask yourself if what you are writing is helpful and supportive or is it to make you feel better about yourself. Are you just trying to prove you’re smarter than everyone else and you’re right and their wrong? That turns into fighting and bickering over nothing and that makes this an unpleasant place for people who come here in need.
Nice day here, sunshine and in the 70s. I will spend part of it sorting, cleaning to get ready to travel to Lake Havasu in a couple of days. It will be nice to go for some walks along the Lake Shore.

Lake Havasu city has Lowes, Home Depot and a Harbor Freight. My kind of town...
Errands today: bank, post office, store... checked on my property. There a family living near my property in a shed and a tent, and I guess in their car. Sad... their mobile home burned in the fire too. This fire recovery is very difficult for some of the people... some more than others. They probably don't have a lot of options right now.

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