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The remnants of the Pacific tropical storm Nora have arrived and periods of heavy rain from thunderstorm clouds passing through are predicted on through 5:00 am Thursday. As high wind is not predicted I just put up the rain/wind panels on my popup screen room. Nothing in there at present that water will harm but tomorrow I might need to move the generator into there so I can run it to top up the battery in my trailer.

I just lowered the popup top on my trailer, secured it down to compress the perimeter bulb seal
on the popup roof section and then lowered the nose jack a a few inches so that the water runs forward off the roof quickly.

Good night for making some hot cocoa to go with my good mystery book while I stay cozied up in my little snuggery and listen to the rain on the roof. Maybe a couple of pancakes as a treat to go with the cocoa. The cooking heat will warm up the trailer. I have not had cocoa and pancakes for a late night snack since early March !
The fire is currently being held back at Independence Creek about 13 miles downriver. They've been hitting it with fire retardant drops and water, and putting out spot fires except one that got away from them and spread at Norcross Campground area 12 miles south of our town. There's been fire down there several times before in the last 20 years. Hopefully their efforts will be successful and our town will be spared another devastating forest fire. Meanwhile I'm still packing things into my van as energy allows.
Travelaround I have forgotten what you have done with your cargo trailer. Is the plan to still take it on the road with you?

No heavy rain yet fro the remnants of tropical storm Nora. Just some intermittent showers. But enough sun breaks spo far that my bayyery level is showing 100% at 14.5 volts. So no need so far to run a generator. I am not dping any cutting work today., only a short amount iof the of running a small inverter to print out some sets of instructions and shipping labels. Then I will head to the post office to mail put the orders.

It looks like the weekend will. Be pretty nice weatherwise. I had best grab a new campsite on Thursday before the holiday campers get to them. Maybe Walnut Canyon as no shooting is allowed there and not as many OHVs as there are near Williams.
Hard times coming?According to the latest survey by the Retirement Institute only 20% of Americans have more than $500,000.00 put aside for retirement.Another 25 % have $250,000.00.Over 1/3 of Americans over 60 have no savings at all.This is going to be tough on some folks.
"Over 1/3 of Americans over 60 have no savings at all.This is going to be tough on some folks."

It will be tougher on those trying to maintain a sticks & bricks residence on SS alone. If I sell the house and live in my vehicle when I retire, I should be able to save half of each's months SS check for my emergency fund. Plus I will be able to enjoy nature and travel instead of vegitating in front of a tv.
Sounds like a plan,Jan.Anybody betting the games this weekend?I've got Ga beating Clemson and Miami beating the spread against Al.
Far too busy doing nothing of import... and haven't watched much sport since they all became so political.. just not as fun anymore..
College teams far more fun than the pros.... had a good buddy during school that went to the niners after graduation... the pros ate him up... he was a better player while in school.

On another note... why do nearly all second hand stores have the same off odor??
I found a great carpet/liner from the back of a SUV brand new and it's perfect for my cabover cubby space from the local habitat store

Today when I opened the rig up my whole space reeks of 2nd hand store... I guess I need to soap this mat down... I just don't understand why those stores all smell the same..:/
Hello again. So far the main McCash fire is held off by a dozer line fire break 13 miles south of here but the one spot fire that got away from them is expanding, and it is about 10-12 miles away at Norcross Campground. Anyhow - probably today there will be no evacuation order, we're still dealing with just a warning.

The cargo trailer - my landlord rescued it for me yesterday. When I moved into this RV space I had them put the TT right in front of the CT so nobody could hook up to the CT . . . I cannot move the TT as it doesn't belong to me and the tribe put a big lock on it. So the landlord used his truck and a comealong and straps to drag the CT sideways enough that he could hook up to it and pull it out of that space. It is now in my neighbor's RV space - they already took their toy hauler and left town with it because of the fire evacuation warning.

Maki, my CT has not lived up to expectations. I wanted it for an art studio. Instead, because of all the craziness associated with my life the last year, it is stuffed with stuff of various types. To alleviate this situation I need a house or big shed or something over on my property to put stuff into, to free up the travel trailer to really be my art studio. Not sure when that will ever happen.

Talked to the RV guy yesterday and today by phone - he and his wife have been sick - I wasn't surprised - and also the original guy who was going to do the conversion last June (but backed out due to staffing difficulties) got the Covid that's going around... it is at epidemic high levels here and just north of us in Southern Oregon. He nearly died and is only about 42 y.o. and his wife was sick too. Nice guy and I was so happy to hear today he's now expecting to live through this after having double pneumonia and hospital stays. FYI - the area I live in has a lot of anti-vaxers, which may account for the uptick in Covid cases right now.

