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Well, sounds like their experiment didn't work too well with the 400 watt turbine because you need constant winds of at least 23 mph. Jim mentioned in the second video that a 1,600 watt turbine would generate at lower wind speeds. I don't understand that, I'll look it up later. Or start a thread somewhere and ask Jim straight up. lol

edit: Here's an existing thread.

I never even once saw Jimindenver take out and set up his wind generator this past winter in Quartzsite. But maybe he did to play with it or demonstrate it.

I text with Jim most days. If you want I can ask him if he wants to drop into this thread to talk about the wind generator. He is working full time doing solar design consulting.
There are some new designs in generators for stationary multidirectional generators for hydroponic gardens that look interesting but probably way to large for most nomads. The old propeller style are not as efficient and very loud when running, something most buyers don't consider.
Only a slight chance of thunderstorms today. Tuesday thru Tursday is supposed to be sunny with a high of 85 predicted. That lowers my stress levels for staying at this campsite long enough to get to my dental appointment on Thursday.  I really would like to take a a day trip drive south  to the Sedona area without towing my trailer along. I want to check out various camping places I have read about and get a look at what the route is like. I have visited Sedona before but that was in 2001 heading to there from Phoenix and I was a passenger so more focused on the scenery than the road. Maybe I will do that on Wednesday or maybe not until the next break in the rainy season.
maki2 said:
I never even once saw Jimindenver take out and set up his wind generator this past winter in Quartzsite. But maybe he did to play with it or demonstrate it.

I text with Jim most days. If you want I can ask him if he wants  to drop into this thread to talk about the wind generator. He is working full time doing  solar design consulting.

Sure.  I resurrected the existing thread about wind power from June and asked the question there too.  Thanks!
Rough night with my bad tooth flaring up. Good thing I travel with a very small supply of stronger than Tylenol pain meds. This is the second time this year I have had to take one to be able to sleep.. Last time was for dehydration bladder pain. Fortunately the tooth pain has calmed down this morning to a consnt but not screaming ache. I will call the dentist and ask to be on the list to fit into a cancellation. Thursday's appointment time for the extraction is going to feel like it is weeks away instead of just a couple of days. I  have put myself on sick leave, no build task, no excursions for supplies, no sight seeing drives. Just reading, a few videos and lots of napping. Too bad, the weather is finally lovely, no rain , perfect for outdoor activity. But I have no energy for activity.
^^ Is it something that clove oil might help? Works wonders for tooth pain.

There is nothing worse than tooth pain. We were engineered badly. Should have left the nerves out and made
our teeth out of something like stone or at least able to regenerate.
I hope they get you in early Maki …tooth abscess infections get into your bloodstream & make you sick … probably why your so tired too…
Dont worry, I am taking antibiotics. I do not feel sick. I just need to get that tooth pulled so this is done and over with. I nap as a way of avoiding having to deal with the pain and taking too much pain medication.  That is deliberate. Avoiding coffee so I can nap more. :)

I have had a numbrt of surgeries over the years. On the week after surgeries, especially the eye surgeries where it means a lot less discomfort, sleeping as much of that time as possible is good for both healing and for pain nanagement. This is a technique I learned quite a few yeats ago. My napping is deliberate.
We've got a thunderstorm coming in over the Hwy 2 corridor to the north end of Wenatchee. Lots of lightning, a couple strikes seen. Brush units dispatched. It's so smoky and so hot. :(
I don't know how they have any more fire trucks and stuff to send out. Oh man.

Also, we're about to get our own thunderstorm, it's headed right at us.
Contrary to popular believe, Nature lover is still alive. I got my new prosthetic shoes today. (Only $800, thank God for Medicare my co-pay was big enough. They do help me keep my balance, I am thankful. Returning to the hills of Perry County, PA from Lancaster County,PA where I got my shoes, I ran into a three hour traffic jam. I survived it. Then here at my cousins cabin I fell when stepping in a small hole apparently made by my van wheel. I am hoping that it’s just “stoved” them but my elbow and my thumb on the left arm hurt. Tylenol tonight and hopefully no doctor in sight. I am planning on staying a nomadic Van dweller even though I have the physical obstacles. Returning to the nursing home is not an option for me unless they Strap me down and carry me there.

Got down in the 50s last night in the mountains here and I had to get a blanket out. I am enjoying listening to a screech owl near the camp. Also enjoying crickets and katydids serenading. If I had known that “Katie did”. I would’ve dated her instead of her sister Susie. Susie didn’t. :);):)

God bless the nomads everyone of them no matter where they roam.
We got maybe 6 lightnings, none closer than a couple miles, and maybe 5 minutes of hard rain, which was nice.
Naturelover if you keep slipping on those banana peels but want to stay out camping in comfort it might be time to consider using a walking aid. Even a pair of hikers poles might help with preventing falls. Later on maybe a walking frame. No reason to quit van life when you can do a bit of adaptation to keep you upright on uneven terrain. If walking sticks are not enough then get a walking frame. Not any fun to do this but a vastly better alternative to a nursing home. Besides no one is going to see you using them when you are out there alone. J
Hello again - sorry to hear about tooth pain. I had that problem not too long ago. An extraction fixed everything.

Nature Lover - you and I need to be more careful. No more falling!

Nothing much new here. Work on the van will start when the RV guy receives the solar panels. I've ordered most of what I'll need for the electrical system. They liked the wood I brought them from Klamath Falls.

Fires - I saw the local sheriff posted that Tennant, a nice small town east of Weed, was evacuated, and the next day Cecilville was evacuated. Not good... I'm feeling so sad for the people living in those towns.
MAKI2 - I have been walking with a rolling walker for five years or more and when I go short distances I use two canes. That’s one of the reasons most people think I can’t do this on my own. I was using both the canes when I fell this time. the surprise of my foot twisting in that little hole put me down. My arm is getting a little better so I don’t think I’m going to go to the doctors at all.

And as tiny Tim would say. God bless the nomads each and everyone.
Well then just keep on going on Natue lover as long as you can. When the time comes to be off the road I hope you find  accommodation in an pleasant senior, assisted living facility rather than in your nightmare of a nursing home. Try to get that kind of a place out of your head as being the next step.

One of RVSue and Crews best buddies had to leave the road, of course he did not want to give up life on the road. It took a few tries to find the right place but he now seems to be content living in a facilty for Veterans. Not every facility is a horror story to live in even though some are.
Tooth is out. It came out with no issues. The dentist was upset with the person who returned my phone call on Monday and said no earlier appoints available. He did not bother to consult the doctor and notify her of my request for an earlier appointment due to a substatial increase over the weekend of pain and swelling. She now has a new in house policy that all such calls are refered to her. Lesson learned,  ask to speak directly with the doctor instead of just listening to minions. A lesson I should have learned by now as that almost cost me my life after a surgery years ago. I need to be more assertive with minions

The extraction was easy but I am now on a much stonger antibiotic to clear out the increased infection that was penicillian resistant. Fortunately it is not an expensive medication. All will be good if this new antibiotic works. If not then a different one will be tried. It would not be the first time I have had to go through 3 tries for a dental infection.

Still on self assigned sick leave for the rest of the day. I should be back at it on Saturday. Looking forward to getting back to working on finishing my build.
^^ I hope you feel better soon.

I had an issue with a minion today myself. Just wait til the boss hears about it. :/