Because of the high incidence of Covid out there in civilization I'm thinking of not leaving town if the fire comes here. I might just go over to my already-burned property and try to keep our vehicles safe there with the garden hose in case the fire comes near that neighborhood again. A lot of what was really easily flammable in that neighborhood has already been burned off as of 12 months ago.

And that's about it for an update on my life today. I'm packing still, moving things out, and planning to take a nap soon.
Travelaround living in a fire zone and having a large book collection at your age and in your physical collection just does not work out well. It makes evacuation too physically demanding to pack up and move all those books. You would need to have a fire proof vault room on your land in order keep the books safe. The cost of building one would only be justified for a collection of valuable rare books.
Back to very pleasant weather, mostly sunny, warm but not hot. No wildfires around in Northern Arixzona since early July as there has been a decent amount of rainfall. It was quite humid this morning as there was cloud cover until about 10am. Pleasant breezes today an, no strong winds predicted this coming week. Normal monsoon weather pattern now, some chance of rain in the afternoons but clearing up before night until the next afterrnoon.

I hope I will be focused enough this holiday weekend to spend a lot of time in camp and get some projects done. One boring job that I do not like doing is washing off and then renewing the repositionable adhesive on the flexible, plastic, cutting mats that secure the cardstock paper while the vinyl vcutter turns it into little tiny ready to assemble flat-pack buildings. I used to be able to buy those mats in the dollar stores but have not found them here in Northern AZ dollar stores. I suppose I could order them online at the store website and get them delivered to one of the stores in Flagstaff or Williams. I did find some at the tent area shops in Quartzsite but would rather get some more before I head back there in November. The supply was of course impacted this year and last year with the slowdown in overseas shipping.
maki2 said:
The supply was of course impacted this year 
Finally today after 2 months of looking in area, I finally found the 3m 90 spray adhesive. 16.99 a can. Found it at the tiny Ace hardware. That depot place and the megamart still zilch.

I'm really hoping to get by with the 2 cans I picked up. 3 is probably what I need but wow 17 bux is crazy. 
Given the  scarcity of this stuff I should have bought a case.. be worth gold soon if the supply continues to lag.
Spent the day at the University of Minnesota clinic. Saw a specialist... totally ruling everything out. Only thing they can come up with is post covid type symptoms. I’ve had it multiple times and test negative now, but this post crap is worse then the covid for me. Had a horrible day... But my sister got the privilege of seeing how bad I get. Sounds like I just have to go park in the desert and give it time. I may go yet to the Mayo here in Minnesota... this is just to bizarre! Kinda hoping not to kick the bucket so I’ll keep trying... Man, right when I’m getting my camper and everything together to head out.
Today I was at my property and discovered a new invasive toxic weed there called Buffalo Bur. My daughter and I removed it. Then we discovered it is new to our area since the fire, and we're supposed to take it to the ranger district botanist for destruction.

They got the water sprinkler working there on the property and did some weed cutting, in preparation for the fire, in case it comes to our neighborhood again.

I helped for a while, then went around the property with my phone and used an app called Picture This to identify the plants there. We have a wisteria, cherry tree still viable, a big peony bush, and a redbud tree that's dead from the fire but sending up new growth from the roots. Much more of course... I'll have to go back and identify more. There are a couple of Siberian Elm trees.
Time for some silly....or not depending if quilting is one of your hobbies or passions, which would be Camilla among others in this forum. Not sure why I took the time to see what the fasion trends for 2021 were as I certainly dont dress trendy. But once upon a time I did enjoy making clothes including costumes and buying cute outfits to wear for social events

The fall fashion trend from Vogue is taking quilting size squares of fabrics and turning them into garmets of many types.
Here is a link to a image display of that fall 2021 fashion show. A finge
slide your finger to change the images.

Talk about anything right? Designer fashion extremes are always good for a giggle and a "what the heck is attractive about that look????" Or of course some inspiration for making a more attractive version of your own.
Jeez, sometimes I think what they do is try to make the ugliest garment ever and call it high fashion. Who would wear those anyway?
I just love to see these high fashion people when they visit Lancaster County PA. As a member of the Board of Directors of our visitors bureau I was “treated“ to such visitors. And they think we Amish dress funny. Yeah right.
I think maybe that fashion show look is a tounge in cheek political statement. The fashion industry can't be having a good season, this year or last. No big gala events going on, no Broadway plays, concerts, charity benefits, no travel, etc. Having to wear clothes made out of scraps of old ones as you can't afford to buy new clothes?

The phrase is "all dressed up and nowhere to go". But this last go around there is no point in dressing up as there really is no where to go for anyone including to work